Card 1
Q: What does AYP stand for?
A: Adequate Yearly Progress
Card 2
Q: What is Adequate Yearly Progress?
A: A provision in the NCLB Act that requires each state to implement an accountability system documenting how students are making expected academic progress (as defined by academic standards) each school year.
Card 3
Q: What does IFSP stand for?
A: Individualized Family Service Plan
Card 4
Q: What is an Individualized Family Service Plan?
A: The process and product that ensures every child with a disability between birth and 3 years old and his/her family receive needed services implemented in a natural environment.
Card 5
Q: What does IEP stand for?
A: Individualized Education Program/Plan
Card 6
Q: What is an Individualized Education Program/Plan?
A: The process and product that ensures every child with a disability between 3 and 21 years receives a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.
Card 7
Q: What does LRE stand for?
A: Least Restrictive Environment
Card 8
Q: What is the Least Restrictive Environment?
A: The educational mandate that, to the maximum extent possible, students with disabilities must be educated with their nondisabled peers. The IEP team MUST document whenever services need to be provided in a setting other than the regular education classroom and explain why.
Card 9
Q: What does FAPE stand for?
A: Free and Appropriate Public Education
Card 10
Q: What is Free and Appropriate Public Education?
A: The mandate that public schools must offer every child with a disability special education and related services at no additional cost to parents/guardians.
Card 11
Q: What does WAC stand for?
A: Washington Administrative Code
Card 12
Q: What is the Washington Administrative Code?
A: Rules adopted by state agencies that provide interpretive support for the laws contained in the RCW. WACs contain details of the laws.
Card 13
Q: What does ESY stand for?
A: Extended School Year
Card 14
Q: What is Extended School Year?
A: Services provided to students with disabilities beyond the regular school year, as determined by the IEP team each year.
Card 15
Q: What does PLOP stand for?
A: Present Levels of Performance
Card 16
Q: What is Present Levels of Performance?
A: A statement of where a child is currently performing in school.
Card 17
Q: What does RCW stand for?
A: Revised Code of Washington
Card 18
Q: What is the Revised Code of Washington?
A: A collection of laws adopted by the legislature in the state of Washington.
Card 19
Q: What does LEA stand for?
A: Local Education Agency
Card 20
Q: What is a Local Education Agency?
A: A public authority within a state that maintains control of schools. In Washington, LEAs are the same as School Districts and ESDs.
Card 21
Q: What does IDEA stand for?
A: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Card 22
Q: What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
A: A key U.S. Special Education law that gives rights and protections to children with disabilities from birth to age 21.
Card 23
Q: What does ESEA stand for?
A: Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Card 24
Q: What is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act?
A: A key U.S. General Education law that authorizes states to provide equal opportunity education to all. It became NCLB in 2002 and ESSA in 2015.
Card 25
Q: What does ESSA stand for?
A: Every Student Succeeds Act
Card 26
Q: What is the Every Student Succeeds Act?
A: A reauthorization of ESEA by President Obama, renamed ESSA. It requires all students to be taught to high academic standards and includes statewide assessments to measure student's progress toward those standards.
Card 27
Q: What does NCLB stand for?
A: No Child Left Behind Act
Card 28
Q: What is the No Child Left Behind Act?
A: The main law for K–12 general education in the U.S. from 2002 to 2015. It held schools accountable for student achievement and penalized schools that did not show improvement.