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Physics Unit 5: Energy and Momentum


  • momentum is dependent on mass and velocity (direction and magnitude)

  • also a vector quantity

  • law of conservation of momentum= when 2 or more bodies’ momentum are acting up on each other unless an outside force is applied

  • impulse= the amount of force on an object over a period of time which causes an object to change momentum

    • another idea to keep in mind is when a graph is presented - impulse is the area under the curve/graph

  • there are 3 types of collision when it comes to momentum:

    • elastic= no change of total kinetic energy in the system (there is no energy that is dissipated by friction or transferred to internal energy)

      • ex’s: atomic or nuclear particles with similar charges, magnets with similar poles facing each other


    • partly inelastic= some of the initial energy is transferred into thermal/sound/internal energy

      • ex’s: a well inflated basketball or any ball that bounces some amount

    • completely inelastic energy= after the collision the objects are stuck together and the maximum amount of energy is transferred into thermal, sound, or internal energy

      • ex’s: a block of soft clay dropped onto a hard floor, a bad car accident where the cars stick together, two train cars colliding and sticking together




𝛥P=Pf-Pi (final - initial to get the CHANGE in momentum) —> 𝛥P=m𝛥v (vf-vi for the change in velocity)

  • units of measurement are kg x m /s


  • only if the question implies that there is a force and velocity

F=ma —> 𝛥tF = m𝛥v (this is the equation for impulse that can be derived from the F=ma equation)

  • also known as J=F𝛥t

  • units of measurement are N x S = kg x m /s

  • J=𝛥p (impulse is also equal to the change in momentum… case you forget the impulse equation)

Conservation of momentum: total Pi= total Pf

MaVai + MbVbi = MaVaf + MaVbf

  • you can factor out the velocity if the problem states that the collision caused the two objects to stick together

    • if this ^^ doesn’t happen than DON’T factor out the velocities


A car with a mass of 1200 kg is traveling at a velocity of 25 m/s. It collides with a stationary car with a mass of 800 kg. After the collision, the two cars stick together and move forward at a velocity of 15 m/s. Determine the change in momentum of the system.


  • use LOL diagrams to solve problems (initial and final graphs along with the types of objects in the system being affected by energy [in the circle])

  • law of conservation of energy= in the absence of any work, heating, or radiating, the total amount of energy in a system REMAINS CONSTANT

  • kinetic energy= (Ek or KE) whenever an object is moving, the faster it is the more kinetic energy it has

    • determined by speed and mass

    • if you double the mass you double the energy

    • if you double the velocity you multiply by 4 to get the energy

  • gravitational potential energy= (Eg or GPE) changes in gravitational potential energy occur when an object has a change in height

    • set Eg = 0 at the lowest point (relative 0)

      • you can choose wherever that is in the problem

    • also area under the curve (A= l x w)

  • elastic potential energy= (Es) whenever an elastic object has a change in shape by stretching or compressing; the more stretch or compression the more elastic energy is stored

    • Hooke’s Law (spring constant is the area under the slope of the curve) —> k= F/𝛥x

      • units are N/m

      • if there is a low spring constant (loose spring)

      • if there is a high spring constant (stiff spring)

    • area under the F vs. x-graph (A = ½ bh)

  • thermal energy= (Eint) this is also known as internal energy, but whenever friction acts on an object creating a rise in temperature

  • work= a means of transferring energy from one system to another via force

    • units of measurement for work and energy are joules (J)

    • when work is positive, velocity increases

    • when work is negative, velocity decreases

    • friction does negative work cause it OPPOSES the motion

  • TME= total mechanical energy

  • power is how fast we give energy (how busy or how fast energy is given)

    • unit of measurement: watts (W)


Ek= ½ mv² (kinetic energy equation)

Eg=mgh (gravitational potential energy equation)

Eel=½ k 𝛥x² (elastic potential energy)

Eint=Ff 𝛥x (thermal energy)

W= F(d)

  • cos(x) is only there if it is given in the problem…otherwise just multiple force with distance

P= W/𝛥t

Physics Unit 5: Energy and Momentum


  • momentum is dependent on mass and velocity (direction and magnitude)

  • also a vector quantity

  • law of conservation of momentum= when 2 or more bodies’ momentum are acting up on each other unless an outside force is applied

  • impulse= the amount of force on an object over a period of time which causes an object to change momentum

    • another idea to keep in mind is when a graph is presented - impulse is the area under the curve/graph

  • there are 3 types of collision when it comes to momentum:

    • elastic= no change of total kinetic energy in the system (there is no energy that is dissipated by friction or transferred to internal energy)

      • ex’s: atomic or nuclear particles with similar charges, magnets with similar poles facing each other


    • partly inelastic= some of the initial energy is transferred into thermal/sound/internal energy

      • ex’s: a well inflated basketball or any ball that bounces some amount

    • completely inelastic energy= after the collision the objects are stuck together and the maximum amount of energy is transferred into thermal, sound, or internal energy

      • ex’s: a block of soft clay dropped onto a hard floor, a bad car accident where the cars stick together, two train cars colliding and sticking together




𝛥P=Pf-Pi (final - initial to get the CHANGE in momentum) —> 𝛥P=m𝛥v (vf-vi for the change in velocity)

  • units of measurement are kg x m /s


  • only if the question implies that there is a force and velocity

F=ma —> 𝛥tF = m𝛥v (this is the equation for impulse that can be derived from the F=ma equation)

  • also known as J=F𝛥t

  • units of measurement are N x S = kg x m /s

  • J=𝛥p (impulse is also equal to the change in momentum… case you forget the impulse equation)

Conservation of momentum: total Pi= total Pf

MaVai + MbVbi = MaVaf + MaVbf

  • you can factor out the velocity if the problem states that the collision caused the two objects to stick together

    • if this ^^ doesn’t happen than DON’T factor out the velocities


A car with a mass of 1200 kg is traveling at a velocity of 25 m/s. It collides with a stationary car with a mass of 800 kg. After the collision, the two cars stick together and move forward at a velocity of 15 m/s. Determine the change in momentum of the system.


  • use LOL diagrams to solve problems (initial and final graphs along with the types of objects in the system being affected by energy [in the circle])

  • law of conservation of energy= in the absence of any work, heating, or radiating, the total amount of energy in a system REMAINS CONSTANT

  • kinetic energy= (Ek or KE) whenever an object is moving, the faster it is the more kinetic energy it has

    • determined by speed and mass

    • if you double the mass you double the energy

    • if you double the velocity you multiply by 4 to get the energy

  • gravitational potential energy= (Eg or GPE) changes in gravitational potential energy occur when an object has a change in height

    • set Eg = 0 at the lowest point (relative 0)

      • you can choose wherever that is in the problem

    • also area under the curve (A= l x w)

  • elastic potential energy= (Es) whenever an elastic object has a change in shape by stretching or compressing; the more stretch or compression the more elastic energy is stored

    • Hooke’s Law (spring constant is the area under the slope of the curve) —> k= F/𝛥x

      • units are N/m

      • if there is a low spring constant (loose spring)

      • if there is a high spring constant (stiff spring)

    • area under the F vs. x-graph (A = ½ bh)

  • thermal energy= (Eint) this is also known as internal energy, but whenever friction acts on an object creating a rise in temperature

  • work= a means of transferring energy from one system to another via force

    • units of measurement for work and energy are joules (J)

    • when work is positive, velocity increases

    • when work is negative, velocity decreases

    • friction does negative work cause it OPPOSES the motion

  • TME= total mechanical energy

  • power is how fast we give energy (how busy or how fast energy is given)

    • unit of measurement: watts (W)


Ek= ½ mv² (kinetic energy equation)

Eg=mgh (gravitational potential energy equation)

Eel=½ k 𝛥x² (elastic potential energy)

Eint=Ff 𝛥x (thermal energy)

W= F(d)

  • cos(x) is only there if it is given in the problem…otherwise just multiple force with distance

P= W/𝛥t