AP Psychology | People to Know

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Aaron Beck

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Aaron Beck

I am known for developing Cognitive Therapy (CT), focusing on identifying and changing negative thought patterns.

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Cannon & Bard

We introduced theories of emotion, explaining that separate and simultaneous process lead to an emotional experience.

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Schachter & Singer

We developed the two-factor theory of emotion, suggesting that emotions result from both physiological arousal and cognitive interpretation.

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Carl Wernicke

I discovered brain regions associated with language processing and comprehension.

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Ernst Weber

I am known for Weber's Law, which describes the relationship between the intensity of a stimulus and the perception of change in that stimulus.

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Joseph Wolpe

I am known for developing systematic desensitization, a therapy technique for treating phobias and anxiety disorders.

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Daniel Kahneman

I pioneered research in cognitive biases and heuristics.

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Diana Baumrind

I developed the theory of parenting styles, including authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive styles.

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Harry Harlow

I conducted research on attachment in rhesus monkeys, highlighting the importance of contact comfort.

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Ivan Pavlov

I am known for classical conditioning, demonstrating associative learning through experiments with dogs.

<p>I am known for classical conditioning, demonstrating associative learning through experiments with dogs.</p>
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William James

I am known for functionalism, emphasizing the adaptive functions of behavior and mental processes.

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Stanley Milgram

I am known for my controversial experiments on obedience to authority, highlighting the tendency to obey even unethical commands.

<p>I am known for my controversial experiments on obedience to authority, highlighting the tendency to obey even unethical commands.</p>
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Robert Sternberg

I am known for my research on the triangular theory of love, which includes intimacy, passion, and commitment. I love putting things in 3's so I also developed the triarchic theory of intelligence!

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Lawrence Kohlberg

I developed the stages of moral development theory, emphasizing the role of reasoning in moral decision-making.

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Zajonc & LeDoux

We introduced theories of emotion, focusing on the role of automatic processing for the "low road" in emotional experience.

<p>We introduced theories of emotion, focusing on the role of automatic processing for the "low road" in emotional experience.</p>
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Edward Tolman

I introduced cognitive maps and latent learning, emphasizing the role of cognitive processes in learning.

<p>I introduced cognitive maps and latent learning, emphasizing the role of cognitive processes in learning.</p>
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Lev Vygotsky

I introduced the sociocultural theory of development, emphasizing the role of social interactions and cultural context. I theorized that people have a zone of proximal development in which they are able to learn from capable peers

<p>I introduced the sociocultural theory of development, emphasizing the role of social interactions and cultural context. I theorized that people have a zone of proximal development in which they are able to learn from capable peers</p>
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James & Lange

We introduced theories of emotion, focusing on the role physiological arousal leading to emotional experience.

<p>We introduced theories of emotion, focusing on the role physiological arousal leading to emotional experience.</p>
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Alfred Kinsey

I conducted pioneering research on human sexuality, challenging societal norms.

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Hans Selye

I introduced the General Adaptation Syndrome model of stress response.

<p>I introduced the General Adaptation Syndrome model of stress response.</p>
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B.F. Skinner

I pioneered operant conditioning, focusing on the role of reinforcement in shaping behavior.

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I introduced theories of emotion, focusing on the role of cognitive processing for the "high road" in emotional experience.

<p>I introduced theories of emotion, focusing on the role of cognitive processing for the "high road" in emotional experience.</p>
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Leon Festinger

I proposed the theory of cognitive dissonance, emphasizing the discomfort experienced when one's beliefs and behaviors are inconsistent.

<p>I proposed the theory of cognitive dissonance, emphasizing the discomfort experienced when one's beliefs and behaviors are inconsistent.</p>
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Sigmund Freud

I proposed psychoanalytic theory, emphasizing the role of unconscious conflicts and early childhood experiences.

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Edward Titchener

I am a student of Wundt, who introduced structuralism to the United States.

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Hermann Ebbinghaus

I conducted pioneering research on memory decay, including the forgetting curve and spacing effect.

<p>I conducted pioneering research on memory decay, including the forgetting curve and spacing effect.</p>
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Robert Rescorla

I developed the contingency model of classical conditioning, emphasizing the importance of contingency between CS and US.

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Albert Bandura

I introduced social learning theory, emphasizing the role of observation and modeling in learning.

<p>I introduced social learning theory, emphasizing the role of observation and modeling in learning.</p>
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McCrae & Costa

We developed assessments, such as the NEO personality inventory as trait theorists.

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Elizabeth Loftus

I am known for research on eyewitness memory and the misinformation effect.

<p>I am known for research on eyewitness memory and the misinformation effect.</p>
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John B. Watson

I am the founder of behaviorism, advocating for the study of observable behavior. I studied classical conditioning techniques with experiments such as the one with Little Albert.

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Solomon Asch

I am known for my experiments on conformity, demonstrating the power of social influence on individual behavior.

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John Garcia

I studied taste aversion, demonstrating that animals are more likely to associate sickness with taste than with other sensory cues.

<p>I studied taste aversion, demonstrating that animals are more likely to associate sickness with taste than with other sensory cues.</p>
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Benjamin Whorf

I developed the theory of linguistic determinism, suggesting that language influences thought.

<p>I developed the theory of linguistic determinism, suggesting that language influences thought.</p>
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Wilhelm Wundt

I am considered the father of psychology, establishing the first psychology laboratory and associated with structuralism.

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Paul Broca

I discovered brain regions associated with language motor movement.

<p>I discovered brain regions associated with language motor movement.</p>
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Jean Piaget

I am known for my theory of cognitive development, emphasizing the qualitative changes in thinking as children mature.

<p>I am known for my theory of cognitive development, emphasizing the qualitative changes in thinking as children mature.</p>
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Albert Ellis

I am known for developing Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), focusing on irrational beliefs and their impact on emotions and behavior.

<p>I am known for developing Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), focusing on irrational beliefs and their impact on emotions and behavior.</p>
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Dorothea Dix

I am an advocate for reform in the treatment of the mentally ill, instrumental in establishing humane mental health institutions.

<p>I am an advocate for reform in the treatment of the mentally ill, instrumental in establishing humane mental health institutions.</p>
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Edward Thorndike

I am known for the Law of Effect, stating that behaviors followed by positive outcomes are strengthened.

<p>I am known for the Law of Effect, stating that behaviors followed by positive outcomes are strengthened.</p>
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Mary Whiton Calkins

I am a pioneer in memory research and the first woman president of the American Psychological Association.

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Margaret Floy Washburn

I am the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in psychology and contributed to the development of behaviorism.

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Atkinson & Shiffrin

We proposed the multi-store model of memory, including sensory, short-term, and long-term memory.

<p>We proposed the multi-store model of memory, including sensory, short-term, and long-term memory.</p>
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Noam Chomsky

I criticized behaviorism and proposed the concept of a universal grammar, suggesting an innate basis for language acquisition.

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Martin Seligman

I am known for research on learned helplessness and positive psychology.

<p>I am known for research on learned helplessness and positive psychology.</p>
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Erik Erikson

I proposed the theory of psychosocial development, emphasizing stages of development across the lifespan.

<p>I proposed the theory of psychosocial development, emphasizing stages of development across the lifespan.</p>
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Mary Cover Jones

I am known for my work in desensitization therapy, especially in the treatment of phobias.

<p>I am known for my work in desensitization therapy, especially in the treatment of phobias.</p>
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Mary Ainsworth

I am known for the development of the "Strange Situation" procedure to assess attachment styles in infants.

<p>I am known for the development of the "Strange Situation" procedure to assess attachment styles in infants.</p>
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Raymond Cattell

I proposed the 16 Personality Factors model of personality.

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Philip Zimbardo

I conducted the Stanford prison experiment, illustrating the power of social roles and situations in shaping behavior.

<p>I conducted the Stanford prison experiment, illustrating the power of social roles and situations in shaping behavior.</p>
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Carl Rogers

I am known for person-centered therapy and the concept of unconditional positive regard.

<p>I am known for person-centered therapy and the concept of unconditional positive regard.</p>
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Abraham Maslow

I proposed the hierarchy of needs theory, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling basic needs before higher-level needs.

<p>I proposed the hierarchy of needs theory, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling basic needs before higher-level needs.</p>
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Gordon Allport

I am known for trait theory, emphasizing the uniqueness and consistency of individual traits.

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Eysenck & Eysenck

We introduced the PEN model of personality, emphasizing the dimensions of extraversion/introversion, and neuroticism/emotional stability.

<p>We introduced the PEN model of personality, emphasizing the dimensions of extraversion/introversion, and neuroticism/emotional stability.</p>
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Michael Gazzaniga

I conducted split-brain research, highlighting the lateralization of brain functions.

<p>I conducted split-brain research, highlighting the lateralization of brain functions.</p>
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George Miller

I introduced the concept of the magical number seven (+/- 2), suggesting limits to human STM processing capacity.

<p>I introduced the concept of the magical number seven (+/- 2), suggesting limits to human STM processing capacity.</p>
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G. Stanley Hall

I am the founder of the first American psychological research laboratory and the American Psychological Association.

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Wolfgang Kohler

I conducted research on insight learning in chimpanzees, highlighting the role of insight in problem-solving.

<p>I conducted research on insight learning in chimpanzees, highlighting the role of insight in problem-solving.</p>
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Alfred Adler

I introduced individual psychology, emphasizing the role of social interest and the pursuit of superiority (inferiority complex).

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Paul Ekman

I am known for research on facial expressions of emotion and the universality of emotional expressions.

<p>I am known for research on facial expressions of emotion and the universality of emotional expressions.</p>
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Howard Gardner

devised theory of multiple intelligences: logical-mathematic, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, linguistic, musical, interpersonal, naturalistic

<p>devised theory of multiple intelligences: logical-mathematic, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, linguistic, musical, interpersonal, naturalistic</p>
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Charles Spearman

creator of "g-factor", or general intelligence, concept

<p>creator of "g-factor", or general intelligence, concept</p>
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Daniel Goleman

Thought of Emotional Intelligence : able to manage own emotions, is capable of self-motivation and self direction, recognizes emotions in others, and is able to handle various types of relationships.

<p>Thought of Emotional Intelligence : able to manage own emotions, is capable of self-motivation and self direction, recognizes emotions in others, and is able to handle various types of relationships.</p>
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David Weschler

established an intelligence test especially for adults (WAIS); also WISC and WPPSI

<p>established an intelligence test especially for adults (WAIS); also WISC and WPPSI</p>
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Louis Terman

advocate of intelligence testing in US; developed Standford-Binet test and oversaw army's use of intelligence testing during WWI; studied giften children

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