is the verbal formula or proper words the Church has determined essential for a sacrament to be valid.
_ is the symbolic object or ritual action essential for a sacrament to be valid.
The proper person with the proper intent to do as the Church intends to do in a sacrament. In the case of Baptism this person would be the priest, deacon, or bishop or in the case of necessity could be anyone.
Baptism of Blood
A person is granted salvation through this when they die through martyrdom, are killed because of their faith, even if they were never baptized
Baptism of Desire
A person is granted salvation through this because they specifically wanted to be baptized but died before they had the chance.
White Garment
A symbol that represents the newly baptized person as being "clothed in Christ, a new creation
Oil of Catechumens
This is used to anoint the chest of an infant and protect or shield them from evil during the exorcism before they are baptized.
Baptismal Candle
This item is given to the newly baptized person to symbolize the "light of Christ".
One of the most plentiful substances on earth, it is very destructive but it is also used for many life-giving purposes. It is the essential matter used in valid baptisms.
sacrament of the soul
prime minister/sacrament
Second Sacrament
Santifying grace
Received through Sacraments
Actual grace
Grace outside the sacraments
An offense against truth, reason, right judgement offends God and others
The sacrifice of consecrated gifts are lifted toward heaven in thanksgiving.
The first part of the Eucharistic Prayer when the Church gives thanks to all three persons of the trinity because it is right and just.
The priest sings, "Through him, with him, in him..
The priest prays for the clergy and all of the faithful, living and deceased.
Refers to "active remembrance", calls to mind the Paschal mystery and includes the singing of the Memorial Acclamation, "We proclaim your death O Lord..."
The priest gives his hands and voice over to God and recalls the words and actions of Jesus at the Last Supper.
The priest lowers his hands (palms down) over the gifts of bread and wine asking God to make them holy through the power of the Holy Spirit.
When we are baptized
Become temples
The tendency of all human beings toward sin, as a result of Original Sin.
Who can give Eucharist
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord
Great Amen
The response and affirmation to the entire Eucharistic prayer, "Yes, we believe."
The unending hymn of praise or "Holy, holy, holy..."
An action a penitent performs to show an effort to move away from sinful ways (conversion)
External expression of our sins, telling our sins to a priest
The priest pronounces God's complete forgiveness of our sins
Examination of Conscience
A self-evaluation of one's actions using the 10 commandments in preparation for penance
The process in the Catholic church for declaring a marriage invalid.
A process recognized by the state to dissolve a marriage.
Transitional Diaconate
A degree of Holy Orders that is a step toward priestly ordination
Book of Gospels
given to both Bishops and Deacons at ordination as a sign of their responsibility to preach the Word of God.
a bishop's hat
A crook-shaped staff carried by bishops to represent the bishop's pastoral or shepherding role.
A symbol given to a bishop upon ordination to signify his office and faithfulness to the Church.
Paten and Chalice
Given to priests upon ordination to show their responsibility to the sacraments, especially the Eucharist.
Sacred Chrism
The oil used to anoint the hands of a priest and head of a bishop at ordination.
Taught about the permanence and sacred nature of marriage.
The proper minister for the Sacrament of Holy Orders
Bride and Groom
ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony
The priest then asks the couple about to be married to declare their ____ before God and Church.
The Eucharist received by a dying person.
sacraments do what they say they do
habitual way of looking at something, or doing something.
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