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What grew along trade routes?
What growth did Europe experience during a warm period?
more crops
What city developed a city-state with a republican form of government?
Did the Crusades fail or succeed in freeing the Holy Land?
an English poet who wrote the Canterbury Tales
What did the English use to defeat the French in battle?
What type of architecture used flying buttresses and stained-glass windows?
What did bankers issue to traveling merchants?
letters of credit
Why did the Roman Church lose credibility?
They could not stop the Black Death
What did the Knights Templar protect?
traveling pilgrims
William the Conqueror
a nobleman who conquered England and stablished a new dynasty in 1066.
Henry II
strengthened royal authority in England
What type of architecture was described as dark and cold?
Innocent III
a Pope who under himself, the political power of the Roman Church reached its peak
medieval papacy
a line of Popes
Where did the Reconquista occur?
in Spain
writing in the common spoken language of the people
mayor of the palace
the leading palace official for the French king who held the true power
Also known as ”Charles the Great”. Sole ruler of the Frankish kingdom. His influence of Europe resulted in him being known as great. He led his army in defeat over other tribes in Europe including the Lombards and the Saxons.
a nobleman’s estate
head of the Roman Catholic Church
means related to the Pope or palacy
The Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church
Baptism (to remover original sin)
Confirmation (to receive the Holy Spirit)
Confession/penance (to receive forgiveness from a priest)
Matrimony (marriage is controlled by the church, and children are to be educated by the church)
Hold orders (The priest is considered another Christ; the nun is considered the bride of Christ)
Last rites (Anointing of the sick brings forgiveness of sin and prepared one for death.)
Who did the pope grant the right to take the title of king?
Pepin the Short
What ruler supported a revival of learning and made monasteries the centers of Western knowledge?
Under what pope did the papacy reach its peak?
Innocent III
What did the Roman Church teach that sacraments were means of earning?
grace necessary for salvation
Medieval Warm Period
A time when there was a warming of the climate in Europe. This provided a longer growing season and further enabled the farmers to grow more crops.
a legal document listing the privileges of the townspeople that freed them from feudal (useless) duties
Henry II
William the Conqueror’s grandson. He strengthened English royalty by expanding the use of royal courts. He also developed circuit courts.
circuit courts
courts with judges who heard cases in a particular province of England. This strengthened the power of the king and captured the loyalty of the people.
a circuit
Hugh Capet
the count of Paris who founded a new royal dynasty in France.
Phillip II
a King in Franch who continued the thrust to develop a strong monarchy in France
men that collected taxes for the king and ensured justice in carrying out laws
local citizens who accused criminals
a list of accusations issued by a court
common law
uniform laws for all of England intended to guarantee justice and it helped to unify England.
Magna Carta
a document that was originally only to assure the rights for nobility. However, over time, the English people viewed the document as declaring the principle that the king’s power over all citizens was limited.
Began as a group of advisors to the king. Later, developed into TWO groups: House of Lords and House of Commons. It also gained more power by granting or withholding its approval of new taxes.
power of the purse
Parliments power to grant or withhold its approval of taxes. This limited the king’s power.
After 1500 many people moved from the manor to ____?
What contributed to the decline of feudalism?
population growth, growth of towns, growth of trade, rise of monarchies
What French king took land in France from an English king?
Phillip II
How was the government of Venice similar to the government of ancient Rome?
both were republic, had a representative government, and power originated from the citizens
middle class
composed of those who lived in towns and included the merchants, bankers, craftsmen, and other skilled laborers
letter of credit
a letter that credited the merchant for the amount of money left with a banker
Motives for the Crusades
to expand the influence of the Roman Church, to gain wealth, to gain land, to prove religious fervor, to travel, to seek adventure, to trade
What role did banks play in assisting the growth of trade?
changing money, making loans to merchants, issuing letters of credit
Devices invented by Europeans in the Middle Ages
mechanical clock ad spectacles
How did the growth of cities play an important role in the expansion of Europe?
Cities provided a place for people to live and work. They provided economic opportunities for rich and poor alike. They became the centers of trade and provided a money economy.
The growth was a good thing. Growth is a partial fulfillment of the Creation Mandate. That’s when God told us to rule over the earth and take care of it in Genesis.
a strict set of rules and expectations the Knights lived by. It’s a French word that means “horseman.”
Peace of God
The church decree that placed church property out of bounds for fighting
Truce of God
restricted fighting to certain days of the week
liberal arts
studies taught in medieval universities for nobility
large and impressive churches often built in wealthy cities
an architectural style that used many elements of Roman style. It had rounded vaults, thick stone walls, and dark inside because only small windows could be used.
an architectural style that had flying buttresses, higher ceilings, thinner walls and larger windows.
an Italian writer who wrote the Divine Comedy.
the Divine Comedy
a poem about an imaginary journey through hell, purgatory, and paradise.
The Canterbury Tales
Written by an English poet, Chaucer, about a group of pilgrims traveling to visit the tomb of a famous religious leader in England. He gives the reader a glimpse of English life during this period.
During the Middle Ages, what language were students taught in?
What university was composed of student groups who hired their teachers?
What was the significance of writing in the vernacular?
This developed and preserved the spoken language of the people. It also contributed to the growth of nationalism.
The Great Famine of 1315
the first calamity to strike large areas of Europe. It began with heavy and frequent rain which rotted the crops in the fields.
Hundred Years’ War
a series of battles fought between 1337 and 1453 between ENGLAND and FRANCE.
Edward III
an English king who was related to the French royal line through his mother and claimed the right to the French throne.
Joan of Arc
a peasant girl who lead the French to victory. She believed she was being directed from heaven to drive out the English.
Black Death
a plague that spread during the Middle Ages
Which Middle Age calamity caused the slowest and most agonizing deaths?
the Great Famine of 1315. It got so bad that parents abandoned their children because they couldn’t feed them and people resulted on eating tree bark and human flesh to survive.
What English king triggered the start of the Hundred Years’ War?
Edward the III because he was related to the French and tried to make himself king of France too. But the French chose Philip VI instead and of course, Edward was angry.
Who rallied the French to defeat the English during the Hundred Years’ War?
Joan of Arc
What animals have been blamed for spreading the Black Death?
rats and their fleas
Why did the Church of Rome lose influence during the Black Death?
They were unable to stop the plague, priests and other church officials died of the plague just like everyone else.
Because the Church of Rome couldn’t stop the Black Death, what did this do to the faith of the common people?
It prepared people for the Reformation. It also led some to people to reject religion and search for human answers.
What tribes moved in Roman territory and eventually took over the Roman empire?
German tribes
After whom was the Carolingian house named?
Why did Pope Urban II call for the First Crusade?
to regain access to the Holy Land and defeat the infidel Muslims
What resulted from merchants taking crusaders to the Holy Land?
trade, wealth, development of a middle class, access to knowledge that had been preserved by the Byzantine Empire
What chain of events resulted in the Great Famine of 1315?
unusual rainfall over a 2-year period, loss of crops, short supplies of salt to preserve meat, consumption of livestock and seed grain.
How did monarchs develop centralized power during this period?
granting town charters; developing common law; establishing circuit courts; gaining control of large areas of lands; making alliances with the Church of Rome and towns.
Why did the English win most of the battles during the Hundred Years’ War and yet lose the war?
They exhausted their resources and suffered from unrest at home. Joan of Arc was able to inspire the French to fight on to victory.
Why were the Gothic cathedrals considered warmer and brighter than Romanesque cathedrals?
Flying buttresses enabled higher ceilings, thinner walls, and larger windows to allow more light and warmth from the sun.
What developments in England limited royal power?
Magna Carta and Parliament
Where did towns grow?
All along trade routes
Why did the Roman church deny the Venetians access to sacraments?
Because they would not punish heresy
belief against the Christian religion
What type of writings did the Crusades bring?
Greek and Arabic
What was the dominant political power in Europe?
the Roman Church
Which Italian town had a large navy?
Who was accused of starting the Black Death plague?
a bench on which moneylenders sat
A papal decree denying groups access to sacraments