chapter 1 - understanding the sociological imagination

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What is the definition of sociology?

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What is the definition of sociology?

the systematic study of human groups and their interactions - we are very social and interact with others most of our time

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what is the definition of the sociological perspective?

the unique way which sociologists see our word and unpack the dynamic relationships between individuals and the larger social network which we live in

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what is the definition of Macro Sociology ?

viewing society as a whole - the larger perspective

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what is the definition of micro sociology?

viewing sociology from an individualistic perspective including small group dynamics

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who are the major guys in macrosociology?

Marx, Durkheim, Weber

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who are the major guys in microsociology?

Blumer, Mead, Cooley

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what happens when one combines micro and macro sociology?

allows us to view the world in a socio economic way

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Who created the idea of the sociological Imagination?

Charles Wright Mills

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What does sociological imagination mean?

the ability to look beyond personal circumstance and into social context

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what is the cause of social issues according to Charles Wright Mills?

larger social factors

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what does the social imagination allow us to understand?

  1. our own experiences

  2. social issues

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what are social issues according to Mills?

structural issues which are caused by many personal troubles accumulating into a social issue

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how is unemployment an example of of social imagination?

one person unemployed is just a personal issue - understand their own experience

many people unemployed is a social issue

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What is the key ides for Peter Berger?

seeing the general in the particular and asking why is this the way that it is?

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what is an example of seeing the general in the particular?

seeing one homeless person then connecting it to larger social issues like poverty, mental health crisis, social inequality - an example for social imagination also

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what does agency allow us to do?

change our social constructed life

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what does structure mean?

the network of stable opportunities and constraints which influence our individual behaviour

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how is discrimination against minority groups an example of structure?

the discrimination is a constraint which influences their behaviour and beliefs about themsleves

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what type of structure keeps patriarchal societies in place?

socio-economic status

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what are 5 factors which influence our social imagination?

  1. minority status

  2. gender

  3. socioeconomic status

  4. family structure

  5. urban-rural differences

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what are the 3 main periods of the historical development of sociology?

  • scientific revolution

  • enlightenment (political revolution?

  • industrial revoltion

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who was the main guy of the scientific revolution and what was his main ideas?

Augustine Compte and he believed the hard sciences should be applied to social sciences - human thinking changed over time and he had the law of 3 stages, was a positivist

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what is the law of 3 stages?

  1. theological (world is expression of God’s will)

  2. metaphysical (challenging the church)

  3. positive (using observation, and experimentation -science to explain world)

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what is positivism?

the one explanation for the world is science, value free, object is a knowable reality

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what is anti positivsim

science isn’t value free, many explanations, h comes form human subjectivity, rejects positivism

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what is quantitative sociology?

measurable and positivism

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what is an example of quantitative sociology?

crime rates over time

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what is qualitative sociology

anti-positivist and non measurable

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what is an example of qualitative sociology ?

the experiences of criminals

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What was enlightenment?

a political revolution which originated in France - idea was overcoming resistance of traditional society, politics, equality, rationality and reason basically bye bye God rules everything because its science now

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who where the big wigs of enlightenment?

Machiavell, Descartes, Locke, Rousseau

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what’s was Machaivelli’s thing?

behaviour is motivated by self interest

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what was Descartes thing?

I think therefore I am

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what was Locke’s thing?

knowledge is the result of experience

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what was Rousseau’s thing?

better to work together than alone

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what were the big ideas of the industrial revolution?

technological advancement and huge social changes (more consumerism, separation of church and state, socialism, urbanization etc.)

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What are the main ideas of sociology in Canada?

  • geography (ability to survive) and regionalism

  • political economy (Clement)

  • Canadianization movement (where more radical vs amercican sociology)

  • radical nature (focus on macrosociology and feminism)

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what does Clement mean in terms of Canada’s political economy?

canada has an interest in the interaction of politics, government and the social and cultural constitution of markets, institution and actors.

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what are the main ideas of sociology in terms of global persepective?

  • globalizaton is very dynamic

  • capitalization

    • local realities connect to the rest of the world

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what is the definition of globalization?

the worldwide process of global economy

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what are cheerful robots according to Mils

people who judge and ignore the social world, they lack social imagination

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what is ascribed economic status and an example?

Advantageous or disadvantageous attributes which assigned at birth like income

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What is achieved social economic status?

Attributes which are developed through effort and skill like class grades

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