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transforamtion/loss of H2O from a liquid to gaseous form; transformation of liquid H2O to H2O vapor
loss of H2O vapor from leaves through stomates
total return of H2O to the atmosphere from the Earth’s surface, including evaporative loss from surface H2O and loss of H2O from plants
water balance equation
P = SS + ET + D
water caught by canopy
antecedent conditions
conditions that occur prior to an event
the precipitation that percolates down through the plant canopy
stem flow
amount of precipitation that flows down the stem of a tree
area of a soil resistant to root growth and water movement
-0.015 MPa
typical soil water potential at field capacity
-0.2 MPa
typical root water potential
-0.6 MPa
typical stem water potential
-1.5 MPa
typical leaf water potential
-100 MPa
typical atmosphere water potential
hydraulic redistribution
ability of roots to both take up and to release water
plant that is adapted to very high water content soils, and thereby also adapted to low oxygen in soil
plant adaptation that allows oxygen to diffuse through tube into roots
roots that grow down into the substrate and then back up allowing access to oxygen in hydrophytes
mass flow
movement of air physically through pores in soil
movement of materials in response to concentration gradient
nitrogen fixation
method by which specialized bacteria utilize gaseous nitrogen
redox potential
tendency or potential for electrons to be transferred from one substance to another
frost heaving
forcing of objects upward in the soil by alternative freezing and thawing
measure of whiteness/reflectiveness
specific heat
amount of energy required to increase temperature by 1 degree C
A very finely divided substance which is scattered throughout another substance in soil
colloidal fraction
clay and humus particles in soils
internal surface area
the area of surface exposed within clay crystal between the individual crystal layers
positively charged ion
cation exchange
the interchange between a cation in solution and another cation on the surface of any surface-active material, such as clay or organic matter
adsorbed ions
cations swarming swarming about near the colloidal surface, loosely held
exchangeable ions
cations that can change places with those moving freely about in a soil solution
ionic double layer
distribution of cations in the soil solution resulting from the simultaneous attraction toward colloid particles by the particles’ negative charge and the tendency of diffusion and thermal forces to move the cations away from the colloid surfaces
1:1 crystalline silicate clay with no interlayers, low ability to absorb water, low carrying capacity, used in construction
expanding 2:1 crystalline silicate clay with isomorphous substitution leading to high interlayer negative charge and high CEC, allowing significant interlayer expansion
an aluminosilicate clay mineral in the smectite group with a 2:1 expanding crystal lattice; highly adsorptive, has interlayers
crystalline silicate clays
includes smectite, vermiculite, fine mica, kaolinite, and chlorite
Fe/Al Oxides
includes gibbsite, geothite
silicate clays with leaf-like, or planar structure, composed of 2 kinds of horizontal sheets
octahedral sheet in 2:1 type clay dominated by aluminum
octahedral sheet in 2:1 type clay dominated by magnesium
isomorphous substitution
one element fills a position usually filled by another of similar size
noncrystalline silicate clays
includes allophane, imoglite; nonsilicate colloids with either Fe3+ or Al3+ in the cation positions; have niether tetrahedral sheets nor silicon; isomorphous substitution occurs rarely
noncrystalline heterogeneous organic substances
cation exchange capacity
sum total of the exchangeable cationic charges that a soil can absorb
ratio law
states that, at equilibrium, the ratio of Ca2+ to Mg2+ on the colloid will be the same as the ratio in the solution and both will be the same as the ratio in the overall system
buffer CEC methods
method for determining cation exchange capacity in which a buffer solution is used; exaggerates the true CEC of acid soils
Effective CEC
method of determining cation exchange capacity in which the reaction occurs at the actual pH of the soil; measures potential or maximum CE
organic soil colloids
includes humus
attachment of protons to exposed OH groups on the surface of soil particles resulting in an overall positive charge on the particle surface
study of the interactions of organisms and their environment
functional diversity
organism that gains carbon through combined organic carbon
organism that gains carbon thorugh carbon dioxide or carbonate
organism that gets energy from biochemical oxidation
organism that gets energy from solar radiation
primary producer
trophic level that contains primary producers and the most energy
primary consumers
trophic level that directly consumes primary producers, including herbivores, detritivores, and saprophytes
saprophytic microbes
organisms that consume dead material and decompose it without eating it
secondary consumers
trophic level that consumes primary consumers, including earthworms, nematodes, and mites
higher level consumers
trophic level that consume secondary consumers and beyond, such as amoebas, earthworms, mites, athropod predators, nematodes, mammals, and birds
anecic earthworm
very long earthworm that burrows deeply
casts created by anecic earthworms containing aggregation of dead plant material
parasite-like organisms that kill their hosts
small zone outside fine roots used for nutrient uptake
all materials lost or excreted from plant roots
gel-like substance excreted by cells near root tip to lubricate its push through the soil
mutualistic relationship between plants and fungi
soil algae that photosynthesizes and fixes nitrogen
fungal filament
twisted together fungal hyphae
soil actinomycetes
long filamentous bacteria that are beneficial to increasing fertility of soil