The Grange
Originally organized for social and educational purposes for isolated farm families; grew to 800,000 members.
The use of gold and silver as a basis for the national monetary system.
Movement of the people. They wanted people to have a greater voice in government and seeking to advance the interests of farmers.
Populist Party
Wanted an increase in the money supply, graduated income tax and a federal loan program for farmers.
Homestead Strike
At the Carnegie Steel Company, Pinkerton guards and the PA National Guard were sent in to control the workers.
Andrew Carnegie
Founder of a steel company in Pittsburg.
Horizontal Integration
Companies producing similar products merge.
Bessemer Process
Used for making high-quality steel efficiently and cheaply.
Gospel of Wealth
Article written by Andrew Carnegie promoting philanthropy.
Thomas Edison
Perfected the incandescent light bulb.
Captain of Industry
A business leader whose wealth contributed positively in some way.
Pullman Strike
President Cleveland sent in federal troops after this strike became violent. Many workers were fired and blacklisted from ever working in the railroad industry again.
John D. Rockefeller
Operated Standard Oil.
Vertical Integration
When a company owns all of the different businesses on which it depends for its operation.
Transcontinental Railroad
Connecting the east and west coast of the United States by railway.
Robber Baron
Used to describe businessmen who used exploitative practices to obtain their wealth.
An extreme dislike for foreigners by native-born people.
Gentlemen's Agreement
Japanese government agreed to limit emigration of unskilled workers in exchange the San Francisco segregation order against Japanese was lifted.
Assimilate people of different cultures into American culture.
Chinese Exclusion Act
Banned entry of all Chinese except students, teachers, merchants, tourists, and government officials.
Ellis Island
Immigration processing station in New York City where immigrants from Europe were processed.
Angel Island
Immigration processing station in San Francisco where immigrants from Asia were processed.
Hull House
Founded in 1889 by Jane Addams to help the urban poor.
Multi-family dwelling in urban areas often occupied by the poor.
Settlement House
Community centers that offered assistance to immigrants.
Boss Tweed
The leader of Tammany Hall. Known for leading corrupt politicians in defrauding New York City.
Social Gospel Movement
Reform movement that tried to apply the teachings of Jesus Christ directly to society.
Gilded Age
Serious social problems hidden by a thin layer of gold.
Tammany Hall
Famous New York Democratic political machine.
Political Machine
Unofficial organization designed to keep a particular party or group in office.
Pull Factor
Reasons immigrants had for coming to the United States.
Push Factor
Reasons immigrants had for leaving their homeland.
Jane Addams
Opened Hull House in Chicago to help immigrants.
Booker T. Washington
Believed that African Americans would earn equality once they proved their economic value to society.
W.E.B. Dubois
Believed that African Americans should receive equality immediately.
court case that established the doctrine of 'separate but equal,' thus legalizing segregation
17th Amendment
provided for the direct election of U.S. senators
Progressive Movement
social and political reforms in the late 1800s and early 1900s
The Jungle
Wrote by Upton Sinclair about the sickening conditions in the meat packing industry.
Meat Inspection Act 1906
legislation that gave strict rules for meatpackers and created a federal inspection agency
proposed legislation submitted to the voters for approval
allowed a group of citizens to introduce legislation and required the legislature to vote on it.
journalists who investigated social conditions and political corruption
movement for moderation or elimination of alcohol consumption
Pure Food and Drug Act
legislation that stopped the sale of contaminated foods and medicines, and required truthful labels
special election to remove an elected official from office before his or her term has expired
Ida Tarbell
wrote articles criticizing Standard Oil
16th Amendment
made it legal for the federal government to tax the income of individuals directly
Labor unions
Who supported laws that ended child labor?
national Association for the Advancement of Colored People aimed for full equality among the races
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
leading figure in the woman's rights movement. Was the first to organize women's rights and suffrage movements
Carrie Chapman Cat
president of NAWSA
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
first legislation against trusts
President Roosevelt did not believe all of these were harmful, but took action on ones that hurt the public interest
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
prohibited corporations from acquiring the stock of another if doing so would create a monopoly; strengthened the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
the belief of preserving some wilderness areas, while also developing others for the good of the public
Eugene V. Debs
Socialist who was an American union leader
19th Amendment
guaranteed women the right to vote and signaled the end of the Progressive movement
National American Woman Suffrage Association
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
Susan B. Anthony
Founded of the National Women Suffrage Association (NWSA)
Theodore Roosevelt
often called a Progressive President
Treaty of Paris
Ended the Spanish American War. Cuba became an independent nation, the United States paid $20 million to Spain for the Philippines, and the US acquired Puerto Rico and Guam.
Yellow Journalism
sensationalized news stories
Annexation of Hawaii
became a state after a group of planters and U.S. Marines overthrew the Hawaiian queen.
the economic and political domination of a strong nation over other weaker nations.
Alfred T. Mahan
Admiral in the US Navy who supported a build up of America's Navy.
San Juan Hill
important battle during the Spanish American War that included the Rough Riders
Spanish American War
War between the United States and Spain over Cuban independence.
Queen Liliuokalani
Hawaiian Queen
U.S.S. Maine
ship that exploded in Havana Harbor
Rough Riders
A volunteer cavalry led by Teddy Roosevelt during the Spanish American War.
Roosevelt Corollary
declaration that the United States would intervene in Latin America affairs when necessary to maintain economic and political stability in the Western Hemisphere
Panama Canal
was built in Central America to save time and money in commercial and military shipping
Open Door Notes (Policy)
said all countries should be allowed to trade with China
Grover Cleveland
served two terms as president, but they were not consecutive
1906 Nobel Peace Prize
Theodore Roosevelt won this for his efforts in ending the war between Japan and Russia
Emilio Aguinaldo
Filipino revolutionary leader
Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick
Roosevelt's response on foreign policy in Latin America
Jeanette Rankin
Senator who voted against U.S. entering World War I
British passenger ship that was sunk by German U-boats
Schenck v. United States
The Supreme Court ruled that freedom of speech could be curbed at wartime.
Espionage & Sedition Acts
made any public expression of opposition to the war illegal
Central Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire
William Jennings Bryan
As Secretary of State he did not agree with the U.S. becoming involved in Europe
Great Britain, France, the United States
Zimmerman Note
telegram to Mexico that revealed Germany's intention to ally itself with Mexico if the US entered the war.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
His assassination led to the start of WWI
Convoy System
heavy guard of destroyers protecting merchant ships
Henry Cabot Lodge
U.S. Senator led the opposition of the League of Nations
League of Nations
created by President Wilson as a 'general association of nations' but was never joined by the United States
payment for war damages
Woodrow Wilson
focused his peace plan on the idea of self-determination
Treaty of Versailles
outlined the terms of peace after World War I
Fourteen Points
President Wilson's peace plan at the end of WWI
War-Guilt Clause
Part of the Treaty of Versailles. Germany had to take full responsibility of the war.
devoted to '100% Americanism' and attacked blacks, Catholics, unions, and immigrants
prejudice against foreign born people
religious movement that insisted upon literal interpretation of the Bible
Red Scare
The fear that Communist might gain power in the United States