Merchant of Venice Act One

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When was Merchant of Venice first performed?

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At the beginning of act one, Antonio is inexplicably sad and no one knows why. We learn that he has many ships at sea which tells us he’s a smart businessman. His friend Gratiano tries to make him feel better by playing the fool proclaiming everyone needs to laugh and not let life pass them by, but everyone is dismissive of him. After everyone else had left Bassanio asks Antonio for money, making an analogy about an arrow saying that if Antonio shot one more arrow (gave him money) he would surely be able to pay off all of his debts. Antionio is offended not because Bassanio is asking for money, but because he is trying to convince him to give him money even though Antionio has already told him he would give him everything he had due to their close friendship. Bassanio tells Antionio that he wishes to impress lady Portia with his money in order to marry her and take on the fortune her late father left behind (women didn't have rights so the fortune belonged to her future husband and not her) Antionio agreed to give Bassanio some money, but explained all of his money is tied into his ships at the moment, but he can pull out a loan in his name that he will pay off when his ships return. Pleased, Bassanio proceeds to ask Shylock to borrow some money. After hearing who will be bound to the loan shylock is skeptical as Antonio has repeatedly mistreated Shylock and his people. Bassanio asks Shylock if he will join them for dinner, but he refuses claiming he wont eat, drink, or pray with them (due to differing religious beliefs). Soon after Antionio appears to speak with the men. Then through an aside we learn why Shylock hates Christians and Antionio as he speaks of his mistreatment, being called dog, spat on, and called out for charging interest by Antonio. After going back and fourth we learn Antonio is not sorry, but he appeals to Shylock saying that if he doesn't pay him back Shylock will be able to get revenge. Then Shylock presents the idea that if Antionio doesn't pay back the 3,00 Ducats loaned to him within 3 months he will collect 1 pound of his flesh. Antonio , sure of himself, agrees despite Bassanio advising him against this. During this time in Belmont we meet Portia and her maid Nerissa. We learn that Portia hated all of her suitors as she described each of their faults to Nerissa. Later she talks of three chests set up by her late father and that whoever chooses the right one will get to marry her. This upsets Portia because it takes away her choice. She cannot decide who she wants to marry or who she doesn't want to marry. After gossiping about the princes to Nerissa, the maid brings up Bassanio whom Portia recalls with satisfactory consideration.

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When was Merchant of Venice first performed?


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What edition was the basis for the text published in the first folio in 1623, which added stage directions and musical cues?

The 1600 Edition

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What genre was the play first considered at the time of its making?

A comedy

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In shakespeares time, Shylock was seen as?

A comic villain.

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What genre is the play considered now?

A tragedy.

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In modern time, Shylock is seen as a?

Tragic Figure.

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Many of the plots in Shakspeare’s play come from older literary works and folklore. What literary piece might Merchant of Venice be inspired from?

A Contemporary Scandal

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What two main places does the story take place?

Venice and Belmont.

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Venice is assocated with?

Business, commerce, and law.

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Venice is based on?

The real works where practicalities rule.

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In Venice what group is dominant?


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How are the people of Venice characterized?

As greedy and vengeful.

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Where is Portia’s estate?


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Belmont is based on?

The fairy-tale world.

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What is Belmont associated with?

Music & Love

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What group are dominant in Belmont?


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How are the people of Belmont characterized?

As having kindness and generosity.

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In England during the time the play came out men where more dominant and women were expected to be subordinate. How could this have affected Shakespeare’s decision in making Belmont female dominated and characterized in a more positive way?

Shakespeare may have decided to make Belmont female dominated to appeal to women. This would provide an escape for them from the realities they faced in the real world allowing them to enjoy the play much more. He may have characterized Belmont the way he did, because in real life men are dominant and there is a lot of greed as protrayed in Venice’s characterization, so maybe in a world where women are dominant this wouldn’t be the case.

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In 16th century England, what group was a persecuted minority?


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What king expelled Jews from England leading to them being banned from living there?

King Edward the I in 1290.

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Jews could remain in England if they did what?

Convert to Christianity.

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Jews were often presented on the Elizabethan stage as what?

Comic carticatures.

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What play had a major influence on the Merchant of Venice?

Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta (1590)

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What is usury today?

Today Usury is the lending of money with excessively high interest rates.

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What was usury in Shakespeare’s time?

The lending of money with any amount of interest.

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Why was usury controversial?

Because Christain believe it was forbidden by the bible and laws had been based on Christain views.

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Why did many Jews have to become moneylenders?

Because laws kept them out of other professions, and under certain interpretations of the law/bible they were able to a loopwhole that allowed them to legally charge interest.

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Who is Bassanio?

He’s Antionio’s closest friend. Broke, Christian.

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Who is Antonio?

A wealthy Christian merchant and businessman who is friends with Bassanio. He hates Jews, especially Shylock.

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Who is Shylock?

A Jewish moneylender in Venice, who is enemies with Antonio. He hates Christians, specifically Antonio.

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Who is Gratiano?

He’s the drunken fool of the story, who is friends with Antonio.

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Who are Salerno and Salerio?

Friends of Bassanio and Antonio.

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What happens in act one, scene one?

Antonio’s friends try to cheer antonio up for his inexplicable sadness, but nothing works. We learn that Antonio has invested all of his money into many ships out in the sea. His friend Bassanio, asks him for money so he can marry the wealth heiress Portia, but Antonio doesn’t have any money to give him at this time and tells him to take out a loan in his name that he will pay back when his ships return.

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What happened in act one, scene two?

We meet Portia, who is upset that she cannot chose who she marries, but didn’t like any of her suitors anyways. She confides in her maid Nerissa who is unimpressed with her “woe is me” attitude. We learn of the three chests that her father prepared to chose a suitor. Towards the end of scene two we learn that all of the past suitors hae returned home, and the Prince of Morocco has arrived to see her.

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What happens in act one, scene three?

In scene three we are introduced to Shylock as Bassanio asks him for a loan of 3,000 ducats to be paid back in 3 months under Antonios name. Shylock is unimpressed with this request as he and Atonio have been enemies for a while, but he agrees to lend them the money, but if Antonio can’t pay him back he will recieve a pound of his flesh (which woul result in Antonio’s death). Shylock claims that he has no ill intentions as a pound of human flesh is worthless and Antonio agrees to these terms against Bassanios wishes.

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