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contraction of the heart is initiated within the muscle itself rather than by nerve impulses
state the name and location of the 2 nodes involved in heart contraction
Sinoatrial node (SAN)
within wall of right atrium
Atrioventricular node (AVN)
near lower end of right atrium, in the wall that separates the 2 atria
role of SAN
sends out electrical impulses
initiates the heartbeat/acts as a pacemaker/stimulates atria to contract
describe how heartbeats are initiated and coordinated
SAN initiates heartbeat and sends wave of impulses across atria
causing atrial contraction
non-conducting tissue prevents immediate contraction of ventricles
AVN delays impulse while blood leaves atria and ventricles fill
allowing atria to empty before ventricles contract
AVN sends wave of impulses down bundle of His
causing ventricles to contract from the base up
ventricular systole
when a wave of electrical activity reaches the AVN, there is a short delay before a new wave leaves the AVN. Explain the importance of this short delay.
Allows atria to empty and ventricles to fill before ventricles contract
When the heart beats, both ventricles contract at the same time. Explain how this is coordinated in the heart after the initiation of the heartbeat by the SAN.
impulses only pass through bundle of His
wave of impulses passes through both ventricles at the same time
explain how the heart muscles and the heart valves maintain one-way flow of blood from the left atrium to the aorta
atrium has higher pressure than the ventricle, causing atrioventricular valves to open
ventricles has higher pressure than atrium, causing atrioventricular valves to close
ventricle has higher pressure than aorta, causing semi-lunar valve to open
higher pressure in aorta than ventricles as the heart relaxed
muscle contraction causes increase in pressure
cardiac output formula
cardiac output (CO) = stroke volume (V) x heart rate (R)
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
sympathetic: involved in ‘fight or flight’ response
stimulates effectors to speed up activity
parasympathetic: involved in normal resting conditions
inhibits effectors to slow down activity
how does the body respond to an increase in blood pressure?
baroreceptors detect a rise/increase in blood pressure
so baroreceptors sends impulses to medulla/cardio-inhibitory centre, which send more frequent impulses to the SAN along parasympathetic neurones
causes the release of ACh (acetylcholine), which decreases the impulses to the AVN
how does the body respond to a decrease in blood pressure?
baroreceptors detect a fall in blood pressue
baroreceptors send more impulses to medulla/cardio-acceleratory centre (cardiac control centre), which send more frequent impulses to SAN via sympathetic nervous system
stimulates release of noradrenaline, which increases heart rate and strength of contraction
how does the body respond to an increase in CO2 concentration?
chemoreceptors detect pH decrease and send more impulses to cardioacceleratory centre of medulla oblongata
more impulses to SAN via sympathetic nervous system
heart rate increases
so rate of blood flow to the lungs increases
so rate of gas exchange and ventilation rate increase
some drugs inhibit the transmission of nerve impulses to the heart.
explain how these drugs reduce high blood pressure
the drugs inhibit impulses in sympathetic nerves/ impulses from cardio-acceleratory centre
therefore SAN not stimulated
explain how nervous control in a human can cause increased cardiac output during exercise
coordination via medulla
increased impulses along sympathetic nerve to SAN
more impulses sent from SAN
A woman does moderate exercise. Explain what causes her heart rate to increase while she exercises.
rate of respiration increases in muscle cells
CO2 concentration increases
pH falls
acidity increases
chemoreceptors detect rise in CO2
chemoreceptors in medulla send impulses to cardioacceleratory centre
increased frequency/sends more of impulses by sympathetic pathway to SAN
explain why increased cardio output is an advantage during exercise
more energy released for aerobic respiration
higher cardiac output increases oxygen/glucose supply to muscles