F1 Changes in class structure and prosperity, 1871–1990: the growth of the urban working class, the artisan tradition and its impact, the slow decline of the land-owning elite and the peasantry, the rise of the white collar workers (key developments: Bismarck's introduction of pensions and health insurance in the 1880s, social mobility after the Second World War).
What did the growth of German population post unification effect?
Profoundly social cultural and political aspects of the new nation
Prior to 1871 what had Germanys population mainly been?
What fraction of German population lived in rural villages pre 1871? compared to the amount of people in Britain living in Urbanized centres
2/3 in rural villages
well over ½ in Britain
What did Germanys population undergo rapidly post unification?
Rapid Urbanisation
By 1914 what percentage of Germanys population lived in Urbanised towns?
What problems did the swift Urbanization create for Germany?
Sanitation in the cities
Which political movements were able to grow as a result of urbanisation?
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)
What other movement flourished due to Urbanisation?
Trade Unions
How much did Trade Union movements grow from 1877 to 1891?
How much support did the SPD have in 1875 compared to 1890?
doubled to 1.5 million
How many members of the SPD were in the Reichstag from 1875 to 1890?
What did Bismarck propose to do to the SPD in 1890 and who stopped him?
Limiting the franchise which would have destroyed them
Kaiser Wilhelm II stopped and dismissed him fearing it would lead to a revolution
Did Chancellors following Bismarck continue his social policies or stop them?
Continue them
Why did Chancellors following Bismarck continue his social policies?
As a way to placate the working class and encoruage them not to support the SPD
What are examples of social policies followed by Chancellors post Bismarck?
Accident insurance was extended
Child labour further restricted
Sickness insurance lengthened
When was the SPD the largest party in the Reichstag?
Who was unable to counter the poltical changes caused by the growth of working class?
Political Elite
Who supported the War Effort in the first 2 years of WW1?
German Working Class
Trade Unions
By the Summer of 1916 who WW1 support deteriorate amongst ?
Industrial workers
Why did Industrial workers support for WW1 deteriorate? X3
Questioned the restriction on their freedom from the Auxillary Service Act
Cold Winter of 1916/1917
Food Shortages
What led to large scale political oppostion amongst the working class over WW1?
Mass casualties
Russian Revolution
Food shortages
How many Berlin workers went on strike in 1918?
Where did the Berlin strike spread to?
The whole of Germany
How many workers were on Strike within a month in Germany in 1918?
Over a million
What are 2 things that the Weimar Constitution Guaranteed?
Employees equal rights with employers in determining working conditions
8 hour day
Did Urbanisation speed up or slow down during Weirmar?
Slowed down
What happened to Germanys population in larges cities from 1870-1890?
What happened to Germanys population from 1890-1910?
Doubled again
What was the growth of Large Urban Areas from 1910-1940?
When were conditions particulary good for the Working class in Weimar period?
What was the Wage increase from 1927 to 1928
When did the SPD continue to be the largest party in the Reichstag until?
When was the German working class profoundly effected by economic downturn?
How mamy Germans were unemployed in January 1933?
9 million
What had unemployment reached in 1929 compared to 1932?
Who gained power as a result of the Economic Crisis?
NSDAP (Nazis)
What emerged due to the difficult conditions faced by the new Urban working class?
Many German Socialist movements
When was the Social Democratic Workers Party formed?
Where was the Social Democratic Workers Party formed?
When did the Social Democratic Workers Party formed with Other socialist movements?
What did the combining of Social Democratic Workers Party and Other socialist movements result in?
Was the SPD revolutionary?
Declared only legal, democratic processes would lead to greater rights
What was a key aim of the SPD?
Constitutional Reform
What was the SPD at the start of the 20th century?
Largest most influential and best organized socialist party in the world
How many Germans voted for the SPD in 1912?
4 million
What did the Junkers fear regarding workers and the SPD?
Impressive growth
Development of Urbanised working class
What chancellors attempted to deal with the fear of the SPD?
How did Chancellor Bulow and Bethmann-Holweg attempt to deal with the SPD? X2
Policy weakened them by introducing social reform for workers
Encouraged conservative parties to work together to prevent SPD from power
Werethe chancellor anti SPD policies successful?
No as did not stop growing popularity of the socialit party
What is an example of SPD power from early Weirmar period?
First 3 Weimar chancellors were from SPD
Why did the SPD fail?
Nazis banned them
What happened to SPD members under Nazis?
Arrested of Fled
When was SPD re-established in West Germany?
What party was the Chancellor of West Germany from in 1969-1982
When did Urban workers experience increase employment?
1933 -1945
What did the Nazis ban?
Trade Unions
Ability to strike
What continued to be high despite opposition?
Worker discipline despite some working class opposition to the Nazis
What increased even further from 1945-1990?
How many people remained in rural communities from 1950 to 1970?
What Germany considerable economic growth under FDR further fuel?
Greater movement to large industrialized centres
What did West Germany population grow by in 1950-1980?
50% to 61.7 million
What percentages of West Germans lived in communities of over 10,000 by 1980? compared to East Germans
What changed the demographics of Germanys working class in FRG?
Introduction of ‘Guest Workers’
What 2 countires were guest workers mostly from?
What 2 things were guest workers brought to Germany on?
Fixed contracts
Without Permanent residency
What industry did Guest Workers typically work in? X2
Electrical engineering
Ship Building
From 1959 to 1966 how many guest workers were in Germany?
1.2 million
What did Guest workers create socially in Germany?
An underclass of ethnic workers in German cities
What were features of the underclass? X2
Lowest- paid jobs
Lacked same employment rights as Germans
What are features of Anti Socialist Legislation Bismark introduced in 1878? X3
Outlaw trade union movements
Suppressed SPD newspapers
100 members of SPD in jail
What are examples of social security that Bismarck introduced in hope to win working class support in ?
Free medical treatment
Accident insurance
Sickness insurance
How many workers received free medical treatment in 1833?
3 million
How was free medical treatment funded in 1933?
Workers and employers
When was benefits provided to incapacitated workers? and how was this funded
What was extended to 7 million people in 1886?
Accident and Sickness insurance
When were workers given in 1889?
Pension at 70 or before if disabled
How were pensions funded?
Did Bismarcks social legislation achieve his goals?
The working class continued to support the Banned SPD
What did much of the working class believe without the SPD bismarck would do?
Without the SPD the welfare system would never be established in the first place
Did Bismarcks welfare system improve working conditions? what was not introduced?
Refused to set working hours
Refused to restrict child labour
Refued to allow Sunday as a rest day
What was a powerful symbol of historical continuity in Germany?
What were the artisans?
Living link to traditional of highly skilled workers crafting goods by hand and passing down the skills through generation
What threatened the artisan tradition?
Industrialisation after 1871:
mechanised factories- cheaper goods and faster
From 1882 to 1895 how much did one man Artisan business decline by
When did Artisan business further suffer?
When was it clear that artisans were able to survive in Industrialised Germany?
What allowed Artisans to adapt to increasing competition due to industrialisation in Germany? X2
New Methods
Better tools
What sector of society did German Artisans, Shopkeepers and Small Traders form?
Who did Artisans feel challenged by?
Politcal elite
Growing power of Socialists
Trade Unions
Fear of modernisaiton
Who did the Artisans move to accept due to increased modernisation?
Extremist parties
What 3 groups of people formed the first solid base of support for the Nazis?
Skilled craftsmen
Small Business owners
What did the Nazis have which meant they gained Artisan support?
In their 25 points they had several policies to assist small traders
What was a features of Nazi policy to assist small traders?
Whole sale business were to be shut down and premises have to small traders at a cheaper lease rate
What percentage of skilled workers made up the Nazi membership in the 1920s? compared to how much of society they made up as a whole?
When the Nazis came to power what are 4 features that helped Germanys Artisans?
Trade unions were crushed
Department stores were restricted
Chain stores banned from growing any larger
Large chains were unable to offer: shoe shining, baking, food catering
What did New Artisans have to pass from 1935 onwards?what did this lead to
Master Examination in their craft
High level of skill was maintained
What did the Nazi party order uniform from to help the artisans?
How much did the Artisans business numbers rise from 1931-1936?
What happened to the artisans from 1936-1939 due to war?
Began to decline by 11%
What stores began to grow from 1936?
Department stores