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A living being where an infectious, parasitic, or pathogenic agent resides and receives sustenance.
Drugs that treat infections by killing or slowing the growth of microbes causing infection.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, responsible for investigating, preventing, and controlling disease.
Disease state that results from the presence of pathogens in or on the body.
Infectious agent
Microorganisms like bacteria that can cause disease, categorized by shape (cocci, bacilli, spirochetes) and gram stain (positive or negative).
Gram positive
Bacteria with thick cell walls that retain violet stain.
Gram negative
Bacteria with complex cell walls that can be decolorized by alcohol.
Organisms that need oxygen to live and grow.
Organisms that do not need oxygen.
Natural habitat of organisms where they can grow and multiply.
Portal of exit
Point of escape for an organism from its reservoir.
Means of transmission
Ways in which an infectious agent is transmitted from its reservoir.
Direct Contact
Transmission that requires close proximity between a host and an infected person or carrier.
Indirect Contact
Involves personal contact with a vector or inanimate object.
A creature that transmits an infectious agent to humans.
An inanimate object that can carry infectious agents.
Portal of entry
Point at which organisms enter a new host.
Susceptible host
A host that allows microorganisms to survive by providing shelter and nourishment.
The smallest microorganisms, visible only through a microscope.
Drugs that shorten the course of viral illnesses but do not cure.
Plant-like organisms, such as molds and yeasts, that may be resistant to treatment.
Organisms that live on or in a host and rely on it for nourishment.
A disease that occurs with predictability in a specific region or population.
Global outbreaks of a novel virus that did not have an immunization or treatment.
A harmless organism that can cause infection under certain conditions.
Infection is present once the person exhibits specific manifestations of the disease.
Incubation period
Interval between pathogen invasion and appearance of symptoms.
Prodromal stage
The most infectious stage with vague early signs and symptoms.
Full stage of Illness
Characterized by specific signs and symptoms of infection.
Convalescent period
The recovery phase after infection.
Inflammatory response
Protective mechanisms that help neutralize or eliminate the offending agent.
Immune response
Collective reaction of the immune system to an invading organism.
Foreign material invading the organism.
Component of the overall immune response.
Healthcare associated infections
Infections that originate in a hospital setting.
Causative organisms acquired from other people.
Causative organisms that come from microbial life within the host.
Infections that result from treatment or diagnostic procedures.