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General features of spirochetes
Long sledner helically curved gram neg
Unusual features spirochetes
Axial filaments or fibrilis - flagella liek organelles tahat wrap around cell wall
outer sheath - encloses the protoplasmic cylinder
insertion disks - plate like strucutres that anchor the spirochete to its environment.
Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum disease
treponema palladium susp. pertenue disease
treponema palladium susp. endemicum disease
Endemic syphillis
treponema non pathogenic species disease
possible associated with Vincent’s disease - acute necrotizing ulcerative ginigivitis —> destructive lesion of gums
Treponema morphology
3 periplasmic flagella at each end
long thin spiral rods
best observed in phase contrast or dark field
Trepenoma cultivation
infect only humans
have been cultivated in vitro ( unlike other abcteria, difficult to culture in vitro (outside the body)
Trepenoma epidemiology and pathogenesis
Enter host by penetrating intact mucous membranes or skin breaks
spread via bloodstream
Mechanism is unclear : t.palladium has an affinity for arterioles —> tissue destruction
transmission of each trepenoma
T. palladium disease and transmission
Veneral syphillis
transmitted : sexual , direct contact with lesion, transplacental
3 stages of disease
3 stages of syphillis
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
Primary syphillis sympotms
Formation of chancre (ulcer) - painless lesion, raised border and forms 21 days after infection
Chancroid- painFUL lesion (haemophilis ducreyi)
Painless ulcer can appear at gentials
Teeming with tropenemes
Secondary syphilius symptoms
2-12 weeks after chancre : sore throat, fever, gernalized lymphadenopathy, rash, and mucous membrane lesions
characteristic skin rash - lesion forms on mucous membranes, all highly infectious
Condylomata lata - may appear on moist body region, mucioid wart like growths
Latent syphillis
Disease becoems subclinical
diease is NOT inactive → detected by serological test
1/3 patietns exhibit biologic cure
1/3 pateients develop tertieary syphillis
1/3 patients remain latent for life with reactive serology
Tertiary syphillis
May appear 10-25 years after initial infection
formation gummas-granulomatous lesions
Neurosyphillis - degenerative changes in Centra nervous system
Syphilitic cardiovascular lesions - abnormalites of aurta and aortic valves
Ocular syphillis- intestinal keratitisand vision loss.
Congentital syphilis early
Trepenmes cross placenta - infected mother transmits the infection to the fetus, leading to a variety of health issues such as developmental delays, bone deformities, and potentially stillbirth.
Early : symptoms devleop 2-10 weeks post delivery
UNTREATED children develop late congential syphilis
Congentital syphilis late
Asymtomatic at birth
symptoms can appear during puberty
Intestional keratitis
hutchisons teeth or mulberry molars
eighth nerve deafness
= hutchinson’s traid = diagnostic criteria
Labraotory diagnosis syphillis
Direct detection : dark field microscorpy (most common) or fluroscent antobody exam of skin lesions (allows visualization of spirochetes, highly specific)
PCR can be used of rcongential syphillis, not widely avail tho
Measure presence of treponal and on treponemal antibodies
treponemal AB - antibody against antigens of organsisms, specific to tset to sphyillis
Non treponal Ab - no specific reagin tests : Venereal Disease resarch lab (VDRL) and Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR), used as a screen test, shows antibodies exist but not what kind
measures reagain (Ab to cardiopin, produced against components of mammallian cells)
Challenges in serodiagnosis
Cross reactivity
False pos results in conditions / other diseases
VDRL principle
Patient’s seruum is heat activated and mixed with biffered salin suspestion of VDRL antigen
Presence of reagin results in micro cluimping = flocculation
VDRL specimen
Blood serum or CSF
VDRL specficity / secondary test
Venereal disease reseach laboratory
good screening test : detects 78% primary syph, 99% secondary syph, 96% latent syph, 71% tertiary cases
Negative resullts with POSTIVE sympotms muist have a SECONDARY CONFIMATION test, with Treponema sensitive test
RPR test
More specific than VDRL and easier to perform
A Nontreponemal test, measuring antbodies that are not specific to bacteria, used to screen
Fluorescent trep AB absorbtion test
Serologic test for specific treponemal antobody
Confirmatory test for a pos scrern test (VDRL or RPR)
one pos = pos for life
confimatory test , detescts specific treponema ab
FTA-ABS specific step
Serum is first exposed to non T.pallidum treponemal antigens to remove nonspecific Abs from serum
T.pallidum particle aggultination
Uses gelatin particles sensitized with T.pallidum antigens
If specific antibody is present, gelatin particles will aggultinate and form a flat mat across the bottom of the test well
Quantitiative serum titers of antibody can be used to monitor response to therapy
TPPA readings
2+ = most reactive
— = non reactive
Treatments for treponemal infections (syph)
penicillin G for all tropenemal infections
Doxycycline prescirbed if penicillin allergy
caries on disease and age of host
Endemeic in africa, south merica : primary stage lesion s- elevated, granulomatus nodules
Endemic syphillis or bejel
middle east arid
primary / secondary lesions - papules
progress to gummas of skin and bones and nasophaynx
tropical central south america
person to person
scaling, painless papules —> erythematous rash becomes hyperpigmented over time
Borrelia properties
highly flexible spiralis : 3-10
actively motile : 15-20 flagella per cell
stains well with giemsa bright field
Borllia diseases
Relapsing fever
lice B. recurrentis
tick - b. duttonii
lyme disease
tick b.burgdorferi
Endemic relapsing fever
b. recurrentis lice (louse)
episodic symptoms due to antigenic variability (changes surface markers) —> confuses immune system
Epidemiology boriella
ferbile period : 3-7 days
aferbile period : days - weeks
Borellia cultivation
culture on Barbour stoener kelly medium (rare)
perferred done on serum
Wet preps from periphereal blood of febrile patients
antigenic variation —> serology impractical , very challenging for a serological test diagnosis if it changes
Boreiella treatment
treated with tetracyclines which reduce rate of relapse and kill abcteria in CNS
side effect : Jarsich herxheimer reactions
due to release of toxic or antigenic substances by the ifnecting microbe
Lyme disease
associated with B. burgdorferi
Transmitted to humans via bite of lxodes tick
most common disease in North american and europe
tick attatched > 24 hrs = disease transmitted
IgM antibodies are continually produced and can be detected months / years after infection bc of antigenic variation
Lyme disease stages
First stage: erythema migrans : red ring, headache, fever, muscle pain
Second stage: weels to months after infection : neurologic disorders , arthritis
third stage : characterized by chronic arthitiris may continue for years
Third stage chronic lyme disease
acute pahse symptoms : skin rash flu like synmptoms
can be resolved by immune response or abx tresament
resulting autoimmunity
molecular mimicry phenomenom
pathoen has a molecule taht reswmbles a host moleculte
chronic lyme disease definition
autoimmuni disease rxn that can cause persisitant arthritis and neurologic sympotms even after abx treatment
Molecular mimcry phenomenom
conditions that pathogen caontains a molecule that resmbnles host molcule
when immube cells attack the pathogen, the look aliek cells also get attacked, resultign in damage to hsot
B.burgdorferi diagnosis
organism visible in tissue sections, ususally very few number of organisms
PCR more effective than microscope to find in early and late phases
IFA, ELISA, Western Blot used
speci : urine, synovial fluid
Primary screening method to ddetect Borrelia
ELISA, to detect antibody against borellia
false positive are high from cross reactivity
2 step serologic approach
Screen with ELISA or IFA
Confirm result using imunoblotting
Borrelia treatment (lyme disease)
susceptiblity testing ususally not performed,
First stage treated with deoxycycline, amoxcillian, cerfuroxime
late stage treated with broad spectrum cephalsopsrins (ceftriaxone or cefotaxime)
Leptospira interrogans
chain of cocci
ends have hooks
Zoonotic disease, shed in water and mud in urine of infected animasl
Enter human host by small cuts of skin or swallowing water
Weil Disease
weil disease
Leptospira interrogans
heptatic, renal and intravasulcar disease
Doxycycline is druge of choice, vaccination for pets
Weil disease stages
first stage 4-7 days : conjuctival suffusion , leptospiremia
Second phase (unsure) neurological lesions
Leptospirma lab diagnosis
Blood and CSF plated on Fletcher, stuart, EMJH media, incubated at dark room temp.
Macroscopic aggulitantio test and gold standard microscopic aggultination test for anitbodies
Mycobacteria general cahracteristics
non spre forming
non motile
slwo growing
Acid fast cell wall
very high lipid content
Habitiat of mycobacteria in humans
Person to person
M.tuberculosis complex: one meber of complex infects animals
M.leprae : non cultureable
habitat of mycobacteria in enviroemental
NTM: Non tuberculosis mycobacteria
Water of soil
Mycobacterium 2 main groups
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
non tuberculosis myco bacteria
2 groups of non tuberculosis mycobacteria
slow growing
fast growing
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
capable of casuing tuberculosis
slwo growing , forms nonpigemnts colonies
tranmission from droplets
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex pathogeneis
inhalation of a SINGLE organism can lead to infection
Quaniterfon tests for latent TB
Mycobacteria bovis
associated with milk form infected cows
BCG vaccine, used to immunize tb
individuals with HIV are more prone
Tb skin test
not reliable in countried with high cases, cross contamiation
Mantoux test (the skin test) : mesurement of delayed type hyper sensntivity to PPD antigen (purified protein derivative)
Tb skin test interptration
Pos : exposure to M. tuberculosis or BCG vaccine
Neg: no exposure, loss of reactivy with time or severe disease, immunosupporesion
quantiferon tubes
measures (interferon y) IFNy by enzyme linked immuno absorbant assay (ELISA) is used to identify in votro response
usues peptides to stimulate tb proteins to stimulate cells in whole blood
Tb pathogensis
Primary : droplet aiborne
tb is ingested by alveoli macrophages