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Jan 1066
King Edward dies without an heir
Oct 1066
Battle of Hastings
Battle between William of Normandy and Harold of England for sucession of the throne
William of Normandy won concluding to the start of the Norman conquest and the end of Anglo-Saxon era
Dec 1066
William crowned king
Jews invited to migrate to England by William
Offered royal protection in return for money lending which christian residents on England couldn’t offer due to usury being a sin
Doomsday book
A huge survey to get an accurate record of the state of William’s land in order to raise money by taxation
Results were recorded in ‘Doomsday book’
Only 2 great landownders were English the rest were Norman spotlighting the domination Normans had on England
The Harrying of the North
Punishment taken by the Normans on the Saxons in the north of England against their attempt of a rebellion
William’s forces destroyed crops,livestock and settlements aiming to deprive reblels of resources and intimidate the population to submission
Thousands died of starvation some resorted to cannibalism
Crusades begin
A series of European military journeys in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries aimed to take holy land back from Muslims
Blood libel begins in England
Accusation onto Jews brought by the church where people gained their education from
Attempt to demonize Jews claiming their responsibility of murdering young boy ‘William of Norwich’ in their religious practices
Led to widespread anti-semitism and persecution against Jews
Henry III Statute of Jewry
Restrictions among Jews prohibiting them on engaging in usury which caused them to become poor
No purpose in English society as money lenders as they became poor and useless
Edict of Expulsion a degree culminated by anti-semitic sentiment and rising tensions between Christians and Jews
Jews expelled from England
The Black Death
Deadly pandemic killing 30 million people in Europe causing England being in demand for skilled workers to fill the working gaps