APUSH Unit 6

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Alexander Graham Bell

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Alexander Graham Bell

Invented the first telephone. A teacher of the deaf. He was significant because his invention sparked the creation of a gigantic communication network across the United States.

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A political movement, that became a platform for the People's Party; promoted the power of the common man instead of the select elite; many claim the root of this movement came from farmers and the Farmer's Alliance; wanted to democratize government to protect the people

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American Federation of Labor

Labor union founded in 1886 in response to the growth of unskilled labor unions; it accepted only skilled laborers excluding women and many minority groups; they fought for closed-shops (companies hiring only union workers), collective bargaining, and an eight hour workday

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Dumbbell Tenement

Often poorly constructed apartment buildings in urban areas; named for their shape

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Haymarket Square Riot

In 1886, a strike broke out at the McCormick plant in Chicago; the rally was moved to a public area where someone in the crowd threw a bomb causing a riot; several policemen died, and as a result 8 innocent German immigrants were arrested and anarchists and labor unions were blamed for the riot

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Great Railroad Strike

Protest that began with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad that quickly spread across 11 states and shut down most of the country's railroads; as the strike escalated to as many as 500,000 from railroads and other industries, President Hayes had to send in federal troops to end it

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Homestead Strike

Strike that broke out at the Carnegie plant near Pittsburgh because of drastic pay cuts; strikebreakers were brought in and workers responded with violence by putting oil in the river and setting fire to it; Pinkerton guards had to be brought in to restore order

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Pullman Strike

Strike that was led by Eugene Debs and the American Railway Union; when a depression hit, this luxury and sleeper railcar company refused to increase wages or lower rent in its company town; workers went on strike until President Cleveland was forced to intervene to protect the U.S. postal service

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Wounded Knee

The last of the major "Indian Wars"; in an effort to enforce the ban of the Ghost Dance, U.S. military engaged in a battle with the Lakota Sioux in South Dakota; resulted in a massacre of 200-300 Sioux including many women and children

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Little Bighorn

1876 battle that broke out in the Dakota Territory after gold was discovered there; ignoring previous treaties, General George Custer led his 7th cavalry to a disastrous defeat against the Sioux as they defended their land; known as Custer's Last Stand

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A lack of government regulation/interference; the economy is controlled instead by the law of supply and demand; in the Gilded Age, this led to horrible working and living conditions

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political machine

A political group who controlled local politics and influenced voting and legislation at the state and federal level; often committed voting fraud, bribery, and graft to maintain power

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Helen Hunt Jackson

author of A Century of Dishonor that chronicled the broken promises made to Native Americans by the U.S. government

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Dawes Act

Dissolved many tribes as legal entities, wiped out tribal ownership of land, and set up individual Indian family heads with 160 free acres; promoted a forced assimilation of Native Americans to become "good white settlers" on their path to citizenship

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Frederick Jackson Turner

Historian who presented a "frontier thesis" that claimed the true American culture was found on the frontier, not in eastern cities; declared the frontier was closed implying Americans would have to become imperialistic outside of its borders to continue growth

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Jacob Riis

Muckraking journalist who wrote How the Other Half Lives exposing the living conditions in urban tenements

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Sitting Bull

Responsible for the defeat of General Custer; Sioux leader, along with Crazy Horse, who successfully defended the Black Hills on their Dakota reservation

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Andrew Carnegie

Scottish immigrant who became the "Steel King," the mastermind behind the steel industry; bought out hundreds of iron-ore supplying towns to be directly fed to his huge factories to create a vertically integrated company; sold his company to J.P. Morgan

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Social Gospel

The idea that it is a Christian's duty to make money in order to give back to the community that fostered the wealth (philanthropy)

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The rapid growth of cities due to migration and immigration; led to problems such as poorly constructed buildings, overcrowding, and sanitation issues

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Chinese Exclusion Act

A turning point in immigration policy because it banned immigration from a specific nationality; in response to employment in the mining and railroad industries; first passed in 1882 to ban immigration for ten years

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Social Darwinism

Coined by Herbert Spencer; survival of the fittest in business or society; often used to justify unethical business practices

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Vertical Integration

Combining into one organization all phases of manufacturing from mining to marketing; goal was to improve efficiency by making supplies more reliable, controlling the quality of the product at all stages of production, and eliminating the middleman

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Henry Ford

Entrepreneur who used his experience from a Michigan engine company to introduce the first automobile that was mass produced using the assembly line; paid his workers $5 a day

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Thomas Edison

Famous inventor known as "The Wizard of Menlo Park"; invented the incandescent light bulb, phonograph, and motion pictures along with over 1000 other patents in his lifetime

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J.P. Morgan

Financial giant who reorganized the railroads, had insurance companies, and also had banks; launched the United States Steel Corporation, invested in General Electric and AT&T

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National Labor Union

Founded in 1866, the first major nation-wide labor union that accepted skilled and unskilled laborers; effective until it was basically replaced by the Knights of Labor

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Samuel Gompers

He is responsible for the formation of one of the first labor unions; President of the American Federation of Labor worked on getting better hours and better wages for skilled laborers

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John D. Rockefeller

He was the owner of the notorious Standard Oil Company that originally practiced horizontal integration to consolidate with competitors and eliminate competition to monopolize his company; target of antitrust legislation; country's first billionaire

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Horizontal Integration

Involves one level of a business, such as manufacturing, or the production of the product; controlling one part as opposed to entire product; could involve buying out competitors to monopolize a specific part of a product

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Frederick Taylor

Known as the "Father of Efficiency"; his methods in companies were used to count steps, cut costs, and organize business through scientific management

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Knights of Labor

Labor union that accepted unskilled laborers; fought for an 8 hour workday and safety regulations; membership dropped after people associated the union with anarchy in the wake of the Haymarket Square Riot

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Boss Tweed

Leader of Tammany Hall, the New York Democratic political machine; used bribery and graft to gain political power for his party; supported by immigrants who acquired housing and employment in exchange for votes

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Ellis Island

New York immigrant depot for European immigrants; new arrivals had to pass rigorous medical and document examinations and pay entry before being allowed into the U.S.

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Cornelius Vanderbilt

New York railroad tycoon who controlled 40% of the nation's railroads after consolidating New York Central, building Grand Central Station, and gaining control of the Erie Railroad

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Jane Addams

Progressive reformer who founded the Hull House in Chicago, one of the first of the settlement house movement to help immigrants with housing, finding jobs, daycare, literacy among many other services

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Bessemer Process

Used by Carnegie to efficiently make steel from iron; originally created by William Kelley, but he failed to get the patent first

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