Ostend manifesto
1852; agreement that the diplomats drew up when pierce sent three diplomats to Belgium where they secretly negotiated to buy Cuba from Spain. Was leaked to the press and anti-slavery members of Congress got mad and forced pierce to drop this scheme
Walker expedition
William Walker (southern adventure) tried unsuccessfully to take Baja California from Mexico in 1853, then he seized power in Nicaragua in 1855; gained temporary recognition from the US in 1856, but his scheme to develop proslavery central American empire collapsed when it collation of central American countries invaded and defeated him. He was executed by Mandarin authorities in 1860
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Great Britain and the United States agreed to so they would prevent each other from seizing opportunity to build canal. Provided neither nation would attempt to take any exclusive control of any future canal route in Central America
Gadsden purchase
Pierced bought small strip of land from Mexico in 1853 for 10 million. Laid on best route for a rail road through region, and forms the southern sections of present day New Mexico and Arizona
Freesoil movement
Northern democrats and wigs supported Wilmot Pro Viso in position that all African-Americans should be excluded from Mexican cession. Abolitionist advocated eliminating slavery everywhere, Northerners who opposed westward slavery did not oppose it in south. Wanted west to be white only, no slaves or free blacks
Free soil party
Organized by Northerners who opposed allowing slavery in western territories; advocated free homesteads and internal improvements. Slogan was free soil, free labor, Free men
Members of the free soil party; call to discuss defection threaten to destroy democratic party
Lewis cass
Democratic senator from Michigan; proposed the compromise solution that won considerable support from moderates across the country. Suggested that matter of slavery in western territories be determined by vote of people in territory
Popular sovereignty
Cass approach to problem of slavery in western territories (be determined by vote of people who lived there)
Zachary Taylor
Mexican war hero in general who was nominated for president in 1848. He had no political experience or no position on slavery in the territories
Henry clay
Kentucky senator who proposed the compromise for crisis on seccession. Admitted California as a free state Divide the rest of the Mexican cession into Utah and New Mexico and allow settlers to decide if slavery is allowed there Give land dispute between Texas and the New Mexican territories to new territories in return for federal government assuming Texas public debt of 10 million ban slave trade in DC but permit whites to own slaves there Adopt a new fugitive slave law and enforce it
Compromise of 1850
Group of five laws that made concessions to both free and slave states in attempt to please both sides The taxes provision, Texas relinquished disputed territories in exchange for 10 million to pay off debt California provision, California enters as a free state New Mexico Utah provision, These territories would be ruled by popular sovereignty. DC provision, slave trade permitted but slavery could be practiced Fugitive slave law, aid in the recovery a fugitive slaves
Industrial technology
New factories produced shoes, sewing machines, ready to wear clothing, fire arms, precision tools, and iron products for railroads
Elias Howe
Invented sewing machine which took much production of clothes out of homes and into factories
Samuel FB Morse
Invented electric telegraph which went hand-in-hand with growth of railroads and enormously speeding up communication and transportation across the country
Connected country and made transportation of people and goods easier and faster
Panic of 1857
Financial panic; causes sharp decrease in price is for Midwestern agriculture products and sharp increase in unemployment in northern cities. Cotton prices remain high in south was less affected. Resulted in South believing their economy was better than North
Hostility towards new immigrants who came to the US. Nativeborn feared immigrants would steal their jobs
Tenant farmers driven from homeland by crop failures in devastating famine and 1840s. Came with limited interest in farming and few skills and a little money. Discriminated because they were Roman catholic, most stayed in northern cities, spoke English, understood electoral parties, and join Democrats
Roman catholic
Religion of Irish; Christian denomination originating in Rome
Economic hardships and failure of democratic revolutions in 1848 caused them to seek refuge in the US; skills as farmers and artisans. Established homesteads in old Northwest, supported education, and a post library
Tammany hall
New York City's Democratic organization which the Irish controlled by 1800s
Fugitive slave law
In force capture and return of runaway slaves within the US. Purpose was to help owners track down slaves that ran away to north. Remove slave cases from state courts and move them to federal courts; us commissioners could issue warrants for arrest fugitives. Anyone who attempted to hide runaways what subject to heavy penalties
Underground railroad
Loose network of activist who helped enslaved people escaped in north or Canada to gain freedom
Harriet Tubman
Most famous conductor of the underground railroad. Woman who had escaped slavery; made at least 19 trips and rescue to 300 people
Uncle Tom's cabin
Most influential book of it today; about an enslaved man in brutal white slave owner (Simon LeGree) published in 1852, moved people to see slave owners as inhumane
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Wrote/published uncle Tom's cabin; a northerner
Hinton R helper
Row impending crisis of south, was from North Carolina
Impending crisis of the south
Attacked slavery by using statistics to show how it weakens the southern economy. Southern states band it, but North distributed it; nonfiction
George Fitzhugh
Best known proslavery author who questioned the principle of equal rights for unequal in attack the way just dumb as worse than slavery
Sociology for the south
Written by Fitzhugh; said capitalism of Northwest failure, slavery was justified compared to cannibalistic approach of capitalism