Zimmermann Telegram - Definition
A secret German communication urging Mexico to join the Central Powers in exchange for regaining lost territories if the U.S. entered World War I
Zimmermann Telegram - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation - This event directly contributed to the U.S. joining the war
Lusitania - Definition
A British passenger ship sunk by a German U-boat in 1915, killing over 1,000 people, including Americans
Lusitania - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation - This event escalated U.S. opposition to Germany and pushed the nation closer to war
Fourteen Points - Definition
President Woodrow Wilson's post-war plan for peace, emphasizing self-determination and the League of Nations
Fourteen Points - Historical Thinking Skill
Continuity and Change Over Time - The plan represented a shift toward multilateral diplomacy, though not all points were adopted
Selective Service Act - Definition
A 1917 law requiring men to register for the draft to build the U.S. military for World War I.
Selective Service Act - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – This act enabled the U.S. to mobilize for war effectively.
Great Migration - Definition
The movement of African Americans from the rural South to urban centers in the North for economic opportunities during World War I.
Great Migration - Historical Thinking Skill
Continuity and Change Over Time – It marked a major demographic shift and highlighted ongoing racial tensions.
Espionage & Sedition Acts - Definition
Laws passed during World War I that restricted speech critical of the government and war effort.
Espionage & Sedition Acts - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – These acts reflected wartime fears and had lasting effects on free speech rights.
Assembly Line - Definition
A manufacturing process popularized by Henry Ford that increased production efficiency.
Assembly Line - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – It spurred mass production and consumerism in the U.S.
Radio - Definition
A technological innovation that became a primary medium for entertainment and information in the 1920s.
Radio - Historical Thinking Skill
Continuity and Change Over Time – It transformed how people consumed information and entertainment.
Harlem Renaissance- Definition
A cultural movement celebrating African American art, music, and literature during the 1920s.
Harlem Renaissance - Historical Thinking Skill
Comparison – It showcased the contrast between traditional values and new cultural expressions.
Scopes Trial - Definition
A 1925 legal case that debated the teaching of evolution versus creationism in public schools.
Scopes Trial - Historical Thinking Skill
Comparison – It contrasted the differing views on science and religion in American society.
Prohibition - Definition
The nationwide ban on the production, sale, and transportation of alcohol from 1920 to 1933 under the 18th Amendment.
Prohibition - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – It caused significant societal and legal challenges, leading to its eventual repeal.
Ku Klux Klan (1920s) - Definition
A revival of the white supremacist group that targeted African Americans, immigrants, Catholics, and Jews.
Ku Klux Klan (1920s) - Historical Thinking Skill
Continuity and Change Over Time – The Klan’s resurgence demonstrated the persistence of racial and cultural tensions.
Stock Market Crash of 1929 - Definition
A catastrophic collapse of stock prices that marked the beginning of the Great Depression.
Stock Market Crash of 1929 - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – It directly led to the Great Depression and reshaped global economies.
Dust Bowl - Definition
A severe drought and series of dust storms in the 1930s that devastated the Great Plains.
Dust Bowl - Historical Thinking Skill
Continuity and Change Over Time – It exposed the vulnerability of farmers to environmental and economic challenges.
Hoovervilles - Definition
Shantytowns built by homeless Americans during the Great Depression, named sarcastically after President Hoover.
Hoovervilles - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – They symbolized the consequences of inadequate government response to the economic crisis.
Social Security Act - Definition
A 1935 law that created a government pension system for retired and unemployed workers.
Social Security Act - Historical Thinking Skill
Continuity and Change Over Time – It marked a lasting shift in the government’s role in providing for citizens’ welfare.
Tennessee Valley Authority - Defintion
A New Deal program that provided jobs, electricity, and flood control in the Tennessee Valley region.
Tennessee Valley Authority - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – It demonstrated how federal programs could address regional disparities.
Works Progress Administration - Definition
A New Deal agency that created jobs in public works projects for millions of unemployed Americans.
Works Progress Administration - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – It provided immediate economic relief and long-term infrastructure improvements.
Washington Naval Conference - Defintion
A 1921-1922 conference aimed at reducing naval arms among major world powers.
Washington Naval Conference - Historical Thinking Skill
Comparison – It showcased differing international approaches to disarmament.
Good Neighbor Policy - Definition
A U.S. policy under FDR promoting non-intervention and cooperation with Latin American countries.
Good Neighbor Policy - Historical Thinking Skill
Continuity and Change Over Time – It marked a shift from earlier interventionist policies.
Neutrality Acts - Definition
Laws passed in the 1930s to prevent U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts by banning arms sales to warring nations.
Neutrality Acts - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – They influenced U.S. foreign policy in the lead-up to World War II.
War Production Board - Definition
A government agency that coordinated the production of war materials during World War II.
War Production Board - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – It played a critical role in the U.S.’s ability to mobilize for war.
Rosie the Riveter - Definition
A cultural icon representing women who worked in factories and shipyards during World War II.
Rosie the Riveter - Historical Thinking Skill
Continuity and Change Over Time – It challenged traditional gender roles and expanded opportunities for women.
Executive Order 9066 - Definition
An order that authorized the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
Executive Order 9066 - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – It reflected wartime fears and had long-lasting implications for civil liberties.
D-Day (Operation Overlord) - Definition
The Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied France on June 6, 1944.
D-Day (Operation Overlord) - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – It marked a decisive moment in the Allied victory over Axis powers.
Manhattan Project - Definition
A secret U.S. project to develop the atomic bomb during World War II.
Manhattan Project - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – It revolutionized warfare and reshaped global power dynamics.
Tuskegee Airman - Definition
A group of African American military pilots who served in World War II, breaking racial barriers and proving the capabilities of Black aviators.
Tuskegee Airman - Historical Thinking Skill
Continuity and Change Over Time – Their contributions challenged racial discrimination and influenced civil rights advancements in the military and beyond.
Yalta Conference - Definition
A 1945 meeting between Allied leaders to plan postwar Europe’s reorganization.
Yalta Conference - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – It shaped the geopolitical landscape of the postwar world.
The Marshall Plan - Definition
A U.S. program that provided economic aid to rebuild European nations after World War II, aiming to prevent the spread of communism.
The Marshall Plan - Historical Thinking Skill
Causation – It contributed to Europe’s recovery and helped contain the influence of the Soviet Union.
United Nations - Definition
An international organization founded in 1945 to promote peace, security, and cooperation among nations.
United Nations - Historical Thinking Skill
Continuity and Change Over Time – It represented a new commitment.