Chapter 11: The Prokaryotes: Domains Bacteria and Archaea
11.1 The Prokaryotic Groups
11.2 Gram-Negative Bacteria
The proteobacteria, which include most of the gram-negative, chemoheterotrophic bacteria, are presumed to have arisen from a common photosynthetic ancestor.
As a group, the alphaproteobacteria includes most of the proteobacteria that are capable of growth with very low levels of nutrients.
Members of the photosynthetic phylum Chlorobi (representative genus: Chlorobium) are called green sulfur bacteria.
However, there are photosynthetic gram-negative bacteria that are genetically included in the proteobacteria.
11.5 Diversity within the Archaea
Extremophiles, as they are known, include halophiles, thermophiles, and acidophiles.