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J.C. Bach, Sinfonia in G Minor, Op. 6No. 6
Title : J.C. Bach
Composer : Sinfonia in G Minor, Op. 6No. 6
Era : CA 1760/Classical
Genre : Sinfonia
Instrumentation : Orchestra
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Violin entrance with fast notes afterward, with harpsichord accompaniment
Haydn, Symphony No. 45 in F# Minor,"Farewell"
Title : Symphony No. 45 in F# Minor,"Farewell"
Composer : Franz Joseph Haydn
Era : 1772/Classical
Genre : Symphony
Instrumentation : Orchestra
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Short entrances and exits, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum for example. It is played by the horns
Mozart, Piano Concerto in G Major,No. 17, iii
Theme and VariationsTitle : Piano Concerto in G Major, No. 17, iii
Composer : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Era : 1784
Genre : Piano concerto
Instrumentation : Orchestra and piano
Form/Texture : Theme and Variations
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Violin intro with fast abrupt, but not actual, stops.
Mozart, Don Giovanni
Title : Don Giovanni
Composer : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Era : 1787
Genre : Opera (Dramma giocoso)
Instrumentation : Orchestra; voice
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : Italian
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Intense intro, with the bass voice singing the title.
Beethoven, Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, I
Title : Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67
Composer : Ludwig van Beethoven
Era : 1806-1807
Genre : Symphony
Instrumentation : Orchestra
Form/Texture : Sonata Form
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Repeating entrances also follows short-short-short-long style.
Schubert, Der Erlkönig
Title : Der Erlkönig
Composer : Franz Peter Schubert
Era : 1815
Genre : Lied
Instrumentation : Piano, Voice (Baritone)
Form/Texture :
Language : German
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Piano entrance with fast playing and accesion on notes, which recedes as the voice sings.
Berlioz, "Dream of a Witches'Sabbath" from Symphony Fantastique
Title : Symphonie Fantastique, fifth movement, "Dream of a Witches' Sabbath"
Composer : Hector Berlioz
Era : 1830/Romantic
Genre : Symphony
Instrumentation : Orchestra
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Atonal entrance with strings, that has descending notes.
Fanny Mendelssohn, Lied für daspianofort
Title : Lied für das pianoforte ("Song for the piano" or "Song Without Words"), Op. 8 No. 1
Composer : Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel
Era : ca. 1846, published posthumously in 1850/Romantic era
Genre : Song for the piano
Instrumentation : Piano
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Sweet piano entrance, very sophisticated, moving notes.
Chopin, Ballade No. 1 in G Minor, Op.23
Title : Ballade No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 23
Composer : Fryderyk Chopin
Era : 1835/Romantic Era
Genre : Ballade
Instrumentation : Piano
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : One note followed by long pause, then ascending notes and more pauses, very pause heavy.
Rossini, "Largo al factotum" from TheBarber of Seville
Title : "Largo al factotum" ("Figaro's Aria") from The Barber of Seville
Composer : Gioachino Rossini
Era : 1816/Romantic Era
Genre : Opera buffa ("Comic opera")
Instrumentation : Baritone, orchestra
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : Italian
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Strings sound excited, lots of moving notes, upbeat and fast, followed by baritone singing la, la, la.
Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
Title : Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
Composer : Franz Liszt
Era : 1847/Romantic era
Genre : Rhapsody
Instrumentation : Piano
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : one note for a bit, followed by a pause and then an atonal combination of notes, this is repeated for a little bit.
Wagner, The Ride of the Valkyries
Title : The Ride of the Valkyries
Composer : Richard Wagner
Era : Completed in 1856; first premiered in 1870/Late Romantic Era
Genre : Music drama
Instrumentation : Voice; Orchestra
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : German
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : String entrances, repeated through different sections, triumphant horns.
Verdi, "Sempre libera" from LaTraviata
Title : Sempre libera ("always free")
Composer : Giuseppe Verdi
Era : 1853/Romantic era
Genre : Opera
Instrumentation : Voice, orchestra
Violetta is a soprano; Alfredo is a tenor
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : Italian
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Strings play what the voice will sing, ascending followed by vibrato notes
Debussy, La Mer, iii
Title : La Mer (The Sea)
Composer : Claude Debussy
Era : 1905
Genre : Symphonic work
Instrumentation : Orchestra
Form/Texture : Impressionism
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Strings, playing low ominous sounds which speeds up, think jaws theme, followed by high horns
Schoenberg, "Nacht" from Pierrot Lunaire
Title : "Nacht" from Pierrot Lunaire
Composer : Arnold Schoenberg
Era : 1912
Genre : Song
Instrumentation : Soprano, piano, cello, bass clarinet
Form/Texture : Expressionism
Language : German
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : quiet for 20 seconds, with voice barely noticeable
Stravinsky, Le Sacre du Printemps
Title : Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring)
Composer : Igor Stravinsky
Era : 1913
Genre : Ballet
Instrumentation : Orchestra
Form/Texture : Primitivism
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Soft horn entrance, horn repeats same phrase.
Ives, "Putnam's Camp, Redding,Connecticut" from Three Places in NewEngland
Title : "Putnam's Camp, Redding, Connecticut" from Three Places in New England
Composer : Charles Ives
Era : 1903-1929
Genre : Orchestral work
Instrumentation : Orchestra; piano
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Crazy entrance with everything playing, transitions into merry-go-round type music.
Joplin, Maple Leaf Rag
Title : Maple Leaf Rag
Composer : Scott Joplin
Era : 1899
Genre : Ragtime
Instrumentation : Piano
Form/Texture : Syncaptaion AA BB A CC DD
Language :
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Very old sounding, piano. You can tell what it is
Prokofiev, Symphony No. 1 in D Major,Classical
Title : Symphony No. 1 in D Major, Classical
Composer : Sergei Prokofiev
Era : 1917 (Premièred in 1918)
Genre : Symphony
Instrumentation : Orchestra
Form/Texture : Neoclassicism/ Sonata form
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : big start with orchestra playing at once, followed by strings rapid ascending succession of notes followed up again by whole orchestra at once, which goes into string notes trading melodies
Berg, Wozzeck
Title : Wozzeck
Composer : Alban Berg
Era : 1922
Genre : Opera
Instrumentation : Large orchestra, Singers
Form/Texture : Expressionism
Language : German
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : opens with horns, sounding like carr horns, with atonal playing, then male singer and drum
Bartók, Music for Strings, Percussionand Celesta, i
Title : Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta
Composer : Béla Bartók
Era : 1936
Genre : Orchestral Work
Instrumentation : Strings, harp, percussion, celesta, and piano.
Form/Texture :
Language :
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Mysterious sounding intro played by strings
Hardin/ Armstrong, Hotter Than That.
Title : Hotter Than That
Composer : Lil' Hardin/Louis Armstrong
Era : 1927
Genre : New Orleans Jazz/Dixieland Jazz
Instrumentation : Trumpet, clarinet, trombone, piano, guitar, banjo, and vocals.
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Old timey trumpet, very upbeat, sounds almost like the trumpet is talking, or scatting to you
Gershwin, Porgy and Bess
Title : Porgy and Bess
Composer : George Gershwin
Era : 1935
Genre : Opera
Instrumentation : Voice
Form/Texture : N/A
Language : English
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Percussion starts, flutes follow with quick flutter after few notes, very ominous, woman sings "my man's gone now"
Boulez, "Le vierge, le vivace, et le belaujourd'hui" from Pli Selon Pli
Title : Pli Selon Pli
Composer : Pierre Boulez
Era : 1957, revised in 1960
Genre :
Instrumentation : Soprano and orchestra
Form/Texture : Total (Integral) Serialism
Language : French
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Weird dream like sounds, something unreal, female voice adds more weird
Britten, "Agnus Dei" from WarRequiem
Title : War Requiem
Composer : Benjamin Britten
Era : 1962
Genre : Requiem Mass
Instrumentation : Chorus, Soloists, orchestra, Organ
Form/Texture :
Language : English and Latin
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Male voice intro, quite with organ accompiment
Penderecki, Threnody for the Victimsof Hiroshima
Title : Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima
Composer : Krzysztof Penderecki
Era : 1961
Genre : Sonorism
Instrumentation : 52 string instruments
Form/Texture : Neoromanticism
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Scray string opening, horrror movie type sound. Almost like sirens.
Bernstein, West Side Story
Title : West Side Story
Composer : Leonard Bernstein
Era : 1957
Genre : Musical theater
Instrumentation : Voices and orchestra
Form/Texture :
Language : English
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : clicking of casenets, and female voice
John Cage, 4ʹ33ʺ
Title : 4ʹ33ʺ
Composer : John Cage
Era : 1952
Genre : N/A
Instrumentation : Any
Form/Texture : Indeterminacy
Language : N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : Literally sounds around you.
John Adams, Short Ride in a Fast Machine
Title : Short Ride in a Fast Machine
Composer : John Adams
Era : 1986
Genre : Minimalism
Instrumentation : Large orchestra including a sizable percussion section and two synthesizers
Form/Texture : N/A
Language :N/A
Miscellaneous/What to listen for : quiet, until wood block starts giving beats, followed by woodwinds and horns.