Rhetoric Terms Vocabulary Flashcards

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AP Language and Composition

20 Terms



Definition - An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly, an indirect or passing reference.

Purpose - To create a comedic effect, to get across a connection or idea quickly

Example - i'll turn into a pumpkin if i'm not home on time.

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Definition - A short interesting story about an incident that really happened, about someone that is often humorous.

Purpose - To involve the audience, to amuse or inform.

Example - If someone says something like i got a flat tire.

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Definition - a phrase which contains two contrasting ideas

Purpose - It is used to express opposing ideas in a more vivid fashion in order that it has more impact on the person listening or reading. Can be used effectively by expressing to contrast ideas to get a message across.

Example - Go big or go home

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Definition - the feelings or emotions that you associate with a word and or invokes a feeling, can come either as positive, negative, etc.

Purpose - It is used to evoke a certain emotion or response in the reader or listener.

Example - inexpensive is a good word because it means you saved money, cheap can come off as negative even though cheap and inexpensive are synonyms.

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Definition - the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing or the way of pronouncing words in a clear voice

Purpose - If the purpose of the author is to inform the reader should expect straightforward diction. Whether to persuade, inform, or entertain, diction helps to convey purpose to the audience.

Example - Singers have to have good diction so people in the audience can understand what they are saying

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Definition - designed or intended to teach

Purpose - To teach an audience

Examples - “I imagine writing a didactic novel that would change the hearts and minds of women and men”

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Definition - an indirect word or expression substituted for one considered too harsh or offensive

Purpose - Used to not offend someone or evoke hard feelings to someone by using an indirect word, used to mask profanity.

Examples - passed away instead of died

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Definition - exaggerated statements that are not to be taken literally

Purpose - to emphasize something or create humor

Examples - it is raining cats and dogs

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Definition - A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by mentioning another.

Purpose - It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two different ideas

Examples - I wish you weren't such a chicken.

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Definition - descriptive language that uses our 5 senses to create an image

Purpose - Imagery can help the audience understand important details about the characters, it can establish the authors tone by painting a negative or positive image

Examples - the warm sweet aroma of chocolate cookies lingered in the air

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Definition - the surface meaning of what is said is different from the underlying meaning of what is intended

Purpose - Irony can be used to be humorous, to criticize something, or to emphasize something

Examples - thank you for driving carefully through town (when in reality they didn't)

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Definition - When two things placed next to each other contrast, showing clear differences

Purpose - When a writer juxtaposes two elements, they invite the reader to compare, contrast, and consider the relationship between those elements more closely

Example - all is fair in love and war

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Definition - a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through words and descriptions/ what the reader feels. The overall feeling, or atmosphere, of a text often created by the author's use of imagery and word choice.

Purpose - it helps to establish an emotional connection between a piece of literature and its audience. Once readers feel emotionally impacted by a piece, they will be better able to understand the central message, or theme, of the work.

Examples - the reader felt calm, anxious, sad, happy, angry.

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Definition -the repetition of grammatical elements in a piece of writing to create a harmonious effect

Purpose - is often used to create a better flow to whatever sentence it is applied to.

Example - i like singing, dancing, and kayaking.

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Point of View

Definition - who is telling the story or narrating it

Purpose - Establishing a clear point of view is important because it dictates how your reader interprets characters, events, and other important details.

Example - First person point of view words are I, ME, YOU

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Definition - the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

Purpose - to mock or convey contempt toward a person or subject. When used within literature, sarcasm is able to invoke humor

Examples - I am so happy the teacher gave us so much homework right before spring break

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Definition - a literary work or device that makes fun of its subject

Purpose - to create humor and make a point

Examples - political cartoons

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Definition -the set of rules that determines the arrangement of words in a sentence

Purpose - provide deeper meaning, to convey tone or mood, gives the writer flexibility with words, grammar, and punctuation.

Example - The cake jane ate -> A cake Jane ate

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Definition - a literary device that reflects the writer's attitude toward the subject matter or audience of a literary work. / What author feels The attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience conveyed through word choice and the style of the writing.

Purpose - The tone of a document can affect how the reader perceives the writer's intentions

Examples - Informative sarcastic

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Definition - three strategies commonly employed when attempting to persuade a reader

Purpose - Used to persuade the reader to do something, feel something, or lean a certain way.

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