A combination of drugs given prior to GA induction to:
Calm patients
Aid restraint
Provide pre-emptive analgesia
Reduce induction agent and maintenance drug quantities
Contribute to a smooth induction and recovery
Phase where the patient is taken from a conscious to anaesthetised state. This involves:
IV placement
Premed admin (if not already given)
Induction agent admin
Airway security
Phase where anaesthesia is taking place:
Maintenance drugs
Placement of local/regional blocks
Prep + procedure
Cessation of gaseous maintenance or CRI:
Airway device removal
Move to recovery area (this phase is smoother and less sudden with a good premed)
Scavenging where the patients expiratory effort pushes waste gases into tubing to either:
Into activated charcoal container (doesn’t absorb nitrous)
Time of induction to unconsciousness.
Breath holding
High HR and RR
Dilating pupils
Regular deep inspiration
Absent limb movement
May have brisk pinch reflex
Ventromedial eyeball
Absent palpebral reflex
Relaxed muscles
Ventromedial eye position
Reduced tidal vol, RR, HR and BP
Regular and deep inspiration
Central eyeball
Increased pupil diameter
Loss of pedal reflex
Relaxation of abdo muscles
Low BP + HR
Progressive respiratory failure
Rapid or v slow impalpable pulse
Central eye
No palpebral reflex
Extended capillary refill time
Accessory muscle twitching (e.g. twitching of throat)