Germany Questions

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give 2 reasons why there was a high lack of support for democracy 1918-29

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Important facts about Germany to learn

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give 2 reasons why there was a high lack of support for democracy 1918-29

army openely disliked republic, army had lots of respect from german republic


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how did the republic creation mark change, what was the republic unfamiliar with and why

marked change of organisation and structure of power

unfamiliar with democracy - previously had limited power to pass or reject laws

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when did Ebert announce the creation of Weimar republic

November 9th 1918

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why was the creation of Weimar republic difficult

external pressure, unrest in country (due to defeat and treaty of versailles and abduction of kaiser)

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what happened to germanys military under ToV

only allowed 100,000 men, conscription band, six battleships, no submarines no Air Force, no soldiers

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What was Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles?

War Guilt Clause

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what happened to germanys land under ToV

lost 10% of land, lost empire, coalfields

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How many assassinations were there from 1919 to 21


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When was the Spartacist uprising?

January 1919

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What causes Spartacist uprising?

January 4, Eichorn sacked 2000s of what workers went on strike (100,000 January 6th)

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What happens in the Spartacist uprising and what was the goal?

Took over government newspaper aim to take over Germany as a communist country

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How did the Spartacist uprising end?

Ebert ordered Friekorps to stop 13th of January it stopped, 16th of January leaders killed

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who are the Friekorp?

Group of right wing nationalist ex- soldiers. They hate the treaty of versailles and feel that they never lost World War I.

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When was the Kapp Putsch?

March 1920

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how did the Kapp putsch happen?

march 20th Freikorp, led by Wolfgang Kapp, due to being disbanded and Fear of unemployment. 5000 of them marched in Berlin and put forward Kapp as politician and declared new government.

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why did the Kapp putsch happen?

Freikorps hated Weimar republic

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how did the kapp putsch end?

old government fled, strikes and essential services ended. after 4 days kapp couldn't govern

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When was the Ruhr Crisis?

January 1923

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how did the ruhr crisis start and why

Germany couldn't pay reparations in 1922 December. They failed to send ruhr coal to France

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what happened first in the ruhr crisis

french send troops to ruhr, to take payment in raw materials. 11th jan 1923, 60,000 french takeover

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What were the events of the Munich Putch?

9th nov 1923 hitler, ludendorff and 1000 SA members march to munich, police are prepared and kill 14 and hitler is arrested

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how did Germany react to ruhr crisis and what did France do?

workers went on strike, Ruhr production stops.

so French bring in their own workers (causes violence) and arrests them

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How many soldiers did the French army have?


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what did the ruhr crisis cause for Germany other than hyperinflation?

increase debts, unemployment, worsened shortages

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how does the ruhr crisis and hyperinflation link?

Weimar Republic print more money to pay strikers and make up for the loss of coal/iron

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3 reasons munich putch failed

hit the fail to get army support, lack of support from Kahr/lossow (prepared munich) no support of people

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short term consequences of munich putch?

nazis banned, hitler in jail and looks like a coward. 32 seats in 1924

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why was hitlers trail positive for nazis?

national press (used to attack republic), short prison time

Hitler wrote Mein Kampf

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whats included in 25 point plan

destroy ToV, expel jews, build army, racist and socialist ideas

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when did nazi party relaunch


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How did the price of bread change during hyperinflation?

One mark in 1919 to 200,000 billion marks in 1923

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What are the positives in the negatives of hyperinflation?

positives: owed money value decreases, workers do well ,wages increase

negatives: normal living, impossible, mass poverty, starvation, bankrupt

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when did Stresseman become chancellor?

August 1923

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what were four things Stresemann did to fix economic problems and how?

Dawes plan 1924- reduced reparations to 50 million a year, industry grows by 40%

Introduces new currency called Rentenmark to end hyperinflation, once reset prices, replaced by Recihsmark, trusted currency

Ends the Ruhr crisis

Young plan 1919, 6 billion to 2 billion and +59 years to pay off reparations. Government can reduce taxes

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What is the Locarno Treaty?

1925 UK, France and Belgium accepted new border, and France promised, peace

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what was signed in 1928 by Stresemann

Kellog Braind pact- peace talks

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what are the results to Stresemann actions?

germans happier with government, restored national pride and europe see germany as respectable

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how did work of stresseman bring stability to german politics

coalitions work together, decisions came be made

Hindenburg as president 1925

People are happier

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How many cinemas were there in the golden age?

3800 in 1932

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how much did the nazis get of the vote in 1928 during the golden age

2% 12 seats

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what were the negatives of the golden age

germany very reliant on the US loans/money "we are dancing on a volcano"

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What change was made for women during the golden age

Equal rights, fashion, smoking, drinking

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how did wages and housing change during the golden age?

wages increased by 10% and hours drop

New housing was built

60% less homeless

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When and how did the Wall Street crash happen?

1929, USA, asks for dawes loans back

It causes serious economical problems - great depression

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How much did the depression affect industrial production?

Fell by 40% by 1932

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What else changed or was affected by the Great depression?

businesses collapse, trade stopped, unemployment rose, banks collapsed

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How much did unemployment rise during the Great depression?

From 1,300,000 to 6,000,000

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Why did people turn into the Nazis during Great depression?

unemployment benefits cut and tax increased so people lost faith in the Republic

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what did the Nazis do to 'fix the economy'?

Offer bread and work and set up soup, kitchens

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How did the Great depression change Nazi votes?

230 seats

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What happened to Germany's communist party during the Great depression

Gain votes from the working class

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How did the rise of communism help the Nazis during the Great depression?

Hitler promised to destroy communism and use the SA to beat them up and disrupt meetings

Gained support from the rich, who feared land and profits being taken away from them

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How many newspapers did the Nazis owned by 1930?


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How did the SA help the Nazis?

They were intimidating, bigger army than the communists, bigger army than the German army, people liked the uniforms, SA intimidated people at polling stations

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What was Germany situation like in 1932

Germany in chaos, 6 million unemployed, chaos on the streets, they were on the verge of collapse, coalitions were always arguing and Article 48 had to be used a lot

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When was the Reichstag fire?

27th February 1933

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why was the Reichstag fire a gift for Hitler?

He'd always promised, communist wanted to take over

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What does Hindenburg give Hitler after the Reichstag fire?

The emergency decree

Germany becomes a police state

Hitler arrests 4000 Communists, shuts down their newspapers and kills 51 opponents

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When were the Nazis the second biggest party?


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How many times did Chancellor Bruning and Hindenburg use article 48 in 1932

66 times out of

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Why did Nazi votes drop to 28% in November 1932

SA violence, worrying voters

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What happened happened between May and November 1932

Bruning replaced by Von Papen as chancellor, (but has little support due to using article 48)

Nazi votes increased to 32% in July, but Hindenburg still doesn’t want to make Hitler chancellor

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when is Von Scheichler made chancellor and is he any good?

December 1932 he has no support and uses article 48

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what does Von Papen convince Hindenburg to do?

make Papen vice Chancellor and make Hitler Chancellor

Give cabinet places to 2 Nazis

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why does Papen think Hitler can be controlled?

Hitler is "sandwiched" between them and a "mouse"

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When does Hitler become Chancellor?

30th January 1933

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what were two things Hitler promised

To destroy the treaty of Versailles and fix the economy

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How did German propaganda make Hitler appealing?

"our last hope" "one leader"

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What did Hitler come in the 1932 president election?


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What did Hitler offer to Germans?


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What happened in March 1933 elections and how did Hitler deal with it?

44% votes for Nazis, Hitler bans communists

Forced Reichstag to pass emergency degree

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What was the national labour service?

All young men between the ages 18-25 years had to join for 6 months

Given jobs in public works like building schools, hospitals and repairing roads

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What was invisible unemployment?

official government figures showed unemployment was falling but did not include jews being forced out of jobs, women being dismissed, unmarried men under 25 doing labour service and opponents of the regime who were sent to concentration camps

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When was the enabling act?

March, 1933

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What did Hitler use the enabling act to do?

ban trade unions

July 1933, ban all political parties except the Nazis

Set up his own peoples court

Replace local councils with his own government

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Who controlled Nazi propaganda?

Josef Goebbels

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What groups did propaganda target?

Women workers, rich and right wing

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Explain the role of the gestapo

Gustavo set up in 1933, with a Nazi secret police and very feared

They use torture, phone tapping, informers etc on enemies

They didn’t have a uniform

Could imprison you without a trial. Over 160,000 people were arrested for political crimes

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Explain the SS

personal of Hitler became intelligence, security and police of 240,000 Aryans under him.

They were nicknamed the blackshirts and used ultimate power to get rid of threats

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What was the night of the long knives?

Hitler starts to fear the SA in 1934, orders the arrest of the SA on the night of the 30th of June 1934. The SS arrest 400 SA leaders, some were imprisoned, others were executed. Hitler agreed to murder to keep his powers

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When did Hindenburg die?

2nd August 1934, within hours Hitler combines role of president and chancellor to create "Fuhrer of the third Reich" and army swears an oath of loyalty

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What was the German labour front?

Hitler banned all trade unions and replaced with DAF - strikes became illegal. Couldn't ask for higher wages working hours increased.

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What was 'Strength through Joy'?

Provided workers with leisure activities such as theatre tickets and sports events, 10 million went on these holidays

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What was the beauty of labour?

Campaigned to improve the facilities for workers e.g.better toilets and showers

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Did the German workers benefit under the Nazis?

Yes - more people working, wages increase by 20%, workers got their 'bread and work' as promised

No - price of goods rose by 20%, working hours increased

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Explain the six ways that the Nazis used propaganda

Rallies, 1934- 200,000 attended to see thousands of banners, 20,000 Nazi flags and 100 foot Nazi gold eagle

Film, all films included 45 minute Nazi news

Culture, the Reich chamber of culture ensured everyone followed the Nazi message

Newspapers, journalists were told what to write and anti-Nazi papers were shut down

Radio, 70% of homes had a Nazi radio

Events, 1936 Olympics showed Aryan superiority, 33 gold medals and power (biggest stadium in the world)

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What role did the Gestapo play within the Nazi police state?

Secret police spied on Germans tapped phones opened mail jail. Anyone arrested over 160,000 political crimes.

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What was the peoples court?

court with Nazi judges who had swore a loyalty oath to Hitler

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what was the concordat?

1933 Hitler made a truce with the Pope to not interfere with catholisism

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Did Hitler break the Concord that? If so how?

Yes, 1937, 400 Catholics sent to concentration camps, Catholic schools closed and groups banned

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Describe censorship

All anti-Nazi ideas were banned in 1933

20,000 Jewish and Communist books were burnt in the centre of Berlin

Writers, films and artists could only produce pro-Nazi art

Jazz music was banned

Anti-Nazi jokes were a crime

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What was the Fuhrer Cult?

Showed Hitler as both a superman and man of the people

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What was the conscription and rearement?

Breaking the treaty of Versailles as the army grew to 1.4 million by 1939, spending on arms went from 3.5 billion to 26 billion

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What was public works?

Nazis plan to build 7000 miles of motorways to improve transport

Spent 738 billion marks on schools and hospitals to create jobs

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What were the results of the nazis work for unemployment

nazis announced unemployment had went from 4,800,000 to 300,000 by 1939

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what were autobhans?

1933- motorways, 125000 men employed by 1935

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What were the changes to German women's lives in Nazi Germany?

The mothers cross, rewarded an amount of children, for example 4: bronze medals

Marriage loans, parents got to keep 250 marks for every child that they had

Lebensborn, Aryan women ‘donate’ a child to the Fuhrer by getting pregnant from an Aryan SS member

Abortion and contraception was banned

Sterilisation law, 1933, non-Aryan women couldn’t have children

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What were the results of the Nazi policies against women?

marriages increased by 21% between 1933 and 39. In 1936, there was over 30% more births than in 1933

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What did the Nazi set up in 1934

The German faith movement

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What changed protestant churches?

The Reich church - all protestant churches were under Nazi control. The Bible was replaced with Mein Kampf, Swatstika replaced the cross, all old Testament Jewish teachings were removed

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