The Ultimate AP Stats Review 😍

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Sentence stems, formulas, comparison vocabulary, calculator commands 😘😘 -Always write full sentences/interpretation WITH CONTEXT -Show your work AND calculator commands + process -Show which formula and procedures you are using

11 Terms



Categorical (categories) Data, answering as a category.

Pie charts, mosaic plots, bar graphs

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  1. Quantitative

Numerical Data, answering as a number.

Questions such as: What is your height?

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  1. SOCS

Shape - Symmetric or skewed (to left or right), unimodal or bimodal.

Outliers - Extreme values (1.5 times IQR), data is always skewed TOWARDS outliers.

Center - for skewed data: median (resistant to outliers and change) for symmetric data: mean (use when possible, nicer to work with).

Spread - Median, range (max-min), IQR, mean, standard deviation.

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  1. Empirical Rule

Normally distributed data follows the 68, 95, 99.7 rule:

68% of data is within 1 sd of the mean.

95% of data is within 2 sd of the mean.

99.7% of data is within 3 sd of the mean.

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  1. z scores ( ω )( ω )

The number of standard deviations above or below the mean of a specific value.

Formula: Z score = (x-μ)/σ

<p>The <mark data-color="green">number of standard deviations</mark> above or below the mean of a specific value. </p><p><strong>Formula</strong>: <span>Z score = (x-μ)/σ</span></p>
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  1. Percentile

Percent (%) of data at OR below a certain value. (include the value in the calculation)

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  1. Slope interpretation 😍

For every increase of 1 (x units) the predicted (y units) will increase/decrease by (slope in units)

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  1. y intercept interpretation

at/when (x variable) is 0, the predicted (y variable) is (y-intercept, units)

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  1. What is r? What type of relationship?

    What is the calculator command?

r is the correlation coefficient which is the strength of the relationship

Negative value: negative correlation

Positive value: positive correlation

Close to 1 or -1: Strong relationship (with 1 or -1 being perfect)

0.3 to 0.7 or -0.3 to -0.7: Moderate relationship

Close to 0: Weak relationship

Calculator Command: Make sure stat diagnostics are on (mode>stat diagnostics on) THEN go to stats>calc>8

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  1. Residual

The difference between the actual value and the predicted value

Formula: y - ŷ

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  1. r² interpretation and definition

Definition: Coefficient of determination

Interpretation: __% of the (y variable in context) can be explained by variation in the (x variable in context)

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