Charles Spearman
Believed in the idea of general intelligence (g) that underlies all mental abilities and therefore is measured by every task on an intelligence test
People also often had special, outstanding abilities (s)
L.L. Thurstone
Have 56 different tests on people and identified 7 clusters of primary mental abilities
Word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial ability, perceptual speed, numerical ability, inductive reasoning, and memory
Howard Gardner
Identified eight relatively independent intelligences
Musical, visual-spatial, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, verbal-linguistic, intrapersonal
Robert Sternberg
Triarchic theory proposes three intelligences: analytical, creative, and practical
Analytical: Academic problem-solving intelligence, usually well-defined problems with a single right answer
Creative: Innovative smarts, the ability to adapt to new situations and generate novel ideas
Practical: Everyday tasks, may be poorly defined and may have multiple solutions