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Censure (verb)
Express severe disappointment in something
Substantiate (v)
support with proof or evidence
Satiate (verb)
satisfy until full
Odious (adj)
Extremely unpleasant; repulsive
Peevish (adj)
extremely irritated, especially by insignificant things
Despotic (adj)
exercising absolute power
Pernicious (adj)
having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way
Castigation (noun)
severe criticism or harsh scolding
Haughty (adj)
arrogant; vainly proud
Imperious (adj)
arrogantly domineering or overbearing
Augment (verb)
to increase; to make better by adding
Extenuating (adj)
tending to lessen the real or apparent seriousness of something
Demure (adj)
reserved, shy, and modest (usually a lady)
Provocation (noun)
Action or speech that makes someone annoyed
to publicly brag