The Christian Community shares a life in common.
The early church is devoted to the apostles teaching
Which included Jesus’ earthly teaching plus what He taught the apostles 40 days of resurrection appearances.
The early church is devoted to fellowship
Included the sharing of material goods
The early church is devoted to breaking of bread
This covers the Lord’s Supper as well as larger fellowship meals
The early church is devoted to praying
They pray in house meetings and possibly in the Temple.
The early church shared everything:
This is NOT the early form of communism
The giving was voluntary and not compelled by the government.
People still had personal possessions, because they still met in their homes and
This incident between Peter and Cornelius will put Peter at the center of the mission to the Gentiles.
Cornelius is a God-fearer which is a Gentile who worshiped Israel’s God and was in some way attached to a synagogue but had not submitted to Jewish conversion rites especially circumcision.
Cornelius is visited by an angel and lets him know that God has taken note of his prayers and his deeds of charity.
The angel tells him he is supposed to send for Peter So he sends a group of three messengers, two servants and a military orderly, who shared his faith.
Peter is found on top of a roof praying and since it was noon he was probably waiting for something to eat.
As he is waiting he falls into a trance. Three factors may have guided his vision:
The fact that Peter was praying means that he was in a condition to receive a divine message
Peter’s hunger may also have shaped the nature of his vision
The awning over the roof of the house, may have helped to create in Peter’s mind the image of a large sheet.
As Peter dreams a great sheet filled with all types of all animals mostly that were unclean falling from Heaven
God tells him to rise and go, kill and eat. This command did not make sense to Peter since it would have violated Jewish food laws.
Yet, God was overturning the old clean/unclean distinction, and dietary laws. Previously it was impossible for Jews to associate with Gentiles without becoming unclean.
This is God allowing Peter to be free of guilt to associate with Gentiles and to eventually share the Gospel with them.
As Peter enters the house Cornelius wants to know what Peter has to say.
Peter recognizes that God will accept anybody of any race who reverences Him and lives righteously.
Peter tells the listeners who Jesus is, what He has done and what He has said. Peter concludes with “That everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”
We see that the Holy Spirit fell upon this group of Gentiles showing that they had all come to genuine saving faith in Christ.
It is important to see that they had not followed any Mosaic ceremonial law, yet they were accepted into the family of Christ.
Foundations for the Church and its Mission
The Church in Jerusalem
Wider Horizons for the Church
Peter and the First Gentile Convert
Paul Turns to the Gentiles
Spreading Further into the Gentile World
On to Rome
Salvation History
the unfolding of God’s salvation plan
tracing the movement of God’s plan to the Gentiles
demonstrates God’s sovereignty
Universal Scope of the Gospel
The Gospel is for all nations
Salvation includes the restoration of Israel through Jesus: “ the Jew, and also to the Gentile.”
The Holy Spirit
The agent of the Church’s life and growth
Sovereignly directs (empowers) the Christian mission
The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus
The pivot point of history and the culmination of God’s plan from long ago.