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How did Braden-Burg Prussia succeed?
The Great Elector Fredrick William improved it with serfdom and taxes
What was the purpose of Austria?
To be a great habsburg empire.
Was westernization good for Russia?
While it did have its pros it was more of a burden
Why did Peter the Great want warm water ports?
To expand trade and improve economy
How did Peter the Great implement Western ideas into Russia?
He forced the nobles to shave their beards and cut their coats, he also gave more rights to women
What was Peter the Greats Nobility called and was it based on?
it was called Table of Rank and it was a merit based system
What Monarchy did Denmark develop?
It developed a heredity Monarchy
What is Louis XIV known for?
He is known for setting the standards for monarchies across Europe
What did Louis do with Versailles?
It was used as the central government and it removed nobles from high power
What was the Edict of Fontainbleu?
It was basically a huge fuck you to the Huguenots (Protestants)
Who improved France’s economy and allowed Louis XIV to fight his wars?
Colbert-Jean Baptiste
How was France’s economy improved?
It was improved with Mercantilism
What treaty did the war of Aubsburg lead to?
The Treaty of Ryswick
Was Absolutism truly absolute?
No it was not.
What were some causes of the English Civil War?
I. Charles I heavily believed in the Divine Right of Kings
II. Thirty Years War Debt (money that wasn’t authorized by Parliement)
II. Didn’t give into Puritan demands
What did the Puritans advocate for?
Removal of Catholicism in the Anglican Church
What was the English Civil War fought for?
Whether it would be ruled by a Absolute Monarch or a Constitutional Monarch
Who took leadership of the New Model Army?
Oliver Cromwell
What did Oliver Cromwell do to the Parliament?
He dismissed them and became a military dictator
What faith was James II
He was Catholic
Who was the throne given to after James II
William of Orange
Was the Divine Right of Kings still valid after the civil war?
No it was not
How did England rectify many of their problems?
The English Bill of Rights
Was Poland easy to rule?
While it was very easy to invade, it was difficult to rule
What country had stadholders who were 2 center chiefs
What was the commercial and Financial center?
Amsterdam and it had replaced Antwerp
What painting style was based off of Domestic life and interiors?
Dutch Realism
What was the main feature of Mannerism?
Strong emotions and elongated bodies
What was the main feature of Baroque?
Constant movement and renaissance ideals
Who was the cultural leader at the time?
What was Elizabethan Era
English Culture was blooming
What was Spain’s Golden Era
Touring companies brought plays everywhere
What was French Drama?
It relied on royal patronage and derived from Greek/roman
What were some of the reasons for Witch Trials
The economy was failing and it was mostly Protestantism faith
What was Aristotle’s belief?
geocentric thinking
What was Galen’s thing?
Who discovered heliocentric ideas but didn’t fully believe in it?
What did kepler discover?
The 3 planetary laws of motion
What did Galileo write?
he wrote Starry Messenger
What did Galileo discover?
uniform force and principal inertia
What did Newton write?
He wrote Principa
What was the main diagnostic tool for medicine?
What did Paracelsus do?
Chemical medicine
What did Vesalius do?
he was practical and did hands-on to study anatomy
What did Harvey do?
He discovered the Circulatory system
What did Cavendish do?
she debated for Women’s rights
What did Merian do?
She was an entomologist
What did Winkelman do?
She was astronomer
What did Descartes do?
Cartesian Dualism
What did Bacon do?
inductive principals
What was Journal des Savants?
It was like a magazine for science
What did Spinoza believe?
That god was the entire universe so you might as well worship him
What did Pascal do and what was his faith?
He made a calculator and his christian
What two base ideas did the Enlightenment use?
Newton’s rules of reasoning and Locke’s theory of Knowledge
What did Montesquieu talk about?
He believed in the separation of powers and checks and balances
What did Voltaire believe in?
That god had no direct control over the universe
Laissez-Faire thoughts on the economy?
Disliked mercantilism and believed that the state should not interfere with the economy
Rousseau thoughts?
He thought it was best if people were forced to follow what was best
What did Astell argue for?
She argued for higher education for women
Who Wollstonecraft?
She was the father of modern feminism
What was the Rococo art style?
It emphasized grace
Who was the musician Bach?
He would create music that worships god
Who was the musician Handel?
He created secular music
How did historians feel toward the middle ages?
They were much less sympathetic to it
What was high culture?
it was magazines and newspapers
What were the medical care workers?
Physicians, surgeons and mid wives
What was Popular Culture?
Carnivals, taverns and chapbooks
How was the british and france economy during enlighten absolutism?
It was doing well
Did France resist reform?
Yes they did
What did Fredrick the Great in Prussia need?
He needed serfdom
What did Joseph II attempt to do?
He abolished serfdom but he failed
Was Catherine the Great successful?
She was but there was little change in russia and she had to rely on the nobles
What Enlightened Absolutism truly enlightened?
No it’s main focus was power