change to conserve
the idea that society should adapt to changing circumstances by introducing moderate reforms, rather than reject change outright and risk rebellion or revolution
human imperfection
the traditional conservative belief that humans are flawed in a number of ways, which makes them incapable of making good decisions for themselves
the idea that society is made up of self-interested and self-sufficient individuals (also known as egoistical individualism) - it can also describe increasing social breakdown and isolation
the conservative belief that society is naturally organised in fixed and unequal tiers, where one’s social position or status is not based on individual ability
for conservatives, the idea that people in higher positions in society are best able to make decisions on behalf of other people or society as a whole; authority comes naturally from above and rests on an accepted obligation from below to obey
noblesse oblige
a French phrase that encapsulates the idea that nobility and privilege bring with them social responsibilities, notably the duty and obligation to care for those less fortunate
minimal intervention in business and the state by the government
a term used to describe beliefs, ideas or attitudes that favour drastic political, economic and social change
a rejection of permissiveness, which is the belief that people should make their own moral choices
the idea that knowledge comes from real experience and not from abstract theories
minimal or ‘night watchman’ state
the idea that the role of the state must be restricted in order to preserve individual liberty
pragmatism rejects theory and ideology in favour of practical experience – the approach to society should be flexible, with decisions made on the basis of what works; pragmatism also implies a flexible approach to politics that considers what is in the best interests of the people, what is acceptable to the public and what will maintain social stability and cohesion