________: first 10 amendments to the US constitution substantive law= designates what conducts are criminal statutory law= written and enacted by the legislature.
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Jeremy Bentham
________ → rationality in the legal system opposed brutal methods of punishment → hedonistic calculus: weigh the costs and benefits in order to maximize pleasure and minimize pain → utilitarism= greatest good for greatest number.
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Jeremy Bentham → rationality in the legal system opposed brutal methods of punishment → hedonistic calculus
weigh the costs and benefits in order to maximize pleasure and minimize pain → utilitarism= greatest good for greatest number
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→ panopticon prison design
blueprint for current incarceration facilities Structure of central observation tower watching cells
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Shared responsibilities Goals of the law → deterrence
law created to deter people from committing crime
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Bill of rights
first 10 amendments to the US constitution substantive law = designates what conducts are criminal statutory law = written and enacted by the legislature