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Independent-demand Items
items that are ready to be sold or used
Dependent-demand Items
components of finished products
Independent demand items - consistent demand (always needed)
Independent demand fairly stable once allowances are made for seasonal variations
Dependent demand items - low demand (lumpy demand):
Some components might be used for only one time or once a while(e.g., once every eight or nine weeks). Large quantities are used at specific points in time with little or no usage at other times.
Material Requirements Planning
A computer-based information system developed specifically to help manufacturers manage dependent demand inventory and schedule replenishment orders.
MRP translates master schedule requirements for end items into
time-phased requirements for subassemblies, components, and raw materials
MRP works background from
the due date to determine when and how much to order.
Requirements for end items
generate requirements for low-level components
MRP begins with a schedule for finished goods that is converted into a schedule of requirements for
the subassemblies, component parts, and raw materials needed to produce the finished items.
Final Product
Finished chair = independent demand
Dependent demand items:
the demand for these items is dependent on the production of final products.
Master Production Schedule (MPS)
The master schedule (or master production schedule) states which enditems are to be produced, when they are needed, and in what quantities
the MPS is the part of the material requirements plan that details how many end items
will be produced within specified periods of time.
the MPS breaks the
sales and operations plan into specific product schedules
Cumulative lead time
The sum of the lead times that sequential phases of a process require,from ordering of parts or raw materials to completion of final assembly.
It is important that the master schedule covers the
cumulative lead time necessary to produce the end items
Bill of materials
is a listing of all of the raw materials, parts, subassemblies, and assemblies needed to produce one unit of a product
BOM is a record of all the components of an item,
the parent-component relationships, and the usage quantities derived from engineering and process designs.
the BOM shows the quantity of each item
needed to complete one unit of its parent item
Product Structure Tree
A visual illustration of the requirements in a bill of materials,where all components are listed by levels.
an item that goes through one or more operations to be transformed into or become part of one or more parents. All items except item A are components because they are needed to make a parent.
Any product that is manufactured from one or more components. Items A, B, C, and H are parents because they all have at least one component.
end item
The final product sold to a customer. (e.g., completed ladder-back chair)
intermediate item
an item that has at least one parent and at least one component.
An intermediate item that is assembled from more than one component.
Purchased item
An item that has one or more parents but no components because it comes from a supplier.
Inventory Records
A record that shows an item's lot-size policy, lead time, and various time-phased data
Information on the status of each item by time period, also called time buckets
This includes: 1. Gross requirements 2. Scheduled receipts 3. Projected on-hand inventory 4. Planned receipts 5. Planned order release
Gross requirements
The total demand derived from all parent production plans.
scheduled receipts
Orders that have been placed but not yet completed. E.g., being processed by a supplier, being transported to the purchaser, or being inspected by the purchaser's receiving department.
projected on-hand inventory
an estimate of the amount of inventory available each week after gross requirements have been satisfied.
planned receipts
Orders that are not yet released to the shop or the supplier. Still at the planning stage and can still change
Planned order release
An indication of when an order for a specific quantity of an item is to be issued.
Food catering service
end item - meals for large number of people bom - quantities of the ingredients for each recipe on the menu