Dendrites receive neurotransmitters
They send the info to the cell body
The cell body sends it to the axon, which has a myelin sheath (insulating fatty layer that speeds transmission)
The info travels to axon terminals
The terminals release the info to other neurons
The process is repeated
The idea that either the neuron fires or it does not
There is no part-way firing.
Like a gun
A tap is differentiated from a punch bc more neurons will fire or fire more quickly
Dendrites receive neurotransmitter from another neuron across the synapse (the small gap between two neurons, where nerve impulses are relayed)
Reached its threshold(is there enough there to fire)- then fires based on the all-or-none response.
Opens up a portal in axon, and lets in positive ions (Sodium) which mix with negative ions (Potassium) that is already inside the axon (thus Axon is negative at rest). Because potassium is inside and sodium is outside. The mixing of + and - ions (called depolarization) causes an electrical charge that opens up the next portal (letting in more Na) while closing the original portal. The time it takes for the negative ions to recharge is the refractory period.
Process continues down the axon to the axon terminals.
Terminal buttons turn electrical charge into chemical (neurotransmitter) and shoot the message to the next neuron across the synapse.
can determine how similar twins are
most of the time they share a placenta
1/3 of the time, two separate placentas, can create differences, one can get more nutrients than the other
peer influence