IB Geography HL - Case Study - Kerala, India

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Where is Kerala located?

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Where is Kerala located?

In the South-west of India

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What is the population of Kerala?

32 million

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How has Kerala been able to control population size?

Government initiatives to improve, healthcare education and attitudes towards women

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What percentage of women are literate in Kerala v in India?

85% v 50%

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Why has infant mortality dropped?

Better educated women are more likely to keep their children healthy

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Why has birth rate dropped?

Children are surviving, so families no longer have to have a couple of extra children to replace those that die

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Who pays the dowry when a woman gets married?

groom’s family

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How has the government aided the increase of adult education?

By providing adult literacy classes in towns and villages

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How is adult education an anti-natalist policy?

Improved education comes with the understanding of smaller families

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How is improved healthcare an anti-natalist policy?

vaccination programmes have led to a decrease in infant mortality so people no longer need to have as many children

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How is higher age of marriage an anti-natalist policy?

Encouraging a higher age of marriage means families tend to be smaller as children are born later

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What anti-natalist policies are used in Kerala?

  • Women being educated

  • Adult education

  • Healthcare

  • Higher age of marriage

  • Maternity leave

  • Retirement benefit

  • Land reform

  • Contraception

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How is maternity leave used as an anti-natalist policy?

Maternity leave is only provided for the first 2 babies, therefore incentivising small families

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How is retirement used as an anti-natalist policy?

Extra retirement benefit for those who have smaller families

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How has land reform been used as an anti-natalist policy?

land was redistributed so that no one was landless. This meant no family was allowed more than 8ha and everyone could be self-sufficient. The relatively small land holding restricts family size

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How is contraception used as an anti-natalist policy?

Contraception is more widely available

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How has Kerala managed to control its population growth?

By investing in social changes while still allowing people the freedom to chose their own family size

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What are the benefits of Kerala’s anti-natalist policy?

  • Discrimination against women greatly increased in workplace education

  • Hate crimes and violent crimes against women are likely to be reduced

  • More percentage of population working which provides economic benefit

  • More percentage of the population in education equals better quality of life

  • Status of women improved overall

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What are the issues with Kerala’s anti-natalist policy?

  • Birth rate decreases too much which leads to ageing population issue

  • Men may not agree - religious differences / cultures. Some see it as westernization

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What is Kerala’s percentage growth per decade versus India’s average growth?

Kerala is 9.8% whilst India is 21.3%

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