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Cambrian is important b/c
it is when most animal phyla appeared
Extinction is
Fossilization occurs how?
under right conditions and with right organisms
ex.) organisms w/ hard exoskeleton
caused dino extinctions
Asteroid Theory was determined how
there was iridium in rock layer
iridium is found in asteroids, not earth
rock layer was around 65 myo, approximately when the dinos disappeared
crater for asteroid found in Gulf of Mexico
Inferences with isotopes
plants and animals incorporate isotopes at ratio they occur in atmosphere
C14 —> decays when organism dies
measuring remaining C14 allows age of fossil to be determined
earth dried out, grasslands expanded
shift from C3 —> C4 Grasses
C4 Grasses
harder for herbivores to chew
horse body size and teeth size increased to adapt
Vegetation Dynamics
specific bush only in deserts is indicator of desert conditions in the past
Pack rats
their urine and fecal matter can be analyzed to identify vegetation near cave it lived in for long time
Wegener & Plate Tectonics
continents are not static and constantly in motion at a very slow rate
Importance of Plate Tectonics
explains distribution of species in a planet
continents share rock assemblages and fossil. organisms
Where did energy come from to move the continents?
The crust floats on top of a molten core
Ocean crusts are ____ & ___ than continental crusts which are ____ and ____
Ocean crusts are heavier & younger than continental crusts which are lighter and older
Mid Atlantic Ridge
ridge running down middle of Atlantic
shows sea floor spreading
Magnetic Reversal
periodically, magnetic poles point towards north or south which happens every 800,000 yrs
Which ocean is getting biggger and which is getting smaller?
Atlantic is getting bigger and Pacific is getting smaller
Volcanoes occur at
junctions of plates
Divergent Plate Movement
plates are moving apart from each other
— can happen in continet
lake —> sea —> ocean
Convergent Plate Movement
plates move into each other
1. oceanic-oceanic
2. oceanic-continental
3. continental-continental
one oceanic plate goes under
Oceanic plate goes down b/c continental plate is higher up
plates hit each other and create mountains
Panamanian isthmus
North American animal groups dispersed into South America and South American animal groups dispersed into North America
there are old world camels and south american camels
camels evolved in NA
it despersed from NA to old world and into SA via bering strait
Pleistocene Overkill
Ice Age
Humans hunting diverse mammal fauna leading to extinction of large mammal fauna
Humans arriving and large amount of animals disappeared
Rise & fall showing Extinction is natural
Mass extinctions are not all due to
extraterrestrial events
Cretacious: not the biggest extinction only 35% went extinct (asteroid)
Permian: 95% went extinct
Permian Extinction Effects?
sea level drops
pangea forms
photosynthesis stopped —> O2 levels dropped and CO2 increased
massive glaciation
Anthropocene Era
1950s- Present
mass extinction event?
How are periods defined?
origination and extinction of biological species
leaves chemical signatures (ex. plastic, co2, methane, concrete)
Different atmosphere billions of yrs ago how?
no oxygen
3 process changing composition of atmosphere
volcanic activity: released water vapor, co2, and n2
chemical reactions: rain water combines with Co2 to make acid and dissolves rocks and makes soil
photosynthesis: byproduct is oxygen
Consequences of Oxygen
led to one of the greatest extinction events: great oxygen catastrophe
ozone layer
Great Oxygen Catastrophe
one of greatest extinction events
most organisms were anaerobic and either all went extinct or had to find somewhere without oxygen
Ozone layer benefits how
the great oxygen catastrophe created ozone layer as consequence
it is a UV shield and deflects high energy radiation
set up possibility for larger multicellular organisms