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Origin of Biceps Brachii
Long head and short head of the scapula
Insertion of the Biceps Brachii
Fascia of radial and ulnar bones
Action of biceps brachii
Flexes forearm
Origins of the triceps brachii
Long head of scapula, head of humerus, head of humerus
Insertion of triceps brachii
Posterior part of the olecranon process of the ulna
Action of triceps brachii
extends elbow
Origin of deltoid
Far 3rd of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
Insertion of deltoid
Middle of far surface of the humerus
Action of the deltoid
abducts arm
Origin of sternocleidomastoid
anterior/superior manubrium, top middle 3rd of clavicle
Insertion of sternocleidomastoid
Lateral side of the mastoid process
Action of sternocleidomastoid
flexes and laterally rotates cervical spine
Origin of Pectoralis Major
Clavicle head, medial ½ clavicle, sternocostal head lateral manubrium and sternum,
Insertion of Pectoralis Major
Bicipital groove of humerus and lip of deltoid tuberosity
Action of Pectoralis Major
Flexes and adducts arm
Origin of Latissimus Dorsi
Spine T7, spinous processes and ligaments of lower thoracic, lunbar and sacral vertebrae
Insertion of Latissimus Dorsi
Floor of bicipital groove of humerus
Action of Latissimus Dorsi
Extends and medially rotates arm
Origin of Trapezius
Medial 1/3 superior nuchal line, spinous processes
Insertion of Trapezius
Upper fibers to far 1/3 of posterior border of clavicle, lower acromion, and superior spine of scapula
Action of Trapezius
Laterally rotates, elevates and retracts scapula
Origin of Rectus Abdominis
Pubic crest and pubic symphysis
Insertion of Rectus Abdominis
5,6,7 costal cartilages
Action of Rectus Abdominis
Flexes trunk
Origin of Quadriceps: Vastus Medialis
Lower spiral line, medial intermuscular septum
Insertion of Quadriceps: Vastus Medialis
Medial quadriceps tendon to patella
Action of Quadriceps: Vastus Medialis
extends knee
Origin of Quadriceps: Vastus Lateralis
Base of greater trochanter, lateral linea aspera
Insertion of Quadriceps: Vastus Lateralis
Lateral quadriceps tendon to patella
Action of Quadriceps: Vastus Lateralis
extends knee
Origin of Quadriceps: Vastus Intermedius
Anterior and lateral surfaces of the femur
Insertion of Quadriceps: Vastus Intermedius
Quadriceps tendon to patella
Action of Quadriceps: Vastus Intermedius
Extends knee
Origin for Quadriceps: Rectus Femoris
Iliac spine, ilium above acetabulum
Insertion of Quadriceps: Rectus Femoris
Quadriceps tendon to patella
Action of Quadriceps: Rectus Femoris
Extends knee, flexes thigh at the hip
Origin of Hamstrings: Semimembranosus
Upper outer ¼ of posterior surface of ischial tuberosity
Insertion of Hamstrings: Semimembranosus
Medial condyle of tibia
Action of Hamstrings: Semimembranosus
Flexes and medially rotates knee, extends hip
Origin of Hamstrings: Semitendinosus
Upper inner ¼ of posterior surface of ischial tuberosity
Insertion of Hamstrings: Semitendinosus
Upper medial shaft of tibia
Action of Hamstrings: Semitendinosus
Flexes and medially rotates knee, extends hip
Origin of Hamstrings: Biceps Femoris
Upper inner ¼ of posterior surface of ischial tuberosity, and the short head; ridge of femur
Insertion of Hamstrings: Biceps Femoris
Head of fibula
Action of Hamstrings: Biceps Femoris
Flexes and laterally rotates knee
Origin of Gastrocnemius
Lateral head of lateral condyle of femur, and the highest lateral condyle
Insertion of Gastrocnemius
Tendon calcaneus
Action of Gastrocnemius
Plantar flexes foot, and flexes knee
Origin of Soleus
Soleal line and middle 1/3 of posterior border of tibia and upper shaft of fibula
Insertion of Soleus
Tendon calcaneus
Action of Soleus
Plantar flexes foot
Origin of Gluteus Maximus
Outer ilium, posterior 1/3 of iliac crest, lateral mass of sacrum, coccyx
Insertion of Gluteus Maximus
Femur, lateral condyle of tibia
Action of Gluteus Maximus
Extends and laterally rotates hip
Origin of Temporalis
Temporal fossa
Insertion of Temporalis
Medial and anterior aspect of coronoid process of the mandible
Action of Temporalis
Elevates mandible
Origin of Frontalis
Occipital nuchal line, mastoid process
Insertion of Frontalis
Galeal aponeurosis
Action of Frontalis
Wrinkles forehead
Origin of Orbicularis Oculi
Medial orbital margin and lacrimal sac
Insertion of Orbicularis Oculi
Inner corner of eye
Action of Orbicularis Oculi
Closes eyelids, passage for drainage of tears
Origin of Orbicularis Oris
Medial surface of maxilla and mandible
Insertion of Orbicularis Oris
Mucous membrane of margin lips
Action of Orbicularis Oris
Narrows mouth
Origin of Buccinator
External margins of maxilla and mandible
Insertion of Buccinator
Decussates at modiolus of mouth and interdigitates with opposite side
Action of Buccinator
Aids in chewing, tenses cheeks
Origin of Zygomaticus
Anterior surface of zygomatic bone
Insertion of Zygomaticus
Modiolus at angle of mouth
Action of Zygomaticus
Elevates and draws angle of mouth laterally
Origin of Depressor Anguli Oris
Outer surface of mandible posterior to oblique line
Insertion of Depressor Anguli Oris
Modiolus at angle of mouth
Action of Depressor Anguli Oris
Depresses and draws angle of mouth laterally
Origin of Masseter
Anterior 2/3 of zygomatic arch and zygomatic process of maxilla
Insertion of Masseter
Lateral surface of angle and lower ramus of mandible
Action of Masseter
Elevates mandible
Muscular System Functions
body movement, body form and shape, maintains posture, body heat - maintain body temperature
Skeletal Muscles
Voluntary, striated, attached to bone, multi-nucleated, nucleus near edges of fibers, long cylindrical fibers
Smooth Muscle
Involuntary, inside internal organs, non-striated, small and spindle shaped, single nucleus, controlled by autonomic nervous system
Cardiac Muscle
Only in heart, involuntary, striations are not clear, branched fibers, intercalated disks connect fibers
a muscle’s ability to shorten
ability to respond to stimuli
ability to stretch
ability to return to original length when relaxing
fibrous bands that connect muscle to bone
fibrous bands that connect bone to bone
pulls from the opposite direction
Prime Mover
muscle that produces movement in one direction