How often are the dietary guidelines (DGA’s) updated?
Every 5 years
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What are the four DGA limits?
>10% calories from sugar, >10% calories from saturated fats, >2300mg of sodium, and 1 (2 for men) alcoholic beverage per day
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What are the three special DGA considerations?
Eat more viber, calcium, and vitamin D
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What are the four main principles of the DGA
patterns, culture/budget, nutrient density within calorie limits, and limit some foods
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What is the goal of the DGA’s
promote health and prevent disease by making shifts in choices (not a prescription)
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To whom do the DGA’s apply?
Every healthy individual age 2 and up
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What are the physical activity guidelines for american adults? Kids?
150 minutes a week w/ 2+ days strength training - 60 min./day
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What are the acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges? (AMDR’s)
45-65% cal. from carbs, 20-35% cal. from fats, 10-35% cal. from protein
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What makes essential nutrients essential?
The body cannot make (enough of) them on its own and must be consumed through food
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What is nutrient density?
The ratio of micronutrients per calorie of food (vitamins/minerals : calorie)
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What are the six classes of nutrients? Which are macronutrients and which are micronutrients? Which are energy and which are energy transfer?
Macro: carbs, proteins, fats, water
Micro: vitamins, minerals
Energy: carbs, proteins, fats
Energy transfer: water, vitamins, minerals
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What are the two main portion recommendations of myplate?
50% of diet-fruits/veggies, 50% of grains-whole
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What percentage of a daily value on a food label is considered high? Low?
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What are the primary organs involved in digestion (in order)?
The mouith, tongue, pharynx, esophagus, gastroesophageal valve, stomach, pyloric sphincter, small intestine, illeocecal valve, large intestine, rectum, and anus
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What are the secondary organs involved in digestion?
The liver, gall bladder, and pancreas
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What are the two different types of digestion?
Mechanical and chemical digestion
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What is considered a healthy bowel pattern?
3 per day to 1 per 3days
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What are the three things that happen to the food we eat?
Digestion, absorption, and elimination
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Where does most absorption of nutrients occur? How?
In the small intestine with villi that are cone like to increase the surface area of the small intestine
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What are the benefits and sources of probiotics?
Improvement of GI tract bacteria health - yogurt, buttermilk pancakes
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What are the benefits and sources of prebiotics
Food for probiotic bacteria - oatmeal, apples, bananas
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What is GERD (digestion disorder)? What is its street name?