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conducting business activities electronically over computer networks
business activities proven to be strong candidates for coversation to e-commerce → paper based, time-consuming, inconvenience for customers
e-commerce categories
business-to-business (B2B)
business-to-consumer (B2C)
consumer-to-consumer (C2C)
mobile commerce
benefits are smartphone + internet access, limitations are small display space
all participants are organizations
useful for connecting business partners in a virtual supply chain to cut resupply time + reduce costs
many organizations use both buy-side and sell-side e-commerce
customers deal directly with the organization → producers + providers of products can eliminate the middle man
steady growth → cheaper goods + services online, personalized product, use of social network
involved electronic transaction between consumers facilitated by a third party (eBay, etc.)
companies + individuals involved must be careful → sales must not violate the rules of various county, state, + country legal jurisdictions
use of information + communications technology to simplify information sharing, speed formerly paper-based processing, + improve relationships between citizens + government
forms → government-to-consumer (G2C), government-to-business (G2B), government-to-government (G2G)
relies on use of wireless devices to place orders + conduct business
advantages of e-commerce
reach new customers, reduce costs, speed flow of goods + information, increase accuracy of orders, improve customer service
e-commerce challenges
dealing with customers privacy concerns (1/3 won’t buy due to privacy)
overcoming consumers lack of trust
overcoming global issues → cultural, language, time, distance, infrastructure, currency, + law
applications of e-commerce + m-commerce
wholesale, manufacturing, marketing, banking, investing, bartering, personalized shopping
effective e-commerce model + strategy
easy to use, accomplish goals of the company, safe + secure, affordable to setup + maintain
decide on effective model (challenge)
model should have community, content, + commerce
website functions
decide which tasks the sit must accomplish, create an attractive presence for the company, meet visitor needs, redefine the site as needed
website hostiing companies
set up a web page + conduct e-commerce within days, little upfront costs
storefront broker
company that acts as an intermediary between websites + online merchants who have the products + retail expertise
authentication technologies
used by many organizations to confirm the identity of a user requesting access
digital certificate
attatchment to an email message or data embedded in a website that verifies the identity of a sender/site
certificate authority (CA)
trusted third party organization that issues digital certificates
transport layer security (TLS)
communications protocol that ensures privacy between communicating applications + their users on the internet
electronic cash
amount of money that is computerized, stored, + used as cash for e-commerce transactions