Properties of cartilage
collagen fibers avascular semi rigid- flexibility
Cell of the cartilage
chondrocytes found in the lacunae
responsible for the production of collagen and the extracellular matrix that will lead to the maintenance of cartilaginous tissues within joints.
Function of cartilage
support weight (discs) protects against collapse (trachea) increase joint mobility by reducing friction resist compression
types of cartilage
Hyaline cartilage fibrocartilage elastic cartilage
hyaline cartilage
moderate collagen involved in bone formation coastal cartilage
lots of collagen intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis
elastic cartilage
collage and elastic Ear
locations of cartilage
articular costal nasal intervertebral
What is cartilage surrounded by ?
Dense irregular CT called perichondrium
Properties of bone
composed of calcium phosphate, collagen fibers, water vascular rigid- strong and stiff
Cell in the bone
osteocytes found in the matrix lacunae
Functions of bone
Support weight protection (cranium, thoracic cage) lipid and mineral regulation and storage blood cell formation
Types of bone cells
osteoblasts osteocytes osteoclasts
a cell from which bone develops
passes nutrients - maintain health of bone arise from osteoblasts
cell that functions in the breakdown releasing calcium into blood
types of bone
compact and spongy
Haversian Canal
central canal
all the concentric lamellae surrounding the Haversian canal; Haversian System
chambers where you find the osteocytes
Concentric Lamellae
bone tissue is deposited into concentric layers surrounding the central canal
Spongy Bone
porous bone tissue that contains red bone marrow
Compact Bone
Hard, dense bone tissue that is beneath the outer membrane of a bone
dense fibrous membrane that covers the surface on a bone
The living cells embedded in the lacunae
long bones
bones of the arms, fingers and legs
flat bones
These bones are thin, flat, and curved. They form the ribs, breastbone, and skull.
shaft of a long bone
End of a long bone
spongy bones
part of bone with many small pores or spaces
compact bone
Hard, dense bone tissue that is beneath the outer membrane of a bone
A dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones (except at their extremities) and serving as an attachment for tendons and muscles.
membranous lining of the hollow cavity of the bone
process that hardens bones by adding calcium phosphate and collagen
endochondral ossification
growth plates- new cartilage is added primary ossification calcification vascular invasion cancellous bone diaphysis compacted epiphyses ossify
bone development
Primary bone form secondary bone form
primary bone formation (from new)
endochondral - long bones cartilage replaced with bone intramembranous- Flat bone forms within a membrane of CT
secondary bone formation (after og bone absorbed)
intramembranous new bone deposited in periosteum bone remodeling - old bone repaired and replaced
intramembranous ossification
mesenchyme cells cluster into osteoblasts osteocytes trapped in matrix trabecular and periosteum form collar of compact bone form
Bone remodel
osteoclasts : bone resorption (dig pits) osteoblasts: bone deposition (lay down calcifcation)
fracture repair
hematoma formation
fibrocart callus form
bony callus form