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1) Which molecule stores more than 90 times the energy of an ATP molecule?


2) All organisms get the energy they need to regenerate ATP from___

-foods like glucose

  • ATP consists of ribose, sugar, adenine, and 3 phosphate groups.

  • ADP forms when ATP loses a phosphate and releases energy.

  • ATP provides energy for active transport in cells

What is it called?


2 examples


organisms that make their own foods.

Cynobacteria, plants, algea


organisms that obtain energy from food they eat.

Animals, fungi

What is the ultimate source of energy autotrophs use to produce food?

-the sun


Light green: chlorophyll B

Dark green: Chlorophyll A

Orange: Carotenoids

How do we see color? how does that apply to black and white?

Our eyes pick up the color reflected by objects that are not absorbed.

White- reflects all light

Black- absorbs all light

A= adenine

B= ribose

C= phosphate group

Name 3 cellular activities/work that use energy to stored in ATP

  • Chemical

  • Mechanical

  • Transport

Chlorophyll absorbs light well in the blue-violet and red regions of the visible spectrum

6H2O+ 6CO2+ Light —> C6H12O2 + O2


If a plant is kept under green-colored light for an extended period of time, what will happen to the rate of photosynthesis?

  • The plant is not absorbing any light necessary for Light Dependant reactions.

Why are carotenoid colors present in leaves during fall and not other times?

  • This is because as days shorten, temperature cools. Chlorophyll is broken down into accesory pigments that are used to absorb higher energy light waves.

Photosystem one and two are part of the thylakoid membrane

why does the space inside the thylakoid become positively charged during the light-dependant reactions?

  • H+ ions build up as water splits.

Where does the calvin cycle occur in?

  • the stroma

Write an equation that shows NADP+ become NADPH

NADP+ + H+ + 2e- —> NADPH


Chloroplast- site of photosynthesis

Cuticle- prevents H2O loss

Vascular bundle transports H2O and C6H12O6

Palisade Mesophyll: photosynthesis

Spongy mesophyll: gas exchange and photosynthesis.

Stomata- regulates gas exchange H2O loss

epidermis- hydrophobic, doesn’t let water out of the leaf.

first stage of calvin cycle- carbon fixation

second stage of calvin cycle- reduction

3rd stage of calvin cycle- regeneration

Rubisco- an enzyme that combines RUBP and CO2

PSII- where light first hits to excite the electrons.

Photo excitation- (step 1) when the elctrons become excited

Electron transport chain- (step 2) when the excited protein from PSII goes through a bunch of different membrane proteins.

Photolysis- (step 3) the process of splitting water, from H2O to H+, O2, and e-, this electron replaces the one in photosystem 2

Chemiosmosis- (step 4) when the H+ ions go through the ATP synthase.

reduction in LDP- when ADP turns into ATP, and NADP+ turns into NADPH


1) Which molecule stores more than 90 times the energy of an ATP molecule?


2) All organisms get the energy they need to regenerate ATP from___

-foods like glucose

  • ATP consists of ribose, sugar, adenine, and 3 phosphate groups.

  • ADP forms when ATP loses a phosphate and releases energy.

  • ATP provides energy for active transport in cells

What is it called?


2 examples


organisms that make their own foods.

Cynobacteria, plants, algea


organisms that obtain energy from food they eat.

Animals, fungi

What is the ultimate source of energy autotrophs use to produce food?

-the sun


Light green: chlorophyll B

Dark green: Chlorophyll A

Orange: Carotenoids

How do we see color? how does that apply to black and white?

Our eyes pick up the color reflected by objects that are not absorbed.

White- reflects all light

Black- absorbs all light

A= adenine

B= ribose

C= phosphate group

Name 3 cellular activities/work that use energy to stored in ATP

  • Chemical

  • Mechanical

  • Transport

Chlorophyll absorbs light well in the blue-violet and red regions of the visible spectrum

6H2O+ 6CO2+ Light —> C6H12O2 + O2


If a plant is kept under green-colored light for an extended period of time, what will happen to the rate of photosynthesis?

  • The plant is not absorbing any light necessary for Light Dependant reactions.

Why are carotenoid colors present in leaves during fall and not other times?

  • This is because as days shorten, temperature cools. Chlorophyll is broken down into accesory pigments that are used to absorb higher energy light waves.

Photosystem one and two are part of the thylakoid membrane

why does the space inside the thylakoid become positively charged during the light-dependant reactions?

  • H+ ions build up as water splits.

Where does the calvin cycle occur in?

  • the stroma

Write an equation that shows NADP+ become NADPH

NADP+ + H+ + 2e- —> NADPH


Chloroplast- site of photosynthesis

Cuticle- prevents H2O loss

Vascular bundle transports H2O and C6H12O6

Palisade Mesophyll: photosynthesis

Spongy mesophyll: gas exchange and photosynthesis.

Stomata- regulates gas exchange H2O loss

epidermis- hydrophobic, doesn’t let water out of the leaf.

first stage of calvin cycle- carbon fixation

second stage of calvin cycle- reduction

3rd stage of calvin cycle- regeneration

Rubisco- an enzyme that combines RUBP and CO2

PSII- where light first hits to excite the electrons.

Photo excitation- (step 1) when the elctrons become excited

Electron transport chain- (step 2) when the excited protein from PSII goes through a bunch of different membrane proteins.

Photolysis- (step 3) the process of splitting water, from H2O to H+, O2, and e-, this electron replaces the one in photosystem 2

Chemiosmosis- (step 4) when the H+ ions go through the ATP synthase.

reduction in LDP- when ADP turns into ATP, and NADP+ turns into NADPH