APUSH - Chapters 1 & 2 Quiz

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Arrived in Jamestown in 1610 after enforcing strict military regime in Jamestown. Created many wars with Natives.

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US History

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Arrived in Jamestown in 1610 after enforcing strict military regime in Jamestown. Created many wars with Natives.

Who was Lord De La Warr?

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Animals (Pigs, Horses, Dogs, Rats, Cows), Plants (sugarcane, cauliflower, bluegrass), Disease (small pox, syphilis, malaria), and People (Europeans, Africans) AFTER 1492.

What did the Colombian Exchange bring to the New World?

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Cocoa, corn, pumpkin, potatoes, bison, blueberries.

What did the Colombian Exchange bring to the Old World?

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It killed up to 9 in 10 people and caused fever, rashes, vomiting.

Why was Smallpox so deadly?

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The Dutch in 1619.

Who sent the first slaves to the American Colonies?

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Skin for warmth, bone for weapons, skulls for shields. Meat for the winter-time.

What did the Natives use buffalo for?

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This farming method used corn, squash and beans to yield more crops. Corn was important because it was easy to grow and contained sugar (energy).

What is the 3-sister farming and why was corn so important?

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Colombus begged many different nations for ships to sail east, thinking it would be a faster way to reach the spice islands. After Spain won their war, they granted him with ships and he arrived October 12th, 1542.

How did Christopher Columbus reach the New World?

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35000 years ago, a land-bridge formed connecting Siberia and Alaska together allowing Asian Hunters to migrate.

How did the Native Americans get to the New World?

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An advanced South American civilization occupying day Peru until captured by Francisco Pizarro in 1532

Who were the Incas?

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Native American empire controlling present-day Mexico until conquered by Spanish Hernan Cortez.

Who were the Aztecs?

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Societies where politics overlaid a large-degree of cultural commonality.

What are Nation-States?

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A Mississippian settlement near present-day East. St. Louis home to 25k Natives.

What was the Chahoka?

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Men usually hunted while woman would tend to the crops in settled agricultural groups.

What roles did men and woman play in Native Societies?

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Shells, alligator and shark teeth, copper, silver, mica.

What goods were traded between the Natives and Europeans?

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Following their discovery, sugarcane was able to be grown very easily. Africans helped with this on plantations.

Why were Africans taken to the “Sugar-Islands?”

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Horses provided quick transportation, making catching buffalo even easier.

How were horses “revolutionary” to Native Tribes?

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An agreement between Spain and Portugal granting Spain with more New World land and Portugal with more Asian and African land.

What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?

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A Spanish idea to convert Indian’s to Christianity for compensation by the Spanish government.

What was Encomienda?

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Cortes was a Spanish explorer who went from Cuba-Mexico with horses and men where he rescued Malinche, a native who could interoperate both Spanish and Native languages. He overtook Tenochtitlan led by Moctezuma and ceased gold and more wealth, eradicating the Aztecs.

Who was Hernan Cortes and what did he do?

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A Spanish conquistador who captured the Incas of Peru in 1532.

Who was Francisco Pizarro and what did he do?

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When the Aztec’s attacked Cortes’s army on June 30th 1520, resulting in a total capture of Tenochtitlan on August 13, 1521. Cortes and other men demolished temples and constructed Christian cathedrals.

What was noches triste?

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People of mixed Indian and European heritage, notably in Mexico.

What are Mestizos?

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This Spanish conquistador traveled through Arizona and Next Mexico in 1540-42 to find “golden cities”

What did Francisco Cornado do?

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Italian navigator who explored the northeastern coast of North American during 1497-98. This was done out of desperation for other nations wanting a piece of the New Land.

Who was Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot)?

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It was a false notion that the Spanish did little but butchered the Indians and steal their gold in Christ.

What is the Black Legend?

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The French were in Quebec (1608) and the English in Jamestown, VA (1607, first North American English settlement).

Where were the French and English in the early 1600s?

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A French explorer who claimed land in Canada in which they relied on fishing and fur trade. They also heavily relied on Beavers.

Who was Jacques Carter?

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Huguenots - French Protestant decenters, granted little toleration under the Edict of Nantes. The Edict was an issue sent out by French crown limiting Protestants in 1598.

What was the Edict of Nantes and Huguenots?

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He was a French solider who became high rank in French territory. He made relations with Indian Tribes.

Who was Samuel de Champlain?

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French fur trappers who made trading posts throughout North America.

What were couriers de bois?

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Saint Augustine in 1565.

What was the first SPANISH settlement in North America?

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They created kettles, hatchets, swords, knives, bread.

Why were Beavers a massive benefit to the French?

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A Spanish fleet built up by Phillip II of Spain that was defeated in English channel in 1588.

What was the Spanish Armada?

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They prioritized getting wealthy than foods and lost islands alongside people.

Why did Spain start to decline in the New World?

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A principle that landowners oldest son inherited the land (farm land).

What was Primogeniture?

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A partnership with many investors to make commercial enterprise, supplying England’s conquest.

What is a Joint-Stock Company?

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A legal document by a government to a group to implement something out the attending rights and obligation.

What was a charter?

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English man who took over Jamestown in 1608 to prioritize food than gold.

Who was Captain John Smith?

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Clash between Powhatan Confederacy and English settlers in VA. English torched and destroyed Indian horses and buildings. Ended in 1614 following marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe.

Summarize the FIRST Angelo-Powhatan War…

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Last effort by Powhatan Indians to dislodge the expansion of Virginian settlement. Led to their banish from VA.

What was the Second Angelo-Powhatan War?

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A Dutch who led their military before English squadron appeared in New Amsterdam (1664) forcing their surrender.

Who was Peter Stuyvesant?

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Five tribes bound together in late 1500s: Mohawks, Oneidons, Onondagas, Cayuga, and Seneca’s.

What was the Iroquois Confederacy?

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