Quarter 1 Test
Major Geographic Features of the US-From west to east:
Rocky Mountains ——> Great Plains ——> Mississippi River ——> Appalachian Mountains
Primary Source
A first-hand account from the time period.
Importance of Geography to Culture
Where you live determines how you live.
Buffalo & Native Americans
Buffalo were a source of food, shelter, clothing, and tools.
Between 1820-1890 the US government removed Native american Indians from their tribal lands and relocated them here.
Westward Expansion
Americans justified this based on a belief in Manifest Destiny.
California Gold Rush
Many people “rushed” to CA in the 1840’s to search for gold.
Cattle Trails
Were used to bring herds to railroad lines, where they would be shipped to market.
Homestead Act
Offered 160 acres of land for free for those willing to farm it for 5 years.
Barbed Wire & Sod Houses
Were solutions to problems that farmers experienced on the Great plains during the late 1800’s.
Railroad Expansion
Began to outpace canal expansion after 1830.
Industry that triggered the IR
Handmade to Machine Made
After the Civil War, more machinery was used to make goods.
J.D Rockefeller
Made his fortune in the oil industry.
Supply and demand
High supply, low demand = low prices Low supply, high demand = high prices
Becoming a corporation (selling shares) is a way for a business to raise capital (money for investment)
Advantage of Corporations
They have stockholders who invest money.
One producer has control of an entire industry.
Two or more companies agree not to compete and share a Board of Directors.
Monopolies and Trusts
Both increase profits by eliminating competition.
Share of Stock
The part of a business that the public can purchase.
Edison’s Inventions
Motion picture projector, phonograph, light bulb, etc
Sherman Antitrust Act
Prevented the formation of business monopolies.
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Led to the passage of laws that created safer working conditions.
Led to Laws Protecting Factory Workers
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.
Workers walk off of their jobs until their demands are met.
When people refuse to buy a particular product or service.
Collective Bargaining
When labor and management try to negotiate a new contract.
Settlement Houses
Neighborhood centers, in poor areas, staffed by professionals and volunteers who offered food, clothing, shelter, and education.
The New Colossus
Poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty that welcomes immigrants.
The Statue of Liberty
Became a welcoming symbol of freedom and opportunity for immigrants from around the world.
Ellis Island
Opened by the US government in 1892 to process immigrants arriving from overseas.
A severe shortage of food.
Low skill jobs
Most immigrants who came to the US in the late 1800’s took low skill jobs, which meant low pay.
Keeping things clean and healthy.
A rundown, crowded apartment building.
Where Factory Jobs Were Located
Large cities in the eastern US.