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vernacular bibles
Bibles written in the common language of the people, rather than Latin.
Protestant sect in England hoping to "purify" the Anglican church by getting rid of of Roman Catholic traces in practice and organization.
French Protestants influenced by John Calvin
New Testament
The second part of the Christian Bible, containing descriptions of the life and teachings of Jesus and of his early followers
Old Testament
first part of the Bible that is about the early history of the Jews and Judaism
Elizabethan Settlement
The attempt by Elizabeth to settle England's religious problems through compromise
Thirty-nine Articles
The official statement of the beliefs of the Church of England. They established a moderate form of Protestantism and created the Anglican Church
Concordat of Bologna
Treaty under which the French Crown recognized the supremacy of the pope and obtained the right for the government to nominate all French bishops and abbots (1516)
Schmalkaldic Wars
Wars in 1540s between Catholic Charles V and the Protestant German princes
Peace of Augsburg
1555 agreement declaring that the religion of each German state would be decided by its ruler
Schmalkaldic League
Protestant alliance formed by Lutherans against the Catholic Holy Roman Empire/Charles V.
Cuius regio, eius religio
Whose realm, his religion--basic idea behind Peace of Augsburg