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Whig Party
american political party formed to oppose A jackson + demo; wanted protective tariffs, national banking, + federal aid for internal improvements; attracted parties that also hated A jackson; declared demo as party of corruption/cronyism
William Henry Harrison
1841 elected president (9th) + almost hounded to death by Whigs; Whigs thought "Old Tippecanoe" was a bit more than an impressive figurehead; Amer military leader + politician; 1st president to die in office + shortest administration in Amer (4 weeks); died of pneumonia; death had a short crisis but resolved many questions abt presidential succession unanswered by constitution
John Tyler
VA; became 10th president after Harrison's death; resigned from senate earlier + unnecessarily; gave up Jacksonian Democrats for Whigs, but was at odds w/Whigs; still a democrat
Henry Clay
uncrowned king of Whigs + best spokesman in Senate; wanted much political power
Daniel Webster
secretary of state
"Third War with England"
fought on paper; fought between Brit + Amer written commentaries abt other country; fostered by anti-Brit feeling in Amer from 2 wars + Brit "Travel Books" (condemned + mocked Amer as barbaric)
Manifest Destiny
notion held by 1844 campaign; Amer was destined by "Almighty One" to rule continent w/democratic institutions from Atlantic to Pacific
James K. Polk
pro-expansion Democrat; won over Whigs under Clay; president in 1845; wanted to settle Oregon boundary dispute w/Brit; wanted to get CA; wanted to get TX into union
"Fifty-four forty or fight"
political slogan of Democrats in 1844 election; claimed 54 degree 40' as the boundary of OR area
49th parallel
Polk proposed this as compromise line for OR; Brit came around + proposed same compromise + polk let Senate decide; offer was accepted + approved of treaty; accepted mainly bc already worried w/war with Mex
Polk's "four-point program"
Polk developed this plan + achieved it within 4 yrs; goals included lowered tariff, restoration of independent treasury, acquisition of CA, + settlement of OR dispute
Mexican-American War
between mex + Amer; Amer got ½ of mex territory; US wanted to teach Mex a lesson + Mex wanted to humiliate north; Mex thought Amer picked a fight on their soil while Amer though mex was the aggressor
Zachary Taylor
polk appointed this general to lead army from Nueces River + Rio grande against mex; Mex troops crossed Rio Grande + attacked general's troops (16 Amer died); congress declared war;
nominated by the Whigs in Philly; "hero of Buena Vista"; never held civil office or took part in voting for president; Whig party dodged all troubling issues + just extolled in his virtue; didn't commit himself on issue of slavery, but was a wealthy sugar plantation owner in LA + had slaves
Santa Anna
dethroned Mex dictator; promised US to sell out his country if they helped in back to Mex; once he was back, he helped Mex to defend against US
John C. Fremont
explorer w/many dozens well-armed men who helped overthrow Mex rule in 1846; he collaborated w/Amer naval officers + local Amer to take CA + proclaimed 'CA bear Flag Republic'
Winfield Scott
commanded the main expedition which pushed inland from coastal city of Veracruz; general who succeeded in battling way to Mex city despite disadvantages
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
signed by trist; confirmed Amer ownership of TX, territory west from OR to ocean, + CA for $15 million; assumed claimed of its citizens against mex in amount of $3.25 million
Mexican Cession Territory
TX, territory west of OR to ocean, + CA for $15 million (½ of Mex) was given to america
"Conscious Whigs"
anti-slavery whigs in Congress who dubbed the mex whigs; denounced the Mex War + controlled house in 1847; threatened to vote down supplies for armies in field; if actually happened; scott would have been forced to retreat + things would of gone downhill
Wilmot Amendment
an amendment proposed by Wilmot; outlawed slavery in any of the territory taken from Mex; passed through House, but not senate; never became fed law; eventually approved by legislatures of all but 1 free state; symbolized burning issues of slavery
Lewis Cass
veteran of War of 1812; chosen at Dem National Convention at Baltimore; Senator + diplomat; Dem platform was silent on burning slavery issue, but he wasn't silent; enemies dubbed him General "Gass" + rhymed w/jackass; father of popular sovereignty
"Popular sovereignty"
doctrine that said that sovereign ppl of territory should be determine the status of slavery; Cass is father of this; persuasive appeal as many (public + politicians) liked it
Free Soil Party
formed by antislavery men in north; attracted industrialists upset at Polk's reduction of protective tariffs; wanted Wilmot Proviso; advocated for federal aid for internal improvements; urged for free govt homestead for settlers
California Gold Rush
discovery of gold in CA; lots of ppl migrated to the west; brought 10k men; mining camps popped up wherever gold/silver was found; crime was rly high; many CA citizens wanted to erect a good state gov
California State Constitution
written by group of CAians that prohibited slavery; written to speed up process of statehood (CA bypasses territorial stage, preventing southern congressmen seeking to block Free Soil); southern politicians were angered
Underground Railroad
south had problems w/runaway slaves, who were helped by northerners; Virtual freedom consisted of antislavery homes, through which runaway slaves were helped by abolitionists from slave states to Canada
Harriet Tubman
most amazing conductor; illiterate runaway slave from MD; rescued more than 300 slaves (including her parents); earned title "Moses"
"Immortal Trio of the Senate"
Clay, Calhoun, + Webster; worked together for last time in 1850
Compromise of 1850
north got better deal; 1) CA tipped senate balance against south (CA = free state), 2) area of NM + UT were open to slavery on basis of popular sovereignty, 3) TX was paid $10 mil toward discharging its indebtedness; area dispute had torn from side of slave-holding TX + almost certain to be free
Fugitive Slave Law
"bloodhound bill"; stirred storm of opposition in north; practices threatened to create dangerous punishments for white Amer; fleeing slaves couldn't testify on their own + denied jury trials; northerners who helped slaves escape could get large fines + jail sentences
"Demise of Whig Party"
election of 1852 marked the beginning of the end of Whig party; death of Clay + Webster weakened the party a lot; end augured eclipse of national parties + rise of sectional political parties
Franklin Pierce
14th president; democrat, served w/o distinction in Mex-Amer war; 2nd 'dark-horse' candidate; unrenowned lawyer-politician from NH; platform revived democrat's commitment to area expansion
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
treaty between US + Brit agreeing that neither country was to try to obtain exclusive rights to control over any future isthmian waterway; repealed by US in 1881
Ostend Manifesto
met in Belgium + 3 envoys drew top secret dispatch; doc urged that Pierce administration offer $120 mil for Cuba; if Spa refused + its continued ownership endangered Amer interest, US would be justified for getting Cuba; plan leaked + made northern free-soilers angry
Gadsden Purchase
purchase of land from Mexico in 1853 that established current US/Mex border for $10 mil; transaction aroused much criticism among northerners + enabled the south to claim railroad w/even more insistence
Harriet Beecher Stowe
mother of 6 kids; published Uncle Tom's Cabin; determined to waken north to slavery's wickedness; Lincoln recognized her novel; antislavery sentiments lay in religious 2nd Great awakening; lived in OH, where underground railroad activity was prevalent
Uncle Tom's Cabin
written by Stowe in 1853; woke up north to cruelty of slavery; promoted abolition; intensified sectional conflict; popular in US, Brit, + Fra
Kansas-Nebraska Act
southerners had supported this act w/understanding that KS would become slave state + NE would become a free state; northerners set out to 'abolitionism' both states (both became free states)
Free Soilers
didn't like fraudulent conspiracy (Shawnee Mission); established own regime in Topeka, which was illegal KS govt; 2 govts in KS - 1 based on fraud + the other illegality
John Brown
abolitionist figure now stalked upon KS battlefield; involved in ambiguous dealings (horse stealing), so moved to KS
"Kansas Civil War"
erupted after Pottawatomie Creek; destroyed millions worth of property; between abolitionists + pro-slaveryites; later merged w/large civil war
Lecompton Constitution
doc presented by pro-slaveryites; ppl could vote constitution w/slavery or w/o slavery; but if voted against slavery, remaining provision of constitution protected the slave owners already in KS; free-soiler were upset so boycotted the pools, leading to the proslaveryites approving the constitution in 1857
James Buchanan
succeeded pierce; strongly under southern influence
Stephen A. Douglas
senator; championed true popular sovereignty; tossed strong support in south for presidency + fought for fair play & democratic principles; outcome was compromise that submitted entire Lecompton constitution to popular vote; free-soilers then came + tossed it under; KS remained a territory until 1861
Division of Democratic Party
Buchanan antagonized numbers of Douglas Democrats in North, + divided the democratic party; until then, it was the only national party remaining; broke the last strands of binding
Charles Sumner
abolitionist senator from MA; most disliked senator; delivered speech "the crime against KS" which condemned pro-slavery men + insulted SC + Butler; attacked by Brooks w/cane over issues of slavery + honor of state
Preston Brooks
congressman from SC; didn't like Sumner's comments on Butler (distant cousin); assaulted Sumner w/cane until it broke; the House couldn't muster enough votes to expel him, but he resigned + was reelected
Republican Party
met in Philly; nominated Fremont as their candidate; platform came out vigorously against extension of slavery
Roger B. Taney
wrote the important decision of Dred Scott case; upheld police power of states + asserted principle of social responsibility of priv property; from the South + upheld fugitive slave laws
Dred Scott Case
stated Dred Scott (black slave) wasn't a citizen + couldn't sue his owner (he sued for freedom as he was on free-soil); said that federal govt couldn't dictate to its citizens what they do w/their property (including slaves); declared Compromise of 1820 unconstitutional
Abraham Lincoln
"Honest Abe" - didn't violate his conscience; rustic Springfield lawyer; raised up in lower-class family but married above to Todd family; emerged as foremost politician after KS-NE Act; debated w/Douglas but lost Senate race in 1858; wanted no extension of slavery, protective tariffs for northerners, pacific railroad for northwest, free homestead land for farmers; wins election of 1860; 'minority president' bc wasn't on balot of 10 states; southerners threatened secession if Lincoln won
Lincoln/Douglas Debates
Lincoln asked to have many debates w/Douglas; certain topics were slavery; Lincoln lost election to Douglas, became popular; Douglas said ppl could exclude slavery by not enforcing + protecting slave owner property; became reason why ppl wouldn't support Douglas for president; Lincoln asks if slavery could be prevented in areas, to which the Dred Scott decision says no; Douglas then says that territories can limit slavery + angering the Southerners
"Freeport Doctrine"
doctrine developed by Douglas; slavery would stay down if it was voted down; unpopular among southerners + cost Douglas election of 1860; Douglas's position also split democratic party
Harpers Ferry
Brown came up w/scheme to invade south w/followers, called slaves to rise w/arms + established free state as sanctuary; secured several thousands of $ from north abolitionists; seized federal arsenal in VA + killed 7 innocent ppl; Lee + US Marines caught Brown + followers; Brown was hanged; one of the immediate causes of secession as south thinks they are under attack
Election of 1860
candidates include Lincoln (Republican), Douglas (Northern Democrat), Breckinridge (Southern Democrat), + Bell (Constitutional Union); Lincoln wins + becomes 16th president
South Carolina/southern states secede
SC used Lincoln's presidency as excuse to separate from union (called a convention) + seceded; within 6 weeks after SC secedes, AL, MI, FL, GA, LA, TX + 4 more states secede; Buchanan is lame duck + doesn't do anything to stop secession even though it was illegal; 11 states seceded in total
Confederate States of America
new govt formed by 1st 7 seceding southern states in Feb 1861; Davis became president
Fort Sumter
federal fort in Charleston harbor; bad conditions (<100 men + provisions only lasted for few weeks); if no supplies - commander had to surrender; otherwise, SC would fight cuz this was important federal fort; blocked Atlantic seaport Lincoln tried to send provisions w/o reinforcements + failed; SC cannons fired the fort, but no one died
Union blockade
'anaconda plan'; at first leaky + part of Union's total war; blocked key confederate ports from getting supplies; respected by Brit; other nations (including Brit) wanted lincoln to maintain high blockading standards
Border States
slave states that stayed in Union; DE, MD, KY, MO, + WV; if north attacked first all of them would have seceded from union; important + powerful (½ of Conf population); MD, KY, MO doubled manufacturing capacity of S + increased horse/mule supplies by 50%
Advantages/Disadvantages of South
more experienced military officer 2) fought on their own land among their own people (knew the territory well) 3) just had to ensure the north doesn't win + they could remain separate from Union
Robert E. Lee
1st rank confederate commander; lincoln offered him command of union armies, but when VA left, he left; won peninsula campaign (7 days' battle)
"Stonewall" Jackson
lee's chief lieutenant for most of war; master of speed + deception; confederate general; won 1st battle of bull run (got name in that battle); killed by friendly fire at battle of Chancellorsville
Advantages/Disadvantages of North
larger population (north had ~22 million while south had ~9 million including slaves) 2) most factories to make supplies 3) 30,000 miles of railroads 4) strong navy 5) more money 6) established govt
Ulysses S. Grant
union general; lincoln found him after trial/error process (expensive); determined to win at any cost (even losing troops); 1st success came in northern TN theater; captured fort henry + Fort Donelson; demanded 'an unconditional/immediate surrender' when confederate general asked for terms
Trent Affair
1st major crisis w/Brit; union warship cruising on high seas on northern cuba stopped a brit mail steam trent + removed (by force) 2 confederate diplomats bound for euro; brit govt demanded an apology + prisoners be set free; lincoln released prisoners
brit-amer crisis over building in brit; confederate alabama evaded title warship under technicalities; escaped to Portuguese Azores + captured 60+ vessels; accepted challenge from union cruiser off fra's coast in 1864 + destroyed (sunk)
Laird Rams
final crisis w/brit; 2 confederate warships were constructed in shipyard of laird + sons in brit; designed to destroy wooden ships of union w/its iron rams + large-caliber guns; guns more dangerous than alabama; eventually brought for royal navy
Jefferson Davis & state's rights
no person popularity; serious talk of impeachment; job too much for him; imprisoned for 2 yrs after war's end; later pardoned by Johnson; conf govt gave states more power; detrimental to war; lincoln violated states' right
Lincoln's Constitutional violations
proclaimed blockade, increased federal army size, gave $2 million to 3 priv citizens (military reasons), suspended writ of habeas corpus, supervised voting in border states, + suspended certain newspapers; could do this cuz congress wasn't meeting when war started
law enacted draft of men into army bc of decline of volunteers; unfair for poor cuz rich men could hire subs/pay $300 to be excused
National Banking System
system created by congress in 1863; made to stimulate sale of govt bonds + establish standard banknote currency
Homestead Act
provided free land to people; allowed settlers to acquire 160 acres by living on it for 5 years, improving it + paying $30; passed in absence of southern democrats
Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell
amer's 1st female physician; helped organize US sanitary commission to help the union army in battlefield
U.S. Sanitary Commission
founded w/blackwell's help' govt agency trained nurses, collected medical supplies, + equipped hospitals; commission helped professionalize nursing + gave many women confidence + organizational skills to push forward women's movements after war
First Battle of Bull Run
1st battle of civil war; happened 30 miles SW DC; dispelled illusions of short war; Confederates won; northern recruits swaggered out of DC towards bull run; at first, they were good but jackson's warriors were like a stone wall (where 'stonewall' got his name) + reinforcements showed up; inflated dangerous overconfidence
George McClellan
union general; given command of army of potomac; extremely cautious + great organizer; hated sacrificing his troops + idolized by men ('little mac'); tried to take richmond in 1862 during peninsula campaign; pushed back + demoted; reinstated for battle of antietam; retired after failing to pursue Lee
Army of the Potomac
McClellan led this army; main union army near DC w/100k troops
Peninsula Campaign
confederate victory; richmond sat on James + York River; union advances towards Richmond under McClellan; confederates reinforcements could come to push him back to sea; 20k Confederate casualties vs 10k union casualties
Emancipation Proclamation
issued by lincoln; 1862; declared that all slaves in confederate states would be free
Union's "total war"
slowly suffocate south by blocking coasts 2) liberate slaves + undermine economic foundation 3) cut confederates into ½ by getting control of MI river 4) chop confederate to pieces by sending troops through GA + Carolinas 5) capture richmond 6) try everywhere to get enemy's main strength + grind it into submission
Monitor vs. Merrimack
Monitor - "yankee cheesebox on a raft"; union Ironclad; Merrimack - old wooden US ship that was reconditioned as a confederate ironclad ship and destroyed 2 union wooden ships, destroyed months later to avoid getting stolen; both fought to standstill
Second Battle of Bull Run
confederate victory; 1862; confederate army forced most of union army under general pope out of VA
Battle at Antietam Creek
draw; Lee went into MD to get border states; lincoln restored McClellan as commander (pressured); 2 union soldiers found copy of lee's plans (wrapped in packet of 3 cigars dropped by confederate officer); McClellan could stop Lee; Brit + Fre planned to help confederates, but this battle displayed north's power + stopped them from helping; served as foundation for lincoln's final launch of emancipation proclamation
Thirteenth Amendment
8 months after war's end; freed all slaves, abolished slavery, + foreshadowed by emancipation proclamation
A.E. Burnside
union general; replaced McClellan (2nd time); unfit for job + launched rash battle of fredericksburg; yielded command to Hooker
Battle of Fredericksburg
confederate victory; VA 1862; Burnside launched rash attack; >10k northern soldiers were killed; 'burnside slaughter pen'
Battle of Chancellorsville
confederate victory; led by hooker; lee divided his forces + sent Jackson to attack union flank; jackson would be accidentally shot by his own men + died; hooker was badly beaten but not crushed by Lee's plan
George Meade
union general; replaced Hooker 3 days before battle of gettysburg; led battle of gettysburg
Battle of Gettysburg
union victory; 3 day battle; bloodiest of entire war; turning point of war; Meade led battle w/92k soldiers against Lee's 76k soldiers; Pickett's charge was considered high tide of confederacy/last real chance for confederate win
Pickett's Charge
failed confederacy charge (gettysburg); 'high tide of confederacy'; marked northernmost point of southern troops ever reached; last real chance for confederate win
Gettysburg Address
2 min speech given by Lincoln after gettysburg; praised bravery of union soldiers + renewed commitment to winning war; supported ideals of self-govt + human rights; attracted little attention at the time
Battle at Shiloh
north victory; grant wanted to exploit his victory by capturing getting junction of main confederate railroads at Corinth MI; confederates forces surprised union troops just over TN border from Corinth; confederates drove back grant's forces across TN rivers; union got backup + won; 1 of the most bloody battles; proved there was no quick end to war in west
Battle of Vicksburg
union victory; many packages of cattles + other provisions came - key western source of supplies; fortress of vicksburg protected supply source; grant launched attack + siege of vicksburg; grant's best fought campaign; city surrendered; most forces were depleted; 5 days later, it would be fall of port hudson; union gained MI
Sherman's March
general sherman's destructive march through GA; early instance of total war; purposely targeted buildings/civilian property to weaken morale of men + destroy supplies meant for confederate army; ravaged SC; south wasn't happy
"Radical Republicans"
dominated congressional committee on conduct of war; resented expansion of presidential power in wartime; pressed Lincoln on emancipation; minority group of republicans; believed that South should pay more for leaving; wanted social structure destroyed, planters punished, + blacks protected by law
Congressional Committee on the Conduct of War
established by congress in 1861; made to oversee military affairs
Election of 1864
peace + war democrats/copperheads (McClellan) vs radical republicans vs union party (lincoln); each political party had diff pov on how war should be run + what should happen to seceded states after war; union party (lincoln) won election on recent northern victories against south; decided that confederacy would lose + slavery was abolished
"War" & "Peace Democrats"
part of fractured democratic party; war dem supported lincoln administration + peace dem didn't