**Based on the descriptions, discussions, and vignettes in the chapter, what are the characteristics of a true war story? What does “truth” mean in the context of a war story? Consider the statement “That’s a true war story that never happened” and the characters’ various attempts to express the truth inherent in a particular story (“[Sanders’] frustration at…not quite pinning down the final and definitive truth”, “You can tell a true war story if you just keep on telling it”): **The “truth” in the context of a @@war story is based both on perspective and the exaggeration of both the mundane and the incredible.@@ The fact is, there’s not an “absolute truth.”, just metafiction.
Each soldier retells the story differently because they each lived it differently. A soldier who died from a misplaced grenade can be a hero in the eyes of a comrade, but an idiot in the eyes of a bystander. The mundane and “silly” is considered to be more comforting, more of a safeguard than a trivial or absurd occurrence, while the most horrifying, unbelievable, and crude “facts” are more reliable and expected.
The truth of war is created and never exact. Subjective to the audience’s expectations and soldiers’ emotional experiences.
“A true war story is not about courage and heroism but about the reality of misplaced anger and the inability of soldiers to deal effectively with their feelings about a horrible experience.”
What truths about war does the story about the girl who didn’t write back to Rat Kiley express? Explain. Consider the narrator’s comment that it was a love story, not a war story: War and grief are measured from the individual's perspective and emotions, influencing how they react to the situations and events presented.