What does WHIMIS stand for?
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
Why is WHIMIS important?
It tells us how to handle chemicals and helps us get a concise idea about chemicals and what they can do.
What is the exploding bomb?
It is the symbol of a bomb and shows that the contents could pose a violent or explosive reaction.
What is the flame?
It is the symbol of a flame and shows that the contents are highly flammable and will combust or ignite when near a flame.
What is the oxidizer?
It is the symbol of a flame with an “O“ and shows that the contents are highly flammable and can cause or enhance a fire. Promotes combustion after a flame.
What is the gas cylinder?
It is the symbol of a gas cylinder and shows that the contents are under very high pressure.
What is the corrision symbol?
It is the symbol of a hand, test tube, block, and acid. Shows that the contents are corrosive and can cause damage to the skin, materials, and other organic and inorganic substances.
What is the skull and crossbones symbol?
It is the symbol of a skull and crossbones and shows that the contents acute toxicity upon contact and can result in injury or death.
What is the health symbol?
It is the symbol of a torso that is decomposing and shows that the contents pose serious, long-term, or deadly effects if inhaled or ingested.
What is the exclamation mark?
It is the symbol of an exclamation mark and shows that the contents can cause serious health effects and damage the ozone layer.
What is the pond with dead fish?
It is the symbol of a pond with no life and shows that the contents cause serious effects when introduced into the environment.
What is the biohazard symbol?
It is the biohazard symbol and shows that the contents cause serious effects when introduced into the environment.
What is the sds?
The sds contains information from the manufacturer about how to handle the chemical, and what to do when something goes wrong.
How can you describe matter?
You can look at the properties (physical and chemical) and the state of matter.
What are the 2 observeable properties of matter?
Physical (Described using 5 senses), and Chemical (how the chemical reacts with other substances)
What are physical properties of matter?
Properties of substances that relate to what changes physically take place.
What is Physical Change?
When the shape or state is altered, but the substance (molecularly) remains unchanged.
What are some examples of physical properties?
Boiling Point, Malleability, Ductility, and Solubility.
What is matter?
Anything has has mass and takes up space.
What are the 3 basic states of matter?
solid, liquid and gas
What are the other 2 states?
Bose-Einstien Condensate, and Plasma.
What are chemical properties?
How a substance interacts with another.
What is chemical change?
When a substance changes because of an interaction with another substance.
What are some chemical properties?
Ability to burn, Behavior in air, Reaction with water, and reaction with acids.
What are the 2 subcategories of matter when classifying matter?
Substances and mixtures.
What are the 2 subcategories of substances when classifying matter?
Elements and Compounds
What are the 2 subcategories of mixtures when classifying matter?
Homogenous and Heterogenous Mixtures.
What is an element?
Substances made of atoms with the same atomic number.
What is a Compound?
A substance made of 2 or more elements that are bonded at the molecular level. They can be ionic, or molecular.
What is a Heterogenous Mixture?
A mixture made from ununiformly distributed particles.
What is a Homogenous Mixture?
A mixture made from uniformly distributed particles.
What is the atomic theory?
The atomic theory states that matter is made up of indivisible particles called atoms that combine in whole-number ratios.
What did John Dalton say about atoms?
He said that small particles called atoms make up all materials and they cant be created, destroyed, or divided. He also created the idea of compounds.
What was John Dalton’s model called?
The billiard ball model.
What did J.J. Thompson say about atoms?
He said that atoms could be divided, and atoms contain small particles that are negatively charged called electrons, which float in a cloud of positive charge.
What was J.J. Thompson’s model called?
The rasin bun or plum pudding model.
What did Rutherford say about atoms?
He said that atoms are mostly made of empty space, and electrons orbit around the nucleus.
What was Rutherford’s model called?
The solar system model.
What does the nucleus of an atom contain?
Protons and Neutrons that are positively and negatively charged respectively.
What was the Rutherford Experiment?
The experiment was used to see if the Rasin Bun or Plum pudding model was relevant. The experiment used alpha particles that were directed to gold foil some particles reflected (hit the nucleus) and some didn’t (hit nothing). If the J.J. Thompsons model was relevant then all of the particles would’ve passed through.
What did Niels Bohr say about atoms?
He said that electrons travel in specific levels called shells
or energy levels.
What was the Bohr model called?
Bohr or Rutherford-Bohr model.
What is the current atomic theory?
Quantum mechanical theory.
What was a highlight of the quantum mechanical theory?
The quantum mechanical theory highlighted that electrons can be anywhere around the nucleus and that they are sometimes more probable in certain spaces. The common spaces are called clouds.
Who was the father of the periodic table?
Dimitri Mendeleev
What are the 4 basic patterns of the periodic table?
Atomic number, Metal/non-metal properties, Periods, and Groups.
What does atomic number represent?
The number of protons and electrons for each atom.
What is on the right side of the “stairs”
What is on the left side of the “stairs”
What is along the “stairs“
What are periods?
Periods are horizontal rows. There are seven periods, each with the same energy level. Ex. Period 4 has 4 energy levels.
What are groups?
Groups are vertical columns on the periodic table. There are 18, each of them have similar reactive properties.
What is found in group 1?
Alkalai Metals. They are highly reactive and shiny.
What is found in group 2?
Alkaline Earth Metals. They form an oxide coating when exposed to air.
What is found in group 3-12?
What is found in group 18?
Noble Gasses. Stable, non-metals.
How does metal reactivity change? and what is the most reactive metal?
Metal reactivity increases as you go down and to the left. The most reactive metal is Francium.
Are noble gasses reactive?
No! They are inert and their valence is happy!
How does non-metal reactivity change? and what is the most reactive non-metal?
Non-Metal reactivity increases as you go up and to the right. The most reactive non-metal is Flourine. (There is an exception of group 18)
What is the common state of matter for Metals?
Solid, except for mercury.
What are some common characteristics of metals?
Malleability, ductility, being a good conductor, and having a shiny luster.
What is the common state of matter for Non-Metals?
There really isn’t one, they can be solid, liquid, or gas.
What are some common characteristics of non-metals?
Being non-malleable, non-ductility, being a poor conductor, and having a dull luster. They are also brittle.
What are some common characteristics of metalloids?
They are a mix of metals and non-metals in characteristics.
What is the common state of matter for metalloids?
Metalloids are solids.
What is the net charge?
What charges do subatomic particles have?
Electrons (-1), Protons (+1), Neutrons (0)
How do you calculate neutrons in an atom?
Neutrons = Mass - Atomic Number
What are anions? and what type of element has them?
Anions are negatively charged ions. They are common to non-metals.
What are cations? and what type of element has them?
Cations are positively charged ions. They are common to metals.
The period number is the…
Number of shells.
The last digit of the group number is…
The number of vailence electrons.
If an atom is negatively charged what suffix do you add?
If an atom is positively charged what word do you add?