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Beber el alcohol
To drink alcohol
Consumir el alcohol
to consume alcohol
Enterarse de
to become informed (about)
hacer botell贸n
to drink with friends in the street
reunirse para beber
To get together to drink
Provocar problemas
To lead to problems
to get drunk
Tener lugar
to take place
Beber una copa
To have a drink
Beber a su salud
To drink to one's health
estar borracho como una cuba
to be as drunk as a Lord
beber demasiado
to drink too much
Tener resaca
to have a hangover
beber en exceso
to drink to excess
conducir en estado de embriaguez
to drink drive
Tomar medidas
to take measures
Prohibir el consumo del alcohol en la calle
To forbid the drinking of alcohol in the streets
molestar a los vecinos
to annoy the neighbours
Ensuciar las calles
To dirty the streets
el alcohol
el alcoh贸lico, la alcoh贸lica
un botell贸n
drinking session
un macrobotell贸n
a big drinking session
el orden p煤blico
public order
los gamberros de litrona
drinking hooligans
la borrachera
drunkenness; drinking spree, binge
la embriaguez
una consumici贸n
a drink
una queja
por medio de
by means of
de un trago
In one swallow
acostumbrarse a beber
to get used to drinking
iniciarse en la bebida a los ... a帽os
to begin drinking at...
to complain
conducir peligrosamente
to drive dangerously
beber sin exceso
to drink without excess
tomar sus propias decisiones
Make their own decisions
beber de una manera responsable
to drink responsibly
tener una actitud responsable hacia el alcohol
to have a responsible attitude towards alcohol
promover el consumo del alcohol
to promote the consumption of alcohol