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hay-pauncefote treaty
granted the US the right to build and police a canal through Central America
isthmus of panama
30 mile wide site for the route of the Panama Canal
fill in the blank
_________ was also considered for a canal route
republic of panama
fill in the blank
Roosevelt granted the ________ ___ ________ diplomatic recognition
hay-bunau-varilla treaty
granted the US a 10 mile wide zone through the Isthmus of Panama
william gorgas
appointed chief sanitary officer of the Panama Canal Zone
george washington goethals
army engineer who was in charge of the Panama Canal
Panama Canal open for use
speak softly and carry a big stick
roosevelt’s foreign policy
Dominican republic
fill in the blanks
America intervened in financial issues in ________ and ________ _________
roosevelt corollary
expanded interpretation of the Monroe Doctrine (anything that follows as a natural or logical result of something else)
spheres of influence
large areas of China’s coast whose economic affairs and foreign trade were controlled by other world powers
fill in the blank
Roosevelt asked ________ powers to not use China as a colony
open door policy
forbade Europe to control or interfere with the rights of Asia
boxer rebellion
extremist anti-Western uprising in China causing America to send troops to protect their citizens
russo-japanese war
Japan declared war on Russia for expanding into Korea and Manchuria and Japan won
nobel peace prize
fill in the blank
Roosevelt won the _____ _____ _____ for negotiating a peace treaty between Russia and Japan (1905)
fill in the blank
________ students in San Francisco’s school system were being discriminated against
gentleman’s agreement
Japanese government agreed to withhold passports from Japan laborers seeking to come to the US
great white fleet
Roosevelt sent a new naval fleet around the world to show America’s military might