MKT 441 Exam #2

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When preparing a job analysis for sales positions, a company should include its sales reps among those being interviewed. T/F


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The five major activities involved in staffing a sales force are to plan, recruit, select, hire and assimilate newly hired salespeople. T/F


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The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulations regarding hiring salespeople apply to firms with 25 or more employees. T/F


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The job description for a certain sales job is not likely to be used for:

Determining the content of a sales training program.

Forecasting sales in a salesperson's territory.

Evaluating a sales representative's performance

Setting quotas for a salesperson.

Forecasting sales in a salesperson's territory.

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The general theory underlying the use of personal history analyses in sales force selection is that:

All of these are correct.

If a firm finds some traits present in good sales reps and absent in poor ones, it is presumed that these are some of the traits required for success in the job.

Only the traits uncovered in these analyses are important in a sales job.

There are no other methods which can be used to determine desirable traits required for success in the job.

They are easy and inexpensive to conduct.

If a firm finds some traits present in good sales reps and absent in poor ones, it is presumed that these are some of the traits required for success in the job.

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The most important single tool used in operating a sales force is a:

job description

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Regarding the legal aspects of sales force selection:

If the government calls for it, a company has the burden of validating any of its hiring qualifications or selection tools.

Civil-rights legislation does not affect a company's choice of selection tools.

The EEOC hiring requirements apply to all companies regardless of their size.

All of these are true statements.

None of these are correct

If the government calls for it, a company has the burden of validating any of its hiring qualifications or selection tools.

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The trait of being a risk taker is related to the salesperson's ability to be innovative.


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Which one of the following statements is true?

 Candidates for team selling should the same characteristics as those recruited for solo same positions as well as some additional characteristics.

Candidates for sales teams need some characteristics that are different than those for solo sales positions.

The candidate recruited for team selling should have the same characteristics as those for any other sales position.

Sales team members are formulated with several current salespeople, so recruiting is not an issue.

Candidates for team selling must be very independent.

 Candidates for sales teams need some characteristics that are different than those for solo sales positions.

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Regarding the relationship between sales force recruiting and strategic planning:

Recruiting should drive the planning process.  

None of these is correct.

Strategic marketing planning and sales force recruiting are not related

The statement of a company's mission typically lists the firm's sources of recruits.

The selection process should be consistent with the company's strategic marketing planning and its sales force planning.

The selection process should be consistent with the company's strategic marketing planning and its sales force planning.

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Regarding the use of part-time salespeople:

Is an excellent source for in-home selling organizations.

They are not flexible in their availability.

None of these is correct.

The use of these reps is decreasing as companies build full-time sales forces.

One problem with these people is that they are difficult to contact.

Is an excellent source for in-home selling organizations.

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The best way for a firm to protect itself from charges of discrimination in its use of recruiting sources is:

To recruit from multiple sources

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T/F Salespeople’s roles are becoming increasingly complex as they must effectively collaborate with and offer service to many individuals in the buying organization?


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T/F Salespeople are not adjusting to the increased global emphasis and cultural diversity within and around organizations?


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What four questions should be asked in the training assessment phase?

  1. what are the training program objectives

  2. Who should be trained

  3. what are the training needs of the rep

  4. how much training is needed

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What are the training objectives?

increased sales productivity

Lower turnover

Higher morale

Improved communication

Improved customer relations

Improved self-management

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What section is the most beneficial to train?

middle 60 percent of its sales force, and even 20 percent of the top sales force

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T/F it is important at times to train people who are not the company’s employees, especially resellers?


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What is the difficulty analysis used for?

discovering what difficulties staff encounter in the field

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What are questions to be asked during the program design phase?

who should do the training

when should training take place

Where should it take place

What should the content be

What teaching methods should be used

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T/F regular line executives, staff personnel, outside specialists, and online methods should conduct the training?


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What are methods of teaching?

Lecture, discussions, demonstrations, role-playing, web-based training, audio podcasts, on-the-job training

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What are the four outcomes of training?

reactions, learning, behavior, and results

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What is nondirected interview?

Has the applicant talk about themselves in hope characteristics about them come out

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What are situation-based questions?

intended behaviors (future)

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What are behavior-based questions?

past behaviors (past)

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What is socialization?

process through which the new recruits take on the values and attitudes of the people who are already working for the firm

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At what stage does assimilation begin?

When recruits accept the position

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When hiring salespeople with experience, the best reference source is usually the candidate's

Personal friends and neighbors



previous sales manager

previous customers

previous customers

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Which of the following is true?

“What is your biggest weakness?” is a stress interview question.

 “What qualities do you think are important for this job?” is a behavior-based interview question.

 “Do you get along with people?” is a situation-based interview question.

 “Tell me about your biggest frustration in your current position” is situation-based interview question.

 “Tell me about your greatest failure” is a behavior-based interview question.

“Tell me about your greatest failure” is a behavior-based interview question.

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Which of the following statements is not true?

 Some negotiation or concessions may have to be made in dealing with the recruit.

 Some managers prefer to make the offer in person.

 The manager should appear to really want to hire the person.

 Usually the job offer is first made by letter then followed up on the telephone for an answer.

 The letter can be construed as a contract consequently great care must be taken in writing it.

Usually the job offer is first made by letter then followed up on the telephone for an answer.

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T/F in Decentralized training it is usually less expensive, matches instruction to the speed at which the trainee can learn material


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Which of the following is least likely to be used as a sales trainer?

Field sales supervisor

Some from company’s personnel department

Training specialist from outside the company

Territorial sales manager

Staff trainer in sales department

Someone from company’s personnel department

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T/F Most managers rely on top salespeople to help train other reps?


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Which of the following statements is correct?

Task related KSAs (knowledge, skills, abilities) enhance learning of growth-related KSAa.

Meta KSAs enhance learning of task and growth-related KSAs.

Growth related KSAs enhance learning of meta KSAs.

None of the KSA’s enhance learning other KSAs

Meta KSAs enhance learning of task and growth-related KSAs.

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T/F Motivation is the desire to put effort toward a goal to receive a reward that fulfills a need?


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T/F The three dimensions of motivational effort are: intensity, persistence, and choice


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What is intensity?

Amount of effort

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What is persistence?

how long the salesperson will continue to put effort

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What is choice?

salesperson’s choice of specific actions to accomplish job-related tasks

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What are the 3 links in expectancy theory?

valence, instrumentality, and expectancy

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What is valence?

extent of desirability

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What is instrumentality?

greater performance leads to greater reward

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What is expectancy?

greater effort leads to greater performance

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What are the two groups in the Dual-factor theory?

hygiene and motivation

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What is role theory?

social roles people occupy and the behaviors appropriate to those roles

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What is role ambiguity?

not sure what is expected of them

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What is role conflict?

Sales rep serving two masters: company and consumer

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What is the attribution theory?

attributing their success and failures to one or more of the following reasons: ability, effort, strategy, luck, or difficulty of the task

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What are the characteristics of a salesperson?

Demographics, psychological traits, experience

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What are the career stages?

exploration, establishment, maintenance, disengagement

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T/F Sales meetings are most commonly used methods of motivating salespeoples?


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T/F All needs originate within the person.


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T/F Quotas are seldom used to increase the chances of sales reps winning a contest.


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Finding the best combination of sales force motivators is least likely to be affected by:

The roles conflict in the sales job

The rep’s self-concept

Role ambiguity in the job

The mental and physical demands of the job

Who conducts the indoctrination training program

Who conducts the indoctrination training program

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Plateaued salespeople are those who:

Achieve the highest market share possible

Have temporary flattening of their sales

Achieve a level of sales for several years which equals their quotas

Have reached the saturation point in their territories

None of these

None of these

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T/F Many sales managers object to using sales contests to motivate their reps.


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