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What is self-esteem, and the importance of self-esteem?
A measure of how much value you respect and feel confident about yourself. The reason why it is important is because the more confidence you have within yourself, the easier it will be to use your refusal skills.
Benefits of high self-esteem
The benefits of high self-esteem include self-respect and accountability, protecting oneself from risk factors, and avoiding body harm.
Risks for having low self-esteem
Individuals with low self-esteem are more vulnerable to peer pressure, which often leads to them making unhealthy decisions.
Characteristics of high self-esteem
Not being afraid to try new things
Characteristics of low self-esteem
Show little to no respect for themselves or others
They lead to put themselves down
They are critical of others
High risk for depression and suicide
Low self-esteem is linked to eating disorders, running away and violence
Improving self-esteem (ways to do so)
Use positive-self talk and the messages you receive from others
Be careful of the things you say to yourself
Self-Talk - coaching yourself about your one self's worth
Act with integrity - Characteristics of doing what one knows is right.
Choose supportive Friends - Avoid critical or disrespected individuals, acknowledge your strength and support your goals and values
Self-respect is the pressure of how you view yourself
In a positive self-concept, then you're most likely to have a higher self esteem
If you don't think of yourself as a very likeable or valuable person, then you probably have a negative self-concept.
Accept yourself - celebrating your strengths
Improve yourself by setting short term goals.
Effective ways to communicate
Communication is the process through which two or more people exchange information
Essentially how you communicate with others
Collect how others relate to you
Express yourself efficiently and allow others to understand how you feel
Communication styles
Passive - This person tends to go along with what others want and they do not protest or resist when challenged
Aggressive - hostile, unfriendly, not effective and usually leads to bigger conflicts
Assertive - healthiest communication style
Taking responsibility for your emotions during communication
I - messages are a way to appropriately communicate how you feel
Using the word "I" allows you to take responsibility for your emotions
Why do we use "I" statements or messages
Because "I" messages don't blame or attack the other person
Communicating your feelings appropriately helps others understand you better, helps alleviate stress, and allows you to develop and maintain long term relationships, which improves your health
Examples of "I" messages
I want
I feel
I would appreciate it
I think
I need
Understanding other feelings, behaviors, and attitudes
Listening / active listening
Communication includes active listening
Letting the other party know you are listening and interested in what they are saying by asking questions relating to the topic
Engaging in body language
Maintaining eye contact
Not interrupting or changing subjects
The feeling that is produced in response to life experiences
Name 5 emotions
Anger - results from frustration or helplessness your response to answer is crucial
Fear - fear is not a pleasant emotion. But it can be helpful, fear help us avoid danger
Guilt - It alerts you when you might be going against your morals and values, it can keep you true to yourself
Jealousy - often caused by fear that something you own, or love will be lost
Loneliness - An emotion that makes you feel isolated from others, not physically but emotionally isolated
Ways to manage emotions
Talk it out - talking to someone you trust
Blow off steam - releasing that pent up energy in a positive way, building, something, plating as part, exercise
Be creative - release your emotions creatively by painting or mediating, listening to music, writing
Mental and emotional health characteristics
Mental Health Characteristics - positive emotions, feeling resilient, feeling happy, having a high self-esteem
Emotional Health Characteristics - being able to learn new things, adapt to change, and have emotional awareness
Internal vs External Pressures
Pressure you feel to become sexually active from oneself.
Instinctive interest in sexual activity because sex is necessary for reproduction
Pressuring you to become sexually active, could include boyfriend girlfriends, social media, or your peers
It's important to remember your morals and values when being pressured to go against them
Positive and negative characteristics
Positive - Kind, respect, tolerant, treat others well, similar values and morals, mutual respect
Negative - Abusive, doesn't respect morals or values, jealous, possessive, manipulative