AP World Unit 6 Vocab

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Economic Imperialism

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Economic Imperialism

The exploitation of people and raw materials from colonies by European and American economies.

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Social Darwinism

The application of Charles Darwin's "survival of the fittest" to society, used to justify imperialism by claiming European superiority.

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Civilizing Mission

The belief that colonial powers had a duty to bring Western civilization to "uncivilized" regions, used to justify colonization.

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White Man's Burden

The duty asserted by white people to manage nonwhite people they believed were less developed, used to justify imperialism.

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Belgian Congo

Former colony ruled by Belgium from 1908 to 1960, known for resource exploitation and mistreatment of native people.

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Settler Colony

Colonies where large numbers of colonizers settled, used to safeguard empires and relocate people from the colonizing country.

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Xhosa Cattle Killing Movement

Movement by the Xhosa tribe in Africa, believing that killing cattle and destroying crops would remove invaders from their lands.

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Ghost Dance Movement

Ceremony among Native Americans to rehabilitate their traditional cultures in the western U.S.

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Indian Revolt (1857)

Failed uprising against the British East India Company in India, leading to direct British government control.

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Opium Wars

Wars between China and Britain over opium trade, resulting in unequal treaties with foreign imperialist powers.

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Boxer Rebellion

Uprising against foreigners in China, led by peasants and eventually supported by the government, resulting in increased foreign influence.

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Taiping Rebellion

Violent revolt in China against the ruling Manchu Dynasty, caused by opium problems, foreign interference, and Manchurian origins.

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Spheres of Influence

Areas in China where foreign nations controlled economic developments after the Opium Wars.

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Ethnic Enclave

Geographic area with a high concentration of people from the same ethnic group, distinct from the surrounding population.

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Chinese Exclusion Act

Law passed in the U.S. in 1882, banning Chinese laborers from immigrating for 10 years due to industrialization-driven migrations.

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White Australia Policy

Laws and policies in Australia (1901-1973) restricting non-white immigration and promoting a racially insulated white society.

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Cecil Rhodes

European Prime Minister of the Cape Colony, played a central role in promoting British imperialism in South Africa.

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Treaty of Nanjing

Ended the First Opium War, with China repaying Britain for destroyed opium and ceding Hong Kong.

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British East India Company

English company focused on trade with Asia and India, played a significant role in controlling India and the opium trade.

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Berlin Conference

Conference where imperial countries divided Africa, at the expense of African people.

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