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construct validity
An indication of how well a variable was measured or manipulated or a study
content validity
the extent to which a measure captures all parts of a defined construct
convergent validity
an empirical test of the extent to which a self-report measure correlates with other measures of a theoretically similar construct
criterion validity
an empirical form of measurement validity that establishes the extent to which a measure is associated with the behavioral outcome with which it should be associated.
ecological validity
the extent to which the tasks and manipulations of a study are similar to real-world concepts. This is an aspect of external validity.
external validity
an indication of how well the results of a study generalize to , or represent, individuals or contexts besides those in the study itself.
internal validity
one of three criteria for establishing a causal claim. A study’s ability to rule out alternative explanations for a causal relationship between two variables.
the consistency of the results of a measure
statistical validity
the extent to which statistical conclusions derived from a study are reasonable and accurate